autoclap 0.3.13

๐Ÿ‘ Auto-propagate Cargo.toml infos (name, version, author, repo) into app.
# autoclap


This lib builds on top of [`clap`]( and auto-propagates `Cargo.toml` infos (name, version, author, repo) into the application using it.

Running `app --help` now automatically includes this information in its output.

## Why?

`Cargo.toml` is the single source of truth containing application attributes such as:
* name
* version
* author(s)
* description

This information is usually duplicated in the app's `main`, leading to potential inconsistencies (update in one place but not another).

Moreover, a crate unifying this would provide consistency across all apps using it.

Finally, code for app initialization is minimal.

## Usage

use clap::Command;
use autoclap::autoclap;

fn main() {
    let app = autoclap!();

            .help("My arg description."),
    .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());

Now, running `app --help` now produces:

app 0.1.0 ::
Crate Author <crateauthor@e.mail>
๐Ÿงต The crate awesome description.

## Releases
The packge repository URL is concatenated with the version of a package to form a URL to a specific release.

This URL goes live when a release with the same version as the crate is published.

`autoclap` offers out-of-the box support for `GitHub`.