atat_derive 0.18.0

Derive macro for atat
use proc_macro2::Span;
use syn::parse::{Error, Parse, ParseStream, Parser, Result};
use syn::{
    parenthesized, Attribute, Data, DataEnum, DataStruct, DeriveInput, Fields, Generics, Ident,
    Lit, LitByteStr, Path, Type,

pub struct ParseInput {
    pub ident: Ident,
    pub generics: Generics,
    pub at_cmd: Option<CmdAttributes>,
    pub at_enum: Option<EnumAttributes>,
    pub variants: Vec<Variant>,

/// Parsed attributes of `#[at_cmd(..)]`
pub struct CmdAttributes {
    pub cmd: String,
    pub resp: Path,
    pub timeout_ms: Option<u32>,
    pub attempts: Option<u8>,
    pub abortable: Option<bool>,
    pub value_sep: bool,
    pub cmd_prefix: String,
    pub termination: String,
/// Parsed attributes of `#[at_arg(..)]`
pub struct ArgAttributes {
    pub value: Option<i64>,
    pub position: Option<usize>,
    pub len: Option<usize>,
    pub default: bool,

/// Parsed attributes of `#[at_urc(..)]`
pub struct UrcAttributes {
    pub code: LitByteStr,

/// Parsed attributes of `#[at_enum(..)]`
pub struct EnumAttributes {
    pub repr: Ident,

/// Parsed field level attributes
pub struct FieldAttributes {
    pub at_urc: Option<UrcAttributes>,
    pub at_arg: Option<ArgAttributes>,

pub struct Variant {
    /// Ident will be set on named variants, and None on unnamed variants
    pub ident: Option<Ident>,
    /// Type of a struct variant
    pub ty: Option<Type>,
    /// Fields of an enum variant
    pub fields: Option<Fields>,
    /// Parsed contents on `#[at_arg(..)]` and `#[at_urc(..)]`
    pub attrs: FieldAttributes,

/// Parse valid field attributes
pub fn parse_field_attr(attributes: &[Attribute]) -> Result<FieldAttributes> {
    let mut attrs = FieldAttributes {
        at_urc: None,
        at_arg: None,
    for attr in attributes {
        if attr.path.is_ident("at_arg") {
            fn at_arg(input: ParseStream) -> Result<ArgAttributes> {
                let content;
                parenthesized!(content in input);
            attrs.at_arg = Some(at_arg.parse2(attr.tokens.clone())?);
        if attr.path.is_ident("at_urc") {
            fn at_urc(input: ParseStream) -> Result<UrcAttributes> {
                let content;
                parenthesized!(content in input);
            attrs.at_urc = Some(at_urc.parse2(attr.tokens.clone())?);

fn sorted_variants(data: Data) -> Result<Vec<Variant>> {
    let mut variants = match data {
        Data::Struct(DataStruct { fields, .. }) => {
            let unwrapped_fields = match fields {
                Fields::Named(fields) => fields.named.iter().cloned().collect(),
                Fields::Unnamed(fields) => fields.unnamed.iter().cloned().collect(),
                Fields::Unit => Vec::new(),

                .map(|(i, f)| {
                        Variant {
                            ident: f.ident,
                            ty: Some(f.ty),
                            fields: None,
                            attrs: parse_field_attr(&f.attrs)?,
                .collect::<Result<Vec<(usize, Variant)>>>()?
        Data::Enum(DataEnum { variants, .. }) => variants
            .map(|(i, v)| {
                    Variant {
                        ident: Some(v.ident.clone()),
                        ty: None,
                        fields: Some(v.fields.clone()),
                        attrs: parse_field_attr(&v.attrs)?,
            .collect::<Result<Vec<(usize, Variant)>>>()?,
        Data::Union(_) => {
            return Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), "union types are unsupported"));

    variants.sort_by(|(ai, a), (bi, b)| {
        let ap = if let Some(ArgAttributes {
            position: Some(p), ..
        }) = a.attrs.at_arg
        } else {

        let bp = if let Some(ArgAttributes {
            position: Some(p), ..
        }) = b.attrs.at_arg
        } else {


    Ok(variants.into_iter().map(|t| t.1).collect())

impl Parse for ArgAttributes {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let mut attrs = Self {
            value: None,
            position: None,
            len: None,
            default: false,

        while {
            match input.parse::<syn::Meta>()? {
                syn::Meta::NameValue(name_value) if name_value.path.is_ident("value") => {
                    match name_value.lit.clone() {
                        Lit::Int(v) => attrs.value = Some(v.base10_parse().unwrap()),
                        _ => {
                            return Err(Error::new(
                                "value argument must be an integer",
                syn::Meta::NameValue(name_value) if name_value.path.is_ident("position") => {
                    match name_value.lit.clone() {
                        Lit::Int(v) => attrs.position = Some(v.base10_parse().unwrap()),
                        _ => {
                            return Err(Error::new(
                                "position argument must be a positive integer",
                syn::Meta::NameValue(name_value) if name_value.path.is_ident("len") => {
                    match name_value.lit.clone() {
                        Lit::Int(v) => attrs.len = Some(v.base10_parse().unwrap()),
                        _ => {
                            return Err(Error::new(
                                "len argument must be a positive integer",
                syn::Meta::NameValue(name_value) if name_value.path.is_ident("default") => {
                    return Err(Error::new(
                        "default does not have a value. Eg #[at_arg(default)]",
                syn::Meta::Path(path) if path.is_ident("default") => {
                    attrs.default = true;
                _ => return Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), "unknown argument!")),

        } {}


impl Parse for UrcAttributes {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let code = match input.parse::<syn::Lit>()? {
            Lit::ByteStr(b) => b,
            Lit::Str(s) => LitByteStr::new(s.value().as_bytes(), input.span()),
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::new(
                    "expected string value for `at_urc`",

        Ok(Self { code })

impl Parse for CmdAttributes {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let call_site = Span::call_site();
        let cmd = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>()?;
        let _comma = input.parse::<syn::token::Comma>()?;
        let response_ident = input.parse::<Path>()?;

        let mut at_cmd = Self {
            cmd: cmd.value(),
            resp: response_ident,
            timeout_ms: None,
            attempts: None,
            abortable: None,
            value_sep: true,
            cmd_prefix: String::from("AT"),
            termination: String::from("\r\n"),

        while input.parse::<syn::token::Comma>().is_ok() {
            let optional = input.parse::<syn::MetaNameValue>()?;
            if optional.path.is_ident("timeout_ms") {
                match optional.lit {
                    Lit::Int(v) => {
                        at_cmd.timeout_ms = Some(v.base10_parse().unwrap());
                    _ => {
                        return Err(Error::new(
                            "expected integer value for 'timeout_ms'",
            } else if optional.path.is_ident("attempts") {
                match optional.lit {
                    Lit::Int(v) => {
                        at_cmd.attempts = Some(v.base10_parse().unwrap());
                    _ => {
                        return Err(Error::new(
                            "expected integer value for 'attempts'",
            } else if optional.path.is_ident("abortable") {
                match optional.lit {
                    Lit::Bool(v) => {
                        at_cmd.abortable = Some(v.value);
                    _ => return Err(Error::new(call_site, "expected bool value for 'abortable'")),
            } else if optional.path.is_ident("value_sep") {
                match optional.lit {
                    Lit::Bool(v) => {
                        at_cmd.value_sep = v.value;
                    _ => return Err(Error::new(call_site, "expected bool value for 'value_sep'")),
            } else if optional.path.is_ident("cmd_prefix") {
                match optional.lit {
                    Lit::Str(v) => {
                        at_cmd.cmd_prefix = v.value();
                    _ => {
                        return Err(Error::new(
                            "expected string value for 'cmd_prefix'",
            } else if optional.path.is_ident("termination") {
                match optional.lit {
                    Lit::Str(v) => {
                        at_cmd.termination = v.value();
                    _ => {
                        return Err(Error::new(
                            "expected string value for 'termination'",


impl Parse for ParseInput {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        let derive_input = DeriveInput::parse(input)?;

        let mut at_cmd = None;
        let mut at_enum = None;

        // Parse valid container attributes
        for attr in derive_input.attrs {
            if attr.path.is_ident("at_cmd") {
                fn at_cmd_arg(input: ParseStream) -> Result<CmdAttributes> {
                    let content;
                    parenthesized!(content in input);
                at_cmd = Some(at_cmd_arg.parse2(attr.tokens)?);
            } else if attr.path.is_ident("at_enum") {
                fn at_enum_arg(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Ident> {
                    let content;
                    parenthesized!(content in input);
                at_enum = Some(EnumAttributes {
                    repr: at_enum_arg.parse2(attr.tokens)?,

        Ok(Self {
            ident: derive_input.ident,
            generics: derive_input.generics,
            variants: sorted_variants(,