atelier_lib 0.1.1

Rust native primary client library for the AWS Smithy IDL.
# Atelier: crate atelier_lib

A combined crate for all Atelier sub-crates incorporated as features. Atelier is a Rust native
library, and tools, for the AWS [Smithy]( Interface Definition


The aim of this crate is to provide a single client interface over a set of crates that provide
different Atelier capabilities. The following table shows the mapping from individual crate to the 
combined module path in this library. The column _Default_ indicates those that are included in the 
default feature, although the core will be included regardless of any feature selection.

| Feature name | Default | Individual crate  | Target module path                | Purpose                                               |
| N/A          | **Yes** | `atelier_core`    | `atelier_lib::core`               | Core models only.                                     |
| "json"       | No      | `atelier_json`    | `atelier_lib::format::json`       | Reading and Writing JSON AST representation.          |
| "openapi"    | No      | `atelier_openapi` | `atelier_lib::format::openapi`    | Reading and Writing OpenAPI representations.          |
| "smithy"     | Yes     | `atelier_smithy`  | `atelier_lib::format::smithy`     | Reading and Writing the Smithy native representation. |

## Changes

**Version 0.1.1**

* All re-exports configured using feature flags.