autocorrect 1.10.7

A linter and formatter for help you improve copywriting, to correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
newline = ${ "\n" | "\r" }
space = ${ " "+ }

other = ${ !(string | html_start) ~ ANY }
comment = ${ 
  "//" ~ (!(newline) ~ ANY)*
  | "/*" ~ (!("*/") ~ ANY)* ~ "*/"

text = ${ (!("<") ~ ANY)+ }
html_void = _{ "<" ~ (!("/>" | ">") ~ ANY)* ~ (">" | "/>") }
html_node = _{ html_start ~ (!(html_end) ~ (html_node | text))+  ~ html_end }
html_tag_inner = _{ (!(">") ~ ANY)* }
html_start = { "<" ~ PUSH(html_tag_inner) ~ chevron_right }
html_end = { "</" ~ PUSH(html_tag_inner) ~ ">"}

chevron_right = _{
    | "/>"
    | "?>"

string = ${ string_val }
string_val = _{
    ("'" ~ (!("'") ~ ANY)* ~ "'") 
  | ("\"" ~ (!(newline | "\"") ~ ANY)* ~ "\"") 
  | ("`" ~ (!("`") ~ ANY)* ~ "`"+) 
key = ${ string_val ~ (" ")* ~ ":" ~ (" ")* }
pair = _{ key ~ string }

regexp = ${
  ( "/" ~ (!(newline | "/") ~ ANY)* ~ "/" )
  | ("RegExp" ~ "(" ~ " "* ~ string_val ~ (!")" ~ ANY)* ~ ")")

node = {  html_node | html_void | text }
js = _{ comment | pair | string | regexp | space | other}
line = _{  js | node | newline }
item = _{ SOI ~ line* ~ EOI }