attribute-derive 0.2.2

Clap for proc macro attributes

attribute-derive MIT

Basicly clap for attribute macros:

#[attribute(ident = "collection")]
#[attribute(invalid_field = "Error when an unsupported value is set (e.g. meaning=42")]
struct CollectionAttribute {
    // Options are optional by default (will be set to None if not specified)
    authority: Option<String>,
    #[attribute(missing = "Error when the value is not set")]
    name: String,
    // Any type implementing default can be flagged as default
    // This will be set to Vec::default() when not specified
    #[attribute(expected = "Error when an error occured while parsing")]
    views: Vec<Type>,
    // Booleans can be used without assiging a value. as a flag.
    // If omitted they are set to false

Will be able to parse an attribute like this:

#[collection(authority="Some String", name = r#"Another string"#, views = [Option, ()])]


There are some limitations in syntax parsing that will be lifted future releases.

  • literals in top level (meaning something like #[attr(42, 3.14, "hi")]
  • function like arguments (something like #[attr(view(a = "test"))]
  • other syntaxes, maybe something like key: value