auto_correct 0.1.2

A library to provide auto correct suggestions. Currently supporting EN-US.

[Auto_Correct] docsrs

Rusty_Express on Rusty_Express on

What is this

This library provides auto correction suggestions on English words within 1 edit distance.

How to use

In your project's Cargo.toml, add dependency:

auto_correct = "^0.1.0"

In src\

extern crate auto_correct;

use auto_correct::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Initialize the service
    let correct_service = AutoCorrect::new();

    // Vector `results` contains an array of the `Candidate` objects, which is sorted by scores
    let results = correct_service.candidates("wodr");

    // Print out the result to the screen
    for idx in 0..results.len() {
        println!("Suggestion #{}: {}; Score: {}; Edit Distance: {}",
                    idx, results[idx].word, results[idx].score, results[idx].edit);