auto_enums 0.5.5

A library for to allow multiple return types by automatically generated enum.
# auto_enums

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A library for to allow multiple return types by automatically generated enum.

This crate is a procedural macro implementation of the features discussions in <>.

This library provides the following attribute macros:

* `#[auto_enum]`

  Parses syntax, creates the enum, inserts variants, and passes specified traits to `#[enum_derive]`.

* `#[enum_derive]`

  Implements specified traits to the enum.

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

auto_enums = "0.5"

The current version of auto_enums requires Rust 1.31 or later.

## Examples

`#[auto_enum]`'s basic feature is to wrap the value returned by the obvious branches (`match`, `if`, `return`, etc..) by an enum that implemented the specified traits.

use auto_enums::auto_enum;

fn foo(x: i32) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> {
    match x {
        0 => 1..10,
        _ => vec![5, 10].into_iter(),

`#[auto_enum]` generates code in two stages.

First, `#[auto_enum]` will do the following.

* parses syntax
* creates the enum
* inserts variants

Code like this will be generated:

fn foo(x: i32) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> {
    enum __Enum1<__T1, __T2> {

    match x {
        0 => __Enum1::__T1(1..10),
        _ => __Enum1::__T2(vec![5, 10].into_iter()),

Next, `#[enum_derive]` implements the specified traits.

[Code like this will be generated](docs/

See [API Documentation]( for more details.

## Supported traits

`#[enum_derive]` implements the supported traits and passes unsupported traits to `#[derive]`.

If you want to use traits that are not supported by `#[enum_derive]`, you can use another crate that provides `proc_macro_derive`, or you can define `proc_macro_derive` yourself ([derive_utils] probably can help it).

Basic usage of `#[enum_derive]`

use auto_enums::enum_derive;

// `#[enum_derive]` implements `Iterator`, and `#[derive]` implements `Clone`.
#[enum_derive(Iterator, Clone)]
enum Foo<A, B> {


### [std|core] libraries

Note that some traits have aliases.


* [`Deref`]
* [`DerefMut`]
* [`Index`]
* [`IndexMut`]
* [`RangeBounds`]
* [`Fn`] (*nightly-only*)
* [`FnMut`] (*nightly-only*)
* [`FnOnce`] (*nightly-only*)
* [`Generator`] (*nightly-only*)


* [`AsRef`]
* [`AsMut`]


* [`Iterator`]
* [`DoubleEndedIterator`]
* [`ExactSizeIterator`]
* [`FusedIterator`]
* [`TrustedLen`] (*nightly-only*)
* [`Extend`]


* [`Debug`] (alias: `fmt::Debug`) - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/
* [`Display`] (alias: `fmt::Display`)
* [`fmt::Binary`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::LowerExp`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::LowerHex`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::Octal`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::Pointer`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::UpperExp`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::UpperHex`] *(requires `"fmt"` crate feature)*
* [`fmt::Write`]


* [`Future`] - *nightly-only* - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/


* [`Read`] (alias: `io::Read`) - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/io/
* [`BufRead`] (alias: `io::BufRead`) - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/io/
* [`Write`] (alias: `io::Write`) - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/io/
* [`Seek`] (alias: `io::Seek`) - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/io/


* [`Error`] - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/std/

### External libraries

You can add support for external library by activating the each crate feature.

[`futures(v0.3)`]( *(requires `"futures"` crate feature)*

* [`futures::Stream`] - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/external/futures/
* [`futures::Sink`] - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/external/futures/
* [`futures::AsyncRead`] - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/external/futures/
* [`futures::AsyncWrite`] - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/external/futures/

[`futures(v0.1)`]( *(requires `"futures01"` crate feature)*

* [`futures01::Future`]
* [`futures01::Stream`]
* [`futures01::Sink`]

[`quote`]( *(requires `"proc_macro"` crate feature)*

* [`quote::ToTokens`]

[`rayon`]( *(requires `"rayon"` crate feature)*

* [`rayon::ParallelIterator`]
* [`rayon::IndexedParallelIterator`]
* [`rayon::ParallelExtend`]

[`serde`]( *(requires `"serde"` crate feature)*

* [`serde::Serialize`] - [generated code]docs/supported_traits/external/serde/

## License

Licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or <>)
* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT]LICENSE-MIT or <>)

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.