august 2.4.0

A crate & program for converting HTML to plain text.


August is a Rust crate & program for converting HTML to plain text. It is specifically intended for rendering HTML emails as text; however, it can be used for other purposes like coverting HTML into text for some sort of full-text indexing or other processing.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

august = "^2.4"

and this to your code:

use august;

let input = "<p>Hello</p><i>Here's some HTML!</i>";
println!("{}", august::convert(input, 79));
println!("{}", august::convert_unstyled(input, 79));

The output now looks like this:


/Here's some HTML!/

Here's some HTML!

Command line program

Cargo comes with a little command-line program august that reads HTML from stdin and prints text to stdout. If you've enabled the term-size feature, it uses the terminal width as the default width, otherwise it uses 79. You can override this by passing -w WIDTH as an argument.

Known issues

  1. There's no CSS support currently. Some support will probably happen sometime, but it's still unclear what is worth implementing.



  • Added unstyled mode


  • Switch to more stream based functions
  • Update cargo config to use semver versions to prevent broken 0.x dependencies.


  • Add more documentation.
  • Use terminal widdth as default width when run from terminal size.
  • Disable term-size by default to reduce static linking size.
  • Reduce memory usage by about 30% for large files.
  • Reduce use of regexes.


  • Add support for more inline elements: code, dfn, kbd, mark, q, samp, var, del, input, select.
  • Add support for the pre element
  • Show unsupported inline elements inline instead of block.


Intital Python rewrite (