async_kraken 0.1.0

Minimal wrapper for the Kraken exchange using async-std

This is a minimal interface for the Kraken exchange REST API using the async-std runtime.


To use the private endpoints you will need to generate an API-Key and an API-Secret to authenticate to the desired Kraken account.
How to generate an API key pair?


Automatically add to your Cargo.toml with

cargo add async_kraken

or manually adding as dependecy in Cargo.toml:

async_kraken = {version = 0.1.0}


The example below shows how easy is to implement polipo from zero knowledge.

use async_kraken::client::KrakenClient;

fn get_keys() -> (String, String) {
    let content = std::fs::read_to_string("key").expect("File not found");
    let lines: Vec<&str> = content.lines().collect();

    let key = String::from(lines[0]);
    let secret = String::from(lines[1]);

    (key, secret)

async fn main() {
    // # Only public endpoints
    // let k = KrakenClient::new();

    // # Public and private enpoints
    let (key, secret) = get_keys();
    let k = KrakenClient::with_credentials(key, secret);

    match k.api_request("Time", serde_json::json!({})).await {
        Ok(json) => println!("{:?}", json),
        Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),

    match k.api_request("OHLC", serde_json::json!({"pair":"doteur", "interval":30, "since":0})).await
        Ok(json) => println!("{:?}", json),
        Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),

    match k.api_request("Balance", serde_json::json!({})).await {
        Ok(json) => println!("{:?}", json),
        Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),


This software comes without any kind of warranties.

You are the sole responsible of your gains or loses.