autograd 0.8.0

Tensors and differentiable operations in Rust
//! This library provides differentiable operations and tensors. The current
//! backend is rust-ndarray.
//! # Examples
//! Here we are computing partial derivatives of `z = 2x^2 + 3y + 1`.
//! ```rust
//! extern crate autograd as ag;
//! extern crate ndarray;
//! # fn main() {
//! let ref x = ag::placeholder(&[]);
//! let ref y = ag::placeholder(&[]);
//! let ref z = 2*x*x + 3*y + 1;
//! // dz/dy
//! let gy = &ag::grad(&[z], &[y])[0];
//! println!("{:?}", gy.eval(&[]));   // => Some(3.)
//! // dz/dx (requires to fill the placeholder `x`)
//! let gx = &ag::grad(&[z], &[x])[0];
//! println!("{:?}", gx.eval(&[(x, &ndarray::arr0(2.).into_dyn())]));  // => Some(8.)
//! // ddz/dx (differentiates `z` again)
//! let ggx = &ag::grad(&[gx], &[x])[0];
//! println!("{:?}", ggx.eval(&[]));  // => Some(4.)
//! # }
//! ```
//! Another example: softmax regression for MNIST digits classification.
//! ```rust
//! extern crate autograd as ag;
//! # fn main() {
//! // -- graph def --
//! let ref x = ag::placeholder(&[-1, 28*28]);
//! let ref y = ag::placeholder(&[-1]);
//! let ref w = ag::variable(ag::ndarray_ext::glorot_uniform(&[28*28, 10]));
//! let ref b = ag::variable(ag::ndarray_ext::zeros(&[1, 10]));
//! let ref z = ag::matmul(x, w) + b;
//! let ref loss = ag::reduce_mean(&ag::sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(z, y), &[0, 1], false);
//! let ref params = [w, b];
//! let ref grads = ag::grad(&[loss], params);
//! let ref predictions = ag::argmax(z, -1, true);
//! let ref accuracy = ag::reduce_mean(&ag::equal(predictions, y), &[0], false);
//! let ref adam = ag::gradient_descent_ops::Adam::default();
//! let mut stateful_params = ag::gradient_descent_ops::Adam::vars_with_states(params);
//! let ref update_ops = adam.compute_updates(&stateful_params, grads);
//! // -- dataset --
//! // let ((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = dataset::load();
//! //
//! // -- training loop --
//! // for epoch in 0..30 {
//!     // ...
//!     // ag::run(update_ops, &[(x, &x_batch), (y, &y_batch)]);
//! // }
//! # }
//! ```
extern crate ndarray;
extern crate rand;

pub mod test_helper;

pub mod tensor;

pub mod runtime;

pub mod gradient;

pub mod ops;

pub mod ndarray_ext;

pub mod op;

pub use ndarray_ext::array_gen;

pub use tensor::Tensor;

pub use ops::*;

pub use ops::gradient_descent_ops;

pub use ndarray_ext::NdArray;

pub use runtime::{eval, run, Eval};