au 0.10.0

Automatic control systems library
//! # Linear system
//! This module contains the state-space representation of a linear system.
//! * poles calculation
//! * controllability matrix
//! * observability matrix
//! * conversion from a generic transfer function
//! * calculation the equilibrium point of the system.
//! * system stability
//! [continuous](continuous/index.html) module contains the specialized
//! structs and methods for continuous systems.
//! [discrete](discrete/index.html) module contains the specialized structs and
//! methods for discrete systems.
//! The [solver](solver/index.html) module contains the methods for the time
//! evaluation of continuous systems.

pub mod continuous;
pub mod discrete;
pub mod solver;

use nalgebra::{ComplexField, DMatrix, DVector, RealField, Scalar};
use num_complex::Complex;
use num_traits::Float;

use std::{
    fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter},

use crate::{
    error::{Error, ErrorKind},

/// State-space representation of a linear system
/// ```text
/// xdot(t) = A * x(t) + B * u(t)
/// y(t)    = C * x(t) + D * u(t)
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct SsGen<T: Scalar, U: Time> {
    /// A matrix
    pub(super) a: DMatrix<T>,
    /// B matrix
    pub(super) b: DMatrix<T>,
    /// C matrix
    pub(super) c: DMatrix<T>,
    /// D matrix
    pub(super) d: DMatrix<T>,
    /// Dimensions
    dim: Dim,
    /// Tag for continuous or discrete time
    time: PhantomData<U>,

/// Dim of the linear system.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Dim {
    /// Number of states
    states: usize,
    /// Number of inputs
    inputs: usize,
    /// Number of outputs
    outputs: usize,

/// Implementation of the methods for the Dim struct.
impl Dim {
    /// Get the number of states.
    pub fn states(&self) -> usize {

    /// Get the number of inputs.
    pub fn inputs(&self) -> usize {

    /// Get the number of outputs.
    pub fn outputs(&self) -> usize {

/// Implementation of the methods for the state-space
impl<T: Scalar, U: Time> SsGen<T, U> {
    /// Create a new state-space representation
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `states` - number of states (n)
    /// * `inputs` - number of inputs (m)
    /// * `outputs` - number of outputs (p)
    /// * `a` - A matrix (nxn), row major matrix supplied as slice
    /// * `b` - B matrix (nxm), row major matrix supplied as slice
    /// * `c` - C matrix (pxn), row major matrix supplied as slice
    /// * `d` - D matrix (pxm), row major matrix supplied as slice
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if matrix dimensions do not match
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use au::Ss;
    /// let sys = Ss::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &[-2., 0., 3., -7.], &[1., 3.], &[-1., 0.5], &[0.1]);
    /// ```
    pub fn new_from_slice(
        states: usize,
        inputs: usize,
        outputs: usize,
        a: &[T],
        b: &[T],
        c: &[T],
        d: &[T],
    ) -> Self {
        let states_matrix = DMatrix::from_row_slice(states, states, a);
        Self {
            a: states_matrix,
            b: DMatrix::from_row_slice(states, inputs, b),
            c: DMatrix::from_row_slice(outputs, states, c),
            d: DMatrix::from_row_slice(outputs, inputs, d),
            dim: Dim {
            time: PhantomData,

    /// Get the dimensions of the system (states, inputs, outputs).
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use au::Ssd;
    /// let sys = Ssd::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &[-2., 0., 3., -7.], &[1., 3.], &[-1., 0.5], &[0.1]);
    /// let dimensions = sys.dim();
    /// ```
    pub fn dim(&self) -> Dim {

/// Implementation of the methods for the state-space
impl<T: ComplexField + Float + RealField, U: Time> SsGen<T, U> {
    /// Calculate the poles of the system
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use au::Ss;
    /// let sys = Ss::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &[-2., 0., 3., -7.], &[1., 3.], &[-1., 0.5], &[0.1]);
    /// let poles = sys.poles();
    /// assert_eq!(-2., poles[0].re);
    /// assert_eq!(-7., poles[1].re);
    /// ```
    pub fn poles(&self) -> Vec<Complex<T>> {
        match self.dim().states() {
            1 => vec![Complex::new(self.a[(0, 0)], T::zero())],
            2 => {
                let m00 = self.a[(0, 0)];
                let m01 = self.a[(0, 1)];
                let m10 = self.a[(1, 0)];
                let m11 = self.a[(1, 1)];
                let trace = m00 + m11;
                let determinant = m00 * m11 - m01 * m10;

                let (eig1, eig2) = polynomial::complex_quadratic_roots(-trace, determinant);

                vec![eig1, eig2]
            _ => self.a.complex_eigenvalues().as_slice().to_vec(),

/// Controllability matrix implementation.
/// `Mr = [B AB A^2B ... A^(n-1)B]` -> (n, mn) matrix.
/// # Arguments
/// * `n` - Number of states
/// * `m` - Number of inputs
/// * `a` - A matrix
/// * `b` - B matrix
fn controllability_impl<T: RealField + Scalar>(
    n: usize,
    m: usize,
    a: &DMatrix<T>,
    b: &DMatrix<T>,
) -> DMatrix<T> {
    // Create the entire matrix ahead to avoid multiple allocations.
    let mut mr = DMatrix::<T>::zeros(n, n * m);
    // Create a temporary matrix for the multiplication, since the Mr matrix
    // cannot be used both as reference and mutable reference.
    let mut rhs = DMatrix::<T>::zeros(n, m);
    for i in 1..n {
        rhs.copy_from(&mr.columns_range(((i - 1) * m)..(i * m)));
        // Multiply A by the result of the previous step.
        // The result is directly inserted into Mr.
        a.mul_to(&rhs, &mut mr.columns_range_mut((i * m)..((i + 1) * m)))

/// Osservability matrix implementation.
/// `Mo = [C' A'C' A'^2B ... A'^(n-1)C']` -> (n, pn) matrix.
/// # Arguments
/// * `n` - Number of states
/// * `p` - Number of outputs
/// * `a` - A matrix
/// * `c` - C matrix
fn observability_impl<T: RealField + Scalar>(
    n: usize,
    p: usize,
    a: &DMatrix<T>,
    c: &DMatrix<T>,
) -> DMatrix<T> {
    // Create the entire matrix ahead to avoid multiple allocations.
    let mut mo = DMatrix::<T>::zeros(n, n * p);
    // Create a temporary matrix for the multiplication, since the Mo matrix
    // cannot be used both as reference and mutable reference.
    let mut rhs = DMatrix::<T>::zeros(n, p);
    for i in 1..n {
        rhs.copy_from(&mo.columns_range(((i - 1) * p)..(i * p)));
        // Multiply A by the result of the previous step.
        // The result is directly inserted into Mo;
        a.tr_mul_to(&rhs, &mut mo.columns_range_mut((i * p)..((i + 1) * p)))

impl<T: RealField + Scalar, U: Time> SsGen<T, U> {
    /// Controllability matrix
    /// `Mr = [B AB A^2B ... A^(n-1)B]` -> (n, mn) matrix.
    /// The return value is: `(rows, cols, vector with data in column major mode)`
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use au::{linear_system::SsGen, Discrete};
    /// let a = [-1., 3., 0., 2.];
    /// let b = [1., 2.];
    /// let c = [1., 1.];
    /// let d = [0.];
    /// let sys = SsGen::<_, Discrete>::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &a, &b, &c, &d);
    /// let mr = sys.controllability();
    /// assert_eq!((2, 2, vec![1., 2., 5., 4.]), mr);
    /// ```
    pub fn controllability(&self) -> (usize, usize, Vec<T>) {
        let n = self.dim.states;
        let m = self.dim.inputs;
        let mr = controllability_impl(n, m, &self.a, &self.b);
        (n, n * m,

    /// Osservability matrix
    /// `Mo = [C' A'C' A'^2B ... A'^(n-1)C']` -> (n, pn) matrix.
    /// The return value is: `(rows, cols, vector with data in column major mode)`
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use au::{linear_system::SsGen, Continuous};
    /// let a = [-1., 3., 0., 2.];
    /// let b = [1., 2.];
    /// let c = [1., 1.];
    /// let d = [0.];
    /// let sys = SsGen::<_, Continuous>::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &a, &b, &c, &d);
    /// let mr = sys.osservability();
    /// assert_eq!((2, 2, vec![1., 1., -1., 5.]), mr);
    /// ```
    pub fn osservability(&self) -> (usize, usize, Vec<T>) {
        let n = self.dim.states;
        let p = self.dim.outputs;
        let mo = observability_impl(n, p, &self.a, &self.c);
        (n, n * p,

macro_rules! leverrier {
    ($ty:ty, $name:ident) => {
        /// Faddeev-LeVerrier algorithm
        /// [Wikipedia](
        /// B(s) =       B1*s^(n-1) + B2*s^(n-2) + B3*s^(n-3) + ...
        /// a(s) = s^n + a1*s^(n-1) + a2*s^(n-2) + a3*s^(n-3) + ...
        /// with B1 = I = eye(n,n)
        /// a1 = -trace(A); ak = -1/k * trace(A*Bk)
        /// Bk = a_(k-1)*I + A*B_(k-1)
        #[allow(non_snake_case, clippy::cast_precision_loss)]
        pub(super) fn $name(A: &DMatrix<$ty>) -> (Poly<$ty>, PolyMatrix<$ty>) {
            let size = A.nrows(); // A is a square matrix.
            let mut a = vec![1.0];
            let a1 = -A.trace();
            a.insert(0, a1);

            let B1 = DMatrix::identity(size, size); // eye(n,n)
            let mut B = vec![B1.clone()];
            if size == 1 {
                return (Poly::new_from_coeffs(&a), PolyMatrix::new_from_coeffs(&B));

            let mut Bk = B1.clone();
            let mut ak = a1;
            for k in 2..=size {
                Bk = ak * &B1 + A * &Bk;
                B.insert(0, Bk.clone());

                let ABk = A * &Bk;
                // Casting usize to $ty causes a loss of precision on targets with
                // 64-bit wide pointers (usize is 64 bits wide, but $ty's mantissa is
                // only 52 bits wide for f64 and 23 bits wide for f32)
                ak = -(k as $ty).recip() * ABk.trace();
                a.insert(0, ak);
            (Poly::new_from_coeffs(&a), PolyMatrix::new_from_coeffs(&B))

leverrier!(f64, leverrier_f64);
leverrier!(f32, leverrier_f32);

impl<T: ComplexField + Float + RealField, U: Time> SsGen<T, U> {
    /// Convert a transfer function representation into state space representation.
    /// Conversion is done using the observability canonical form.
    /// ```text
    ///        b_n*s^n + b_(n-1)*s^(n-1) + ... + b_1*s + b_0
    /// G(s) = ---------------------------------------------
    ///          s^n + a_(n-1)*s^(n-1) + ... + a_1*s + a_0
    ///     ┌                   ┐        ┌         ┐
    ///     │ 0 0 0 . 0 -a_0    │        │ b'_0    │
    ///     │ 1 0 0 . 0 -a_1    │        │ b'_1    │
    /// A = │ 0 1 0 . 0 -a_2    │,   B = │ b'_2    │
    ///     │ . . . . . .       │        │ .       │
    ///     │ 0 0 0 . 1 -a_(n-1)│        │ b'_(n-1)│
    ///     └                   ┘        └         ┘
    ///     ┌           ┐                ┌    ┐
    /// C = │0 0 0 . 0 1│,           D = │b'_n│
    ///     └           ┘                └    ┘
    /// b'_n = b_n,   b'_i = b_i - a_i*b'_n,   i = 0, ..., n-1
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// `tf` - transfer function
    /// # Errors
    /// It returns an error if the transfer function has no poles.
    pub fn new_observability_realization(tf: &TfGen<T, U>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        // Get the denominator in the monic form mantaining the original gain.
        let tf_norm = tf.normalize();
        let order = match tf_norm.den().degree() {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => return Err(Error::new_internal(ErrorKind::ZeroPolynomialDenominator)),
        let num = {
            // Extend the numerator coefficients with zeros to the length of the
            // denominator polynomial.
            let mut num = tf_norm.num().clone();

        // Calculate the observability canonical form.
        let a = observability_canonical_form(&tf_norm)?;

        // Get the number of states n.
        let states = a.nrows();
        // Get the highest coefficient of the numerator.
        let b_n = num[order];

        // Create a nx1 vector with b'i = bi - ai * b'n
        let b = DMatrix::from_fn(states, 1, |i, _j| num[i] - tf_norm.den()[i] * b_n);

        // Crate a 1xn vector with all zeros but the last that is 1.
        let c = {
            let mut c = DMatrix::zeros(1, states);
            c[states - 1] = T::one();

        // Crate a 1x1 matrix with the highest coefficient of the numerator.
        let d = DMatrix::from_element(1, 1, b_n);

        // A single transfer function has only one input and one output.
        Ok(Self {
            dim: Dim {
                inputs: 1,
                outputs: 1,
            time: PhantomData,

    /// Convert a transfer function representation into state space representation.
    /// Conversion is done using the controllability canonical form.
    /// ```text
    ///        b_n*s^n + b_(n-1)*s^(n-1) + ... + b_1*s + b_0
    /// G(s) = ---------------------------------------------
    ///          s^n + a_(n-1)*s^(n-1) + ... + a_1*s + a_0
    ///     ┌                          ┐        ┌   ┐
    ///     │  0    1    0   .  0      │        │ 0 │
    ///     │  0    0    1   .  0      │        │ 0 │
    /// A = │  0    0    0   .  0      │,   B = │ 0 │
    ///     │  .    .    .   .  .      │        │ . │
    ///     │  0    0    0   .  1      │        │ 0 │
    ///     │ -a_0 -a_1 -a_2 . -a_(n-1)│        │ 1 │
    ///     └                          ┘        └   ┘
    ///     ┌                         ┐         ┌    ┐
    /// C = │b'_0 b'_1 b'_2 . b'_(n-1)│,    D = │b'_n│
    ///     └                         ┘         └    ┘
    /// b'_n = b_n,   b'_i = b_i - a_i*b'_n,   i = 0, ..., n-1
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// `tf` - transfer function
    /// # Errors
    /// It returns an error if the transfer function has no poles.
    pub fn new_controllability_realization(tf: &TfGen<T, U>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        // Get the denominator in the monic form mantaining the original gain.
        let tf_norm = tf.normalize();
        let order = match tf_norm.den().degree() {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => return Err(Error::new_internal(ErrorKind::ZeroPolynomialDenominator)),
        let num = {
            // Extend the numerator coefficients with zeros to the length of the
            // denominator polynomial.
            let mut num = tf_norm.num().clone();

        // Calculate the observability canonical form.
        let a = controllability_canonical_form(&tf_norm)?;

        // Get the number of states n.
        let states = a.nrows();
        // Get the highest coefficient of the numerator.
        let b_n = num[order];

        // Crate a nx1 vector with all zeros but the last that is 1.
        let b = {
            let mut b = DMatrix::zeros(states, 1);
            b[states - 1] = T::one();

        // Create a 1xn vector with b'i = bi - ai * b'n
        let c = DMatrix::from_fn(1, states, |_i, j| num[j] - tf_norm.den()[j] * b_n);

        // Crate a 1x1 matrix with the highest coefficient of the numerator.
        let d = DMatrix::from_element(1, 1, b_n);

        // A single transfer function has only one input and one output.
        Ok(Self {
            dim: Dim {
                inputs: 1,
                outputs: 1,
            time: PhantomData,

/// Build the observability canonical form of the states (A) matrix.
/// The transfer function shall be in normalized from, i.e. the highest
/// coefficient of the denominator shall be 1.
fn observability_canonical_form<T, U>(tf: &TfGen<T, U>) -> Result<DMatrix<T>, Error>
    T: ComplexField + Float + RealField,
    U: Time,
    // Assert that the denominator is in monic form.
    match tf.den().degree() {
        Some(degree) if degree > 0 => {
            let comp = DMatrix::from_fn(degree, degree, |i, j| {
                if j == degree - 1 {
                } else if i == j + 1 {
                } else {
        _ => Err(Error::new_internal(ErrorKind::NoPolesDenominator)),

/// Build the controllability canonical form of the states (A) matrix.
/// The transfer function shall be in normalized from, i.e. the highest
/// coefficient of the denominator shall be 1.
fn controllability_canonical_form<T, U>(tf: &TfGen<T, U>) -> Result<DMatrix<T>, Error>
    T: ComplexField + Float + RealField,
    U: Time,
    // Assert that the denominator is in monic form.
    match tf.den().degree() {
        Some(degree) if degree > 0 => {
            let comp = DMatrix::from_fn(degree, degree, |i, j| {
                if i == degree - 1 {
                } else if j == i + 1 {
                } else {
        _ => Err(Error::new_internal(ErrorKind::NoPolesDenominator)),

/// Implementation of state-space representation
impl<T: Scalar + Display, U: Time> Display for SsGen<T, U> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            "A: {}\nB: {}\nC: {}\nD: {}",
            self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d

/// Struct describing an equilibrium point
pub struct Equilibrium<T: Scalar> {
    /// State equilibrium
    x: DVector<T>,
    /// Output equilibrium
    y: DVector<T>,

/// Implement methods for equilibrium
impl<T: Scalar> Equilibrium<T> {
    /// Create a new equilibrium given the state and the output vectors
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `x` - State equilibrium
    /// * `y` - Output equilibrium
    fn new(x: DVector<T>, y: DVector<T>) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

    /// Retrieve state coordinates for equilibrium
    pub fn x(&self) -> &[T] {

    /// Retrieve output coordinates for equilibrium
    pub fn y(&self) -> &[T] {

/// Implementation of printing of equilibrium point
impl<T: Display + Scalar> Display for Equilibrium<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "x: {}\ny: {}", self.x, self.y)

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{polynomial_matrix::MatrixOfPoly, Continuous, Discrete};

    use nalgebra::DMatrix;
    use proptest::prelude::*;

    proptest! {
        fn qc_dimensions(states: usize, inputs: usize, outputs: usize) {
            let d = Dim {
            assert_eq!(states, d.states());
            assert_eq!(inputs, d.inputs());
            assert_eq!(outputs, d.outputs());

    fn system_dimensions() {
        let states = 2;
        let inputs = 1;
        let outputs = 1;
        let sys = SsGen::<_, Continuous>::new_from_slice(
            &[-2., 0., 3., -7.],
            &[1., 3.],
            &[-1., 0.5],
            Dim {

    fn poles_fail() {
        let eig1 = -2.;
        let eig2 = -7.;
        let a = DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 2, &[eig1, 0., 3., eig2]);
        let schur = nalgebra::Schur::new(a);
        let poles = schur.complex_eigenvalues();
        assert_eq!((eig1, eig2), (poles[0].re, poles[1].re));

    fn poles_regression() {
        let eig1 = -2.;
        let eig2 = -7.;
        let sys = SsGen::<_, Discrete>::new_from_slice(
            &[eig1, 0., 3., eig2],
            &[1., 3.],
            &[-1., 0.5],
        let poles = sys.poles();
        assert_eq!((eig1, eig2), (poles[0].re, poles[1].re));

    proptest! {
        fn qc_poles_one(eig: f32) {
            let sys = SsGen::<_, Continuous>::new_from_slice(1, 1, 1, &[eig], &[1.], &[-1.], &[0.1]);
            let poles = sys.poles();

            let expected = (eig, 0.);
            let actual = (poles[0].re, poles[0].im);
            assert_relative_eq!(expected.0, actual.0, max_relative = 1e-10);
            assert_relative_eq!(expected.1, actual.1, max_relative = 1e-10);

    proptest! {
        fn qc_poles_two(eig1 in (-1e12..1e12), eig2 in (-1e12..1e12)) {
            let sys = SsGen::<_, Continuous>::new_from_slice(
                &[eig1, 0., 3., eig2],
                &[1., 3.],
                &[-1., 0.5],
            let poles = sys.poles();

            let mut expected = [eig1, eig2];
            expected.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap());
            let mut actual = [poles[0].re, poles[1].re];
            actual.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap());
            assert_relative_eq!(expected[0], actual[0], max_relative = 1e-10);
            assert_relative_eq!(expected[1], actual[1], max_relative = 1e-10);

    fn poles_three() {
        let eig1 = -7.;
        let eig2 = -2.;
        let eig3 = 1.25;
        let sys = SsGen::<_, Discrete>::new_from_slice(
            &[eig1, 0., 0., 3., eig2, 0., 10., 0.8, eig3],
            &[1., 3., -5.5],
            &[-1., 0.5, -4.3],
        let mut poles = sys.poles();
        poles.sort_unstable_by(|a, b|;
        assert_relative_eq!(eig1, poles[0].re, max_relative = 1e-10);
        assert_relative_eq!(eig2, poles[1].re, max_relative = 1e-10);
        assert_relative_eq!(eig3, poles[2].re, max_relative = 1e-10);

    fn leverrier_algorythm_f64() {
        // Example of LeVerrier algorithm (Wikipedia)");
        let t = DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[3., 1., 5., 3., 3., 1., 4., 6., 4.]);
        let expected_pc = Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[-40., 4., -10., 1.]);
        let expected_degree0 =
            DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[6., 26., -14., -8., -8., 12., 6., -14., 6.]);
        let expected_degree1 =
            DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[-7., 1., 5., 3., -7., 1., 4., 6., -6.]);
        let expected_degree2 = DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]);

        let (p, poly_matrix) = leverrier_f64(&t);

        println!("T: {}\np: {}\n", &t, &p);
        println!("B: {}", &poly_matrix);

        assert_eq!(expected_pc, p);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree0, poly_matrix[0]);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree1, poly_matrix[1]);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree2, poly_matrix[2]);

        let mp = MatrixOfPoly::from(poly_matrix);
        println!("mp {}", &mp);
        let expected_result = "[[6 -7s +1s^2, 26 +1s, -14 +5s],\n \
                               [-8 +3s, -8 -7s +1s^2, 12 +1s],\n \
                               [6 +4s, -14 +6s, 6 -6s +1s^2]]";
        assert_eq!(expected_result, format!("{}", &mp));

    fn leverrier_algorythm_f32() {
        // Example of LeVerrier algorithm (Wikipedia)");
        let t = DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[3., 1., 5., 3., 3., 1., 4., 6., 4.]);
        let expected_pc = Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[-40., 4., -10., 1.]);
        let expected_degree0 =
            DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[6., 26., -14., -8., -8., 12., 6., -14., 6.]);
        let expected_degree1 =
            DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[-7., 1., 5., 3., -7., 1., 4., 6., -6.]);
        let expected_degree2 = DMatrix::from_row_slice(3, 3, &[1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]);

        let (p, poly_matrix) = leverrier_f32(&t);

        println!("T: {}\np: {}\n", &t, &p);
        println!("B: {}", &poly_matrix);

        assert_eq!(expected_pc, p);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree0, poly_matrix[0]);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree1, poly_matrix[1]);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree2, poly_matrix[2]);

        let mp = MatrixOfPoly::from(poly_matrix);
        println!("mp {}", &mp);
        let expected_result = "[[6 -7s +1s^2, 26 +1s, -14 +5s],\n \
                               [-8 +3s, -8 -7s +1s^2, 12 +1s],\n \
                               [6 +4s, -14 +6s, 6 -6s +1s^2]]";
        assert_eq!(expected_result, format!("{}", &mp));

    fn leverrier_1x1_matrix_f32() {
        let t = DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 1, &[3.]);
        let expected_pc = Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[-3., 1.]);
        let expected_degree0 = DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 1, &[1.]);

        let (p, poly_matrix) = leverrier_f32(&t);
        assert_eq!(expected_pc, p);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree0, poly_matrix[0]);

        let mp = MatrixOfPoly::from(poly_matrix);
        let expected_result = "[[1]]";
        assert_eq!(expected_result, format!("{}", &mp));

    fn leverrier_1x1_matrix_f64() {
        let t = DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 1, &[3.]);
        let expected_pc = Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[-3., 1.]);
        let expected_degree0 = DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 1, &[1.]);

        let (p, poly_matrix) = leverrier_f64(&t);
        assert_eq!(expected_pc, p);
        assert_eq!(expected_degree0, poly_matrix[0]);

        let mp = MatrixOfPoly::from(poly_matrix);
        let expected_result = "[[1]]";
        assert_eq!(expected_result, format!("{}", &mp));

    fn convert_to_ss_continuous() {
        use crate::transfer_function::continuous::Tf;
        let tf = Tf::new(
            Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1., 1., 1.]),

        let ss = SsGen::new_controllability_realization(&tf).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 2, &[0., 1., -1., -1.]), ss.a);
        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 1, &[0., 1.]), ss.b);
        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 2, &[1., 0.]), ss.c);
        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 1, &[0.]), ss.d);

    fn convert_to_ss_discrete() {
        use crate::transfer_function::discrete::Tfz;
        let tf = Tfz::new(
            Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1., 0., 1.]),
            Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[3., 4., 1.]),

        let ss = SsGen::new_observability_realization(&tf).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 2, &[0., -3., 1., -4.]), ss.a);
        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(2, 1, &[-2., -4.]), ss.b);
        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 2, &[0., 1.]), ss.c);
        assert_eq!(DMatrix::from_row_slice(1, 1, &[1.]), ss.d);

    fn failed_observability_realization() {
        use crate::transfer_function::discrete::Tfz;
        let tf = Tfz::new(Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1.]), Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[0.]));
        let ss = SsGen::new_observability_realization(&tf);

    fn failed_observability_canonical_form() {
        use crate::transfer_function::discrete::Tfz;
        let tf = Tfz::new(Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1.]), Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1.]));
        let matrix = observability_canonical_form(&tf);

    fn failed_controllability_realization() {
        use crate::transfer_function::discrete::Tfz;
        let tf = Tfz::new(Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1.]), Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[0.]));
        let ss = SsGen::new_controllability_realization(&tf);

    fn failed_controllability_canonical_form() {
        use crate::transfer_function::discrete::Tfz;
        let tf = Tfz::new(Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1.]), Poly::new_from_coeffs(&[1.]));
        let matrix = controllability_canonical_form(&tf);

    fn controllability() {
        let a = [-1., 3., 0., 2.];
        let b = [1., 2.];
        let c = [1., 1.];
        let d = [0.];

        let sys = SsGen::<_, Discrete>::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &a, &b, &c, &d);
        let mr = sys.controllability();
        assert_eq!((2, 2, vec![1., 2., 5., 4.]), mr);

    fn osservability() {
        let a = [-1., 3., 0., 2.];
        let b = [1., 2.];
        let c = [1., 1.];
        let d = [0.];

        let sys = SsGen::<_, Continuous>::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &a, &b, &c, &d);
        let mo = sys.osservability();
        assert_eq!((2, 2, vec![1., 1., -1., 5.]), mo);

    fn linear_system_display() {
        let a = [-1., 3., 0., 2.];
        let b = [1., 2.];
        let c = [1., 1.];
        let d = [0.];

        let sys = SsGen::<_, Continuous>::new_from_slice(2, 1, 1, &a, &b, &c, &d);
        let string = format!("{}", &sys);