atomicwrites 0.0.7

Atomic file-writes. failed to build atomicwrites-0.0.7
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Visit the last successful build: atomicwrites-0.4.3


Build Status Windows build status

Atomic file-writes. Works on both POSIX and Windows.

The basic idea is to write to temporary files, and move them when done writing. This avoids the problem of two programs writing to the same file. For AllowOverride, link + unlink is used instead of rename to raise errors when the target path already exists.


use atomicwrites::{AtomicFile,DisallowOverwrite};

let af = AtomicFile::new("foo", DisallowOverwrite);
try!(af.write(|f| {

I'm not at all satisfied with this API, but there doesn't seem to be a different way to force the user to check for errors when closing the file. See the relevant RFC discussion, suggestions in the issue tracker on how to improve the API are welcome too.


Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE.