augmented_oscillator 1.4.0

Very simple implementation of an oscillator.


Very simple implementation of an oscillator.


Sine oscillator

let sample_rate = 44100.0;
let mut osc = augmented_oscillator::Oscillator::sine(sample_rate);
osc.set_frequency(40.0);  // set freq. in Hz
let _sample = osc.next_sample(); // tick the oscillator forward

Wave-table oscillator

use augmented_oscillator::{Oscillator, wavetable::WaveTableOscillator};

let sample_rate = 44100.0;
// let mut osc = WaveTableOscillator::new(vec![/* your wave table data */]);
// You can either ^^^^ provide your own table (and update it at runtime) or generate a table
// of a certain length (100 sample here) from a function oscillator
let mut osc = WaveTableOscillator::from_oscillator(Oscillator::sine(sample_rate), 100);
osc.set_frequency(40.0);  // set freq. in Hz
let _sample = osc.next_sample(); // tick the oscillator forward

Custom oscillator generator function

let sample_rate = 44100.0;
let mut osc = augmented_oscillator::Oscillator::new_with_sample_rate(
    move |phase: f32| phase.sin()
osc.set_frequency(40.0);  // set freq. in Hz
let _sample = osc.next_sample(); // tick the oscillator forward

License: MIT