ate 0.1.8

Distributed immutable data store with strong encryption and authentication

## Navigation

- [Executive Summary]
- [User Guide for ATE]doc/
- [Technical Design of ATE]doc/
- [Component Design of ATE]doc/

## What is ATE? it a [NoSQL]( database? it a [distributed redo log]( it a [event BUS]( it a [distributed queue]( it a [distributed cache]( it a secure encrypted vault? it a [quantum resistant]( communication framework? it a [WORM]( archive solution?  
ATE is all these things and none of them; it is [unique way](doc/ to work with distributed
data that can easily implement all of the above use cases - take a look at the [examples](#examples)
for how you can achieve them.

## Why the name?

The origin of the word "mutate" is the latin word '-ate':

## Summary

ATE is a distributed immutable data store and built in memory based materialized
view with strong encryption and authentication.

What does that mean?

This library is a way of working with data in modern distributed computing.
* is persisted to a distributed commit log.
* ...partitions are divided into chains that shard data into physical domains.
* ...streaming of data to the application occurs on demand during method invocation.
* ...each chain is a crypto-graph with unique asymmetric keys at differentiating nodes.
* ...the root of the chain-of-trust that validates the crypto-graph through various plugins.
* ...strong authentication and authorized is by design built into the data model.
* ...encryption is highly resistant to quantum attacks and uses fine-grained tenant keys.
* ...all this is integrated into a shared-nothing highly portable executable.

## High Level Design

    .--[   App  ]---. .--[   App  ]---. .--[   App  ]---.
    |               | |               | |               |
    |>local redo-log| |>local redo-log| |>local redo-log|
    |.-------------.| |.-------------.| |.-------------.|
    || Chain     1 || || Replica P1  || || Replica P1  ||
    ||             || || Chain     2 || || Replica P2  ||
    || Replica P3  || ||      ^      || || Chain     3 ||
    |*-------------*| |*------|------*| |*-------------*|
    |               |       subscribe                   
    |                \________|__________________________
    |                         |                          
    |  >local redo-log                                   
    |  >Crypto-Graph Materiaized View< (in memory)       
    |  .----------------------------------.      session 
    |  |             root                 |   .-----------.
    |  |              |                   |   |  -token   |
    |  |      dao----dao                  |---|  -claims  |
    |  |              \                   |   |  -keys    |
    |  |               dao                |   |  -timeout |
    |  |                                  |   *-----------*
    |  +----------------------------------+----------------+
    |  |                                                   |

## Quick Start

Add ate, serde and tokio to your dependency list in Cargo.toml

tokio = { version = "*", features = ["full", "signal", "process"] }
serde = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] }
ate = "*"

Create a file

extern crate tokio;
extern crate serde;

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use ate::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct World
    commandment: String

async fn main() -> Result<(), AteError>
    // The default configuration will store the redo log locally in the temporary folder
    let conf = AteConfig::default();
    let builder = ChainBuilder::new(&conf);

    // We create a chain with a specific key (this is used for the file name it creates)
    let chain = Chain::new(builder, &ChainKey::from("universe")).await?;
    // We interact with the data stored in the chain-of-trust using a DIO
    let session = AteSession::default();
    let mut dio = chain.dio(&session).await;
    // In this example we store some data in the "World" object
    let key = {
        commandment: "Hello".to_string(),
    // Now we retreive the data and print it to console
    println!("{} world!", dio.load::<World>(&key).await?.commandment);

    // All errors in ATE will convert into the AteError

## Examples

- [Hello World]examples/
- [Server/Client]examples/
- [Publish/Subscribe]examples/
- [Exactly-Once Queue]examples/
- [Crypto Currency]examples/
- [Banking Example]examples/

## Contribution

If you would like to help setup a community to continue to develop this project
then please contact me at [](