aubio 0.2.1

Safe bindings for aubio library to label music and sounds.
use crate::{
    check_init, ffi,
    vec::{CVec, CVecMut, FVec, FVecMut},
    AsNativeStr, Error, Result, Status, WindowType,

 * Phase vocoder object
pub struct PVoc {
    pvoc: *mut ffi::aubio_pvoc_t,

impl Drop for PVoc {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

impl PVoc {
     * Create phase vocoder object
     * - `win_size` Size of analysis buffer (and length the FFT transform)
     * - `hop_size` Step size between two consecutive analysis
    pub fn new(win_size: usize, hop_size: usize) -> Result<Self> {
        let pvoc = unsafe { ffi::new_aubio_pvoc(win_size as ffi::uint_t, hop_size as ffi::uint_t) };


        Ok(Self { pvoc })

     * Select window type
    pub fn with_window(mut self, window_type: WindowType) -> Result<Self> {
        self.set_window(window_type).map(|_| self)

     * Get hop size
    pub fn get_hop(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { ffi::aubio_pvoc_get_hop(self.pvoc) as usize }

     * Get window size
    pub fn get_win(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { ffi::aubio_pvoc_get_win(self.pvoc) as usize }

     * Compute spectral frame
     * This function accepts an input vector of size `hop_size`.
     * The analysis buffer is rotated and filled with the new data.
     * After windowing of this signal window, the Fourier transform
     * is computed and returned in fftgrain as two vectors, magnitude
     * and phase.
     * - `input` New input signal (`hop_size` long)
     * - `fftgrain` Output spectral frame (`win_size` long)
    pub fn do_<'i, 'o, I, O>(&mut self, input: I, fftgrain: O) -> Status
        I: Into<FVec<'i>>,
        O: Into<CVecMut<'o>>,
        let input = input.into();
        let mut fftgrain = fftgrain.into();


        unsafe {
            ffi::aubio_pvoc_do(self.pvoc, input.as_ptr(), fftgrain.as_mut_ptr());

     * Compute signal from spectral frame
     * This function takes an input spectral frame fftgrain of size `win_size`
     * and computes its inverse Fourier transform. Overlap-add synthesis is then
     * computed using the previously synthetised frames, and the output stored in out.
     * - `fftgrain` Input spectral frame (`win_size` long)
     * - `output` Output signal (`hop_size` long)
    pub fn rdo<'i, 'o, I, O>(&mut self, fftgrain: I, output: O) -> Status
        I: Into<CVec<'i>>,
        O: Into<FVecMut<'o>>,
        let fftgrain = fftgrain.into();
        let mut output = output.into();


        // It seems the second arg have missing const qualifier so we need 'as *mut _' here
        unsafe {
            ffi::aubio_pvoc_rdo(self.pvoc, fftgrain.as_ptr() as *mut _, output.as_mut_ptr());

     * Set window type
    pub fn set_window(&mut self, window_type: WindowType) -> Status {
        if 0 == unsafe { ffi::aubio_pvoc_set_window(self.pvoc, window_type.as_native_cstr()) } {
        } else {

mod test {
    use crate::*;

    fn test() {
        const WIN_S: usize = 32; // window size
        const HOP_S: usize = WIN_S / 4; // hop size
        let in_ = [1.; HOP_S]; // input buffer
        let mut fftgrain = carr!(WIN_S); // fft norm and phase
        let mut out = farr!(HOP_S); // output buffer
                                    // allocate fft and other memory space
        let mut pv = PVoc::new(WIN_S, HOP_S).unwrap();

        assert!(PVoc::new(WIN_S, 0).is_err());
        assert_eq!(pv.get_win(), WIN_S);
        assert_eq!(pv.get_hop(), HOP_S);


        // compute 6 times
        for _i in 0..6 {
            // get some fresh input data
            // ..
            // execute phase vocoder
            pv.do_(in_.as_ref(), fftgrain.as_mut()).unwrap();
            // do something with fftgrain
            // ...
            println!("fftgrain: {:?}", fftgrain.as_ref());

            // optionally rebuild the signal
            pv.rdo(fftgrain.as_ref(), out.as_mut()).unwrap();
            // and do something with the result
            // ...
            println!("out: {:?}", out);