atuin-client 12.0.0

client library for atuin
// import old shell history from zsh-histdb!
// automatically hoover up all that we can find

// As far as i can tell there are no version numbers in the histdb sqlite DB, so we're going based
// on the schema from 2022-05-01
// I have run into some histories that will not import b/c of non UTF-8 characters.

// An Example sqlite query for hsitdb data:
//  select
//    history.start_time,
//    places.dir,
//    commands.argv
//  from history
//    left join commands on history.command_id = commands.rowid
//    left join places on history.place_id = places.rowid ;
// CREATE TABLE history  (id integer primary key autoincrement,
//                       session int,
//                       command_id int references commands (id),
//                       place_id int references places (id),
//                       exit_status int,
//                       start_time int,
//                       duration int);

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

use async_trait::async_trait;
use chrono::{prelude::*, Utc};
use directories::UserDirs;
use eyre::{eyre, Result};
use sqlx::{sqlite::SqlitePool, Pool};

use super::Importer;
use crate::history::History;
use crate::import::Loader;

#[derive(sqlx::FromRow, Debug)]
pub struct HistDbEntryCount {
    pub count: usize,

#[derive(sqlx::FromRow, Debug)]
pub struct HistDbEntry {
    pub id: i64,
    pub start_time: NaiveDateTime,
    pub host: Vec<u8>,
    pub dir: Vec<u8>,
    pub argv: Vec<u8>,
    pub duration: i64,

impl From<HistDbEntry> for History {
    fn from(histdb_item: HistDbEntry) -> Self {
            DateTime::from_utc(histdb_item.start_time, Utc), // must assume UTC?
                .unwrap_or_else(|_e| String::from(""))
                .unwrap_or_else(|_e| String::from(""))
            0, // assume 0, we have no way of knowing :(
                    .unwrap_or_else(|_e| String::from(""))

pub struct ZshHistDb {
    histdb: Vec<HistDbEntry>,

/// Read db at given file, return vector of entries.
async fn hist_from_db(dbpath: PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<HistDbEntry>> {
    let pool = SqlitePool::connect(dbpath.to_str().unwrap()).await?;

async fn hist_from_db_conn(pool: Pool<sqlx::Sqlite>) -> Result<Vec<HistDbEntry>> {
    let query = "select,history.start_time,history.duration,,places.dir,commands.argv from history left join commands on history.command_id = commands.rowid left join places on history.place_id = places.rowid order by history.start_time";
    let histdb_vec: Vec<HistDbEntry> = sqlx::query_as::<_, HistDbEntry>(query)

impl ZshHistDb {
    pub fn histpath_candidate() -> PathBuf {
        // By default histdb database is `${HOME}/.histdb/zsh-history.db`
        // This can be modified by ${HISTDB_FILE}
        //  if [[ -z ${HISTDB_FILE} ]]; then
        //      typeset -g HISTDB_FILE="${HOME}/.histdb/zsh-history.db"
        let user_dirs = UserDirs::new().unwrap(); // should catch error here?
        let home_dir = user_dirs.home_dir();
            .map(|x| Path::new(x).to_path_buf())
            .unwrap_or_else(|_err| home_dir.join(".histdb/zsh-history.db"))
    pub fn histpath() -> Result<PathBuf> {
        let histdb_path = ZshHistDb::histpath_candidate();
        if histdb_path.exists() {
        } else {
                "Could not find history file. Try setting $HISTDB_FILE"

impl Importer for ZshHistDb {
    // Not sure how this is used
    const NAME: &'static str = "zsh_histdb";

    /// Creates a new ZshHistDb and populates the history based on the pre-populated data
    /// structure.
    async fn new() -> Result<Self> {
        let dbpath = ZshHistDb::histpath()?;
        let histdb_entry_vec = hist_from_db(dbpath).await?;
        Ok(Self {
            histdb: histdb_entry_vec,
    async fn entries(&mut self) -> Result<usize> {
    async fn load(self, h: &mut impl Loader) -> Result<()> {
        for i in self.histdb {

mod test {

    use super::*;
    use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePoolOptions;
    use std::env;
    #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
    async fn test_env_vars() {
        let test_env_db = "nonstd-zsh-history.db";
        let key = "HISTDB_FILE";
        env::set_var(key, test_env_db);

        // test the env got set
        assert_eq!(env::var(key).unwrap(), test_env_db.to_string());

        // test histdb returns the proper db from previous step
        let histdb_path = ZshHistDb::histpath_candidate();
        assert_eq!(histdb_path.to_str().unwrap(), test_env_db);

    #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
    async fn test_import() {
        let pool: SqlitePool = SqlitePoolOptions::new()

        // sql dump directly from a test database.
        let db_sql = r#"
        PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
        CREATE TABLE commands (id integer primary key autoincrement, argv text, unique(argv) on conflict ignore);
        INSERT INTO commands VALUES(1,'pwd');
        INSERT INTO commands VALUES(2,'curl');
        INSERT INTO commands VALUES(3,'bash');
        CREATE TABLE places   (id integer primary key autoincrement, host text, dir text, unique(host, dir) on conflict ignore);
        INSERT INTO places VALUES(1,'mbp16.local','/home/noyez');
        CREATE TABLE history  (id integer primary key autoincrement,
                               session int,
                               command_id int references commands (id),
                               place_id int references places (id),
                               exit_status int,
                               start_time int,
                               duration int);
        INSERT INTO history VALUES(1,0,1,1,0,1651497918,1);
        INSERT INTO history VALUES(2,0,2,1,0,1651497923,1);
        INSERT INTO history VALUES(3,0,3,1,NULL,1651497930,NULL);
        DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;
        INSERT INTO sqlite_sequence VALUES('commands',3);
        INSERT INTO sqlite_sequence VALUES('places',3);
        INSERT INTO sqlite_sequence VALUES('history',3);
        CREATE INDEX hist_time on history(start_time);
        CREATE INDEX place_dir on places(dir);
        CREATE INDEX place_host on places(host);
        CREATE INDEX history_command_place on history(command_id, place_id);
        COMMIT; "#;


        // test histdb iterator
        let histdb_vec = hist_from_db_conn(pool).await.unwrap();
        let histdb = ZshHistDb { histdb: histdb_vec };

        println!("h: {:#?}", histdb.histdb);
        println!("counter: {:?}", histdb.histdb.len());
        for i in histdb.histdb {
            println!("{:?}", i);