autograd 0.4.0

A toy library to run computation graphs mimicking TensorFlow and Theano
# autograd

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A library to run the computation graphs whose backend is 


## Overview
* Automatic differentiation
* Pure Rust
* Neural net first APIs
* Dynamic/static graph construction with shared variables

## Example
Here we are computing partial derivatives of `z = 2x^2 + 3y + 1`.


extern crate ndarray;
extern crate autograd as ag;

let ref x = ag::placeholder();
let ref y = ag::variable(ndarray::arr1(&[0]));
let ref z = 2*x*x + 3*y + 1;

// dz/dy
let ref g1 = ag::gradients(z, &[y], None)[0];

// dz/dx
let ref g2 = ag::gradients(z, &[x], None)[0];

// ddz/dx (differentiates `z` again)
let ref gg = ag::gradients(g2, &[x], None)[0];

// evaluation of symbolic gradients
assert_eq!(3., g1.eval()[0]);
assert_eq!(4., gg.eval()[0]);

// dz/dx requires to fill the placeholder `x`
let feed = ag::Feed::new().add(x, ndarray::arr1(&[2.]));
assert_eq!(8., g2.eval_with_input(feed)[0]);


For more, see 
[examples]( or

## License