automata 0.0.3

An implementation of standard finite state automata such as DFA, NFA, Regex


A rust library to model several different automata and algorithms. In its current form includes the following automata:

  • Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
  • Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) with epsilon transitions

Visualization & Debugging

cargo run --bin test

Contained is an exporter to the popular dot format. A separate test binary also showcases construction and use of the exporter for example automata of each family and try to immediately show the images. This is handled by invoking dot–for conversion to png– and feh–for rendering the images–so make sure those are installed for the best effect.


cargo test

All units are tested, a bit stricter than their interface requirements, by automated unit tests. This includes automata construction, language recognition, word rejection, and the exporter.


There are more features planned and/or in development

  • Regex
  • Converters–all of (dfa, nfa, regex) are equivalent
  • Joins, Compositions, Intersects, Differences, Equivalence checks
  • Minimalization
  • Modeling solutions to linear integer (in-)equalities with finite automata
  • Finite-state Transducers–and compositions