async_zmq 0.1.0

Async version for ZeroMQ bindings

Async version for ZeroMQ bindings

This is high-level bindings for zmq in asynchronous manner. Crate itself uses some modules from async-std, but it should also work on any other async runtime. The goal for this project is providing simple interface that is compatible with any async executor and reactor.

TODO list

  • PAIR
  • PUB
  • SUB
  • REQ
  • REP
  • PULL
  • PUSH
  • XPUB
  • XSUB
  • More tests


Users could simply initialize any socket type with async_zmq::* in mind, and then call bind() or connect depends on your scenario. For example, if someone wants a publish socket, then he could initialize the socket like this:

let zmq = async_zmq::publish("tcp://")?.bind();

To learn more about each socket type usage. See modules below.


Prelude module provides some common types, traits and their methods. This crate also re-export so it can be easier for you to import them.

Another common issue when people adopting a library is to deal with its error handling flow. To prevent introducing more overhead, async_zmq uses the exact same Result/Error type in zmq crate and re-export them.