authy 0.9.2

Bindings for the Authy two factor web service.


Bindings for the Authy two factor web service


Please see the Documentation for more details.

You will need your API key for your application on

Be sure to add the authy crate to your Cargo.toml:

authy = "*"

Usage example:

extern crate authy;
use authy::Client;
use authy::user::User;

fn main() {
    let api_url = "";
    let api_key = "bf12974d70818a08199d17d5e2bae630";

    let c = Client::new(api_url, api_key);

    let country_code = 1;
    let email = "";
    let phone = "949-555-1234";

    let mut user = User::create(&c, email, country_code, phone, true).unwrap();

    println!("We have a user: {:#?}", user);

    let code = "000000"; // Pretend user has provided a valid code
    if user.verify(&c, code).unwrap() {
        println!("Congrats on being validated!");

    // Lets send out a sms token just for fun
    // Must be using a real API key on the production authy server for this to
    // actually send out anything.
    user.sms(&c, true, Some("login"), Some("Authy documentation example login")).unwrap();