automatic-timezoned 1.0.81

Automatically update system timezone based on location
# Automatic Timezone Daemon

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A Linux daemon to automatically update the system timezone based on location.

## How It Works

1. The list of timezones and their location is loaded from the [``] file
2. The current location is retrieved from GeoClue
3. The distance between the current location and each timezone is calculated with the [Haversine formula]
4. The shortest distance determines the current timezone set via `systemd-timedated`
5. Then, the daemon waits for the location updated signal from GeoClue, and repeats from step 2 when it happens

_Note: The timezone choice may not be accurate if a reference city in a neighboring timezone is closer than any one in the actual timezone._

## Requirements

* [GeoClue]
* [IANA Time Zone Database] a.k.a. `tzdata` a.k.a. `zoneinfo`
* [systemd]
* The user must be allowed to use the [`org.freedesktop.timedate1.set-timezone` action] (`root` or [Polkit] rule)
* The user must have a running GeoClue agent or the GeoClue configuration must allow the absence of agent with an empty agent `whitelist`
  (see also [Stebalien/localtime - Configuring GeoClue], [geoclue/geoclue#74]

Please see the [examples/](examples/) directory for sample configurations.

## Configuration

$ automatic-timezoned --help
Automatically update system timezone based on location

Usage: automatic-timezoned [OPTIONS]

  -z, --zoneinfo-path <ZONEINFO_PATH>  Path to zoneinfo tab file [env: AUTOTZD_ZONEINFO_FILE=] [default: /usr/share/zoneinfo/]
  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>          Log level filter. See <> for syntax [env: AUTOTZD_LOG_LEVEL=] [default: info]
  -h, --help                           Print help
  -V, --version                        Print version


## Packages

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## Development

### Build

cargo build --release

### Test

cargo test

## Alternatives

This service depends on the `tzdata` package which allows to update the Time Zone Database independently and does not depend on a third-party service to calculate distances,
here are some alternatives which have made different trade-offs for performance and accuracy:

* [] Depends on the unmaintained [] Go library.
* [Gnome Automatic Time Zone] ([Source Code] Depends on the `tzdata` package and [Nominatim Web API] for distances.

## License

GNU General Public License v3.0