async-xml 0.2.3

A crate for deserializing XML data asynchronously.
//! Deserialization implementations

use crate::Error;
use quick_xml::events::Event;
use quick_xml::Decoder;
use tokio::io::AsyncBufRead;
use tracing::Instrument;

mod impls;

pub use impls::{FromStringVisitor, FromVisitor, OptionalVisitor, TryFromVisitor, XmlFromStr};

/// Type alias for the underlying reader
pub type XmlReader<R> = quick_xml::Reader<R>;

/// A wrapper around a [`XmlReader`] that supports peeking XML events without consuming them
pub struct PeekingReader<B: AsyncBufRead> {
    reader: XmlReader<B>,
    peeked_event: Option<Event<'static>>,

impl<B: AsyncBufRead + Unpin> PeekingReader<B> {
    /// Create a new [`PeekingReader`] from a buffered reader
    pub fn from_buf(reader: B) -> Self {
        let mut reader = XmlReader::from_reader(reader);
        Self::set_reader_defaults(&mut reader);
        Self {
            peeked_event: None,

    /// Consume this [`PeekingReader`] and returns the underlying buffered reader
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> B {

    fn set_reader_defaults(reader: &mut XmlReader<B>) {

    /// Peek a single event without consuming it
    pub async fn peek_event(&mut self) -> quick_xml::Result<&Event<'static>> {
        if self.peeked_event.is_none() {
            self.peeked_event = Some(self.next_event_internal().await?);

    /// Read an event, consuming it
    /// If an event has been peeked but not yet consumed, the previously peeked event will be returned.
    pub async fn read_event(&mut self) -> quick_xml::Result<Event<'static>> {
        if let Some(event) = self.peeked_event.take() {
            return Ok(event);

    async fn next_event_internal(&mut self) -> quick_xml::Result<Event<'static>> {
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        let event = self
            .read_event_into_async(&mut buf)
        tracing::trace!("read XML event: {:?}", event);

    /// Get the underlying XML decoder
    pub fn decoder(&self) -> Decoder {

    /// Consume and discard the next element including all of its child elements
    pub async fn skip_element(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let dec = self.reader.decoder();
        let start_tag;
        match self.peek_event().await? {
            Event::Start(start) => {
                // check for start element name
                let name = start.local_name();
                let name = dec.decode(name.as_ref())?;
                tracing::debug!("Skipping over element <{}>", name);
                // store name to match expected end element
                start_tag = name.to_string();
                // remove peeked start event
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::MissingStart);
        let mut depth = 0_usize;

        loop {
            match self.peek_event().await? {
                Event::End(end) => {
                    let name = end.local_name();
                    let name = dec.decode(name.as_ref())?.to_string();
                    // remove peeked end event
                    // check for name
                    if name == start_tag && depth == 0 {
                        tracing::trace!("done skipping");
                        return Ok(());
                    depth -= 1;
                    tracing::trace!("ascending to depth {:?}", depth);
                Event::Start(_) => {
                    depth += 1;
                    tracing::trace!("descending to depth {:?}", depth);
                _ => {

    /// Read a single element from the XML input and deserialize it into a `T`
    pub async fn deserialize<T>(&mut self) -> Result<T, Error>
        T: FromXml<B>,
        let mut visitor = T::Visitor::default();
        let dec = self.reader.decoder();

        let start_tag;
        let element_span;
        match self.peek_event().await? {
            Event::Start(start) => {
                // check for start element name
                let name = start.local_name();
                let name = dec.decode(name.as_ref())?;
                tracing::debug!("deserializing XML element <{}>", name);
                if let Some(expected_name) = T::Visitor::start_name() {
                    if name != expected_name {
                        return Err(Error::WrongStart(expected_name.into(), name.into()));
                // store name to match expected end element
                start_tag = name.to_string();
                element_span = tracing::debug_span!("deserialize", element = start_tag);
                let span_guard = element_span.enter();
                // read attributes
                for attr in start.attributes() {
                    let attr = attr?;
                    let attr_name = dec.decode(attr.key.as_ref())?;
                    let attr_value = dec.decode(attr.value.as_ref())?;
                    let attr_value = quick_xml::escape::unescape(&attr_value)?;
                    tracing::trace!("visiting attribute: {:?}", attr_name);
                    visitor.visit_attribute(&attr_name, &attr_value)?;
                // drop here because async
                // remove peeked start event
            _ => {
                return Err(Error::MissingStart);

        async move {
            loop {
                match self.peek_event().await? {
                    Event::End(end) => {
                        let name = end.local_name();
                        let name = dec.decode(name.as_ref())?.to_string();
                        // remove peeked end event
                        // check for name
                        if name != start_tag {
                            return Err(Error::WrongEnd(start_tag, name));
                        tracing::trace!("finishing deserialization of XML element <{}>", name);
                    Event::Text(text) => {
                        let text = dec.decode(&text)?;
                        let text = quick_xml::escape::unescape(&text)?;
                        tracing::trace!("visiting element text");
                        // remove peeked event
                    Event::Start(start) => {
                        // peeked child start element -> find name and call into sub-element
                        let name = start.local_name();
                        let name = dec.decode(name.as_ref())?.to_string();
                        tracing::trace!("visiting child: {:?}", name);
                        visitor.visit_child(&name, self).await?;
                    _ => {

impl<'r> PeekingReader<&'r [u8]> {
    /// Create a new [`PeekingReader`] reading XML event from a [`str`].
    pub fn from_str(str: &'r str) -> Self {

/// Marks a type as being deserializable from XML
pub trait FromXml<B: AsyncBufRead + Unpin> {
    /// The visitor to use to deserialize this type
    type Visitor: Visitor<B, Output = Self> + Default;

/// A trait for building up instances of types during deserialization
/// As [`XmlReader::read_event_into_async()`](quick_xml::Reader::read_event_into_async) does not return a `Send`
/// future, this entire trait must be `?Send`.
pub trait Visitor<B: AsyncBufRead + Unpin> {
    /// Output type this [`Visitor`] returns
    type Output;

    /// Should return the expected starting tag name, if any
    fn start_name() -> Option<&'static str> {

    /// Visit the starting tag with the given name
    /// This is called exactly once during deserialization and will be called before any other `visit_*` methods.
    fn visit_tag(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {

    /// Visit an attribute with the given name and value
    fn visit_attribute(&mut self, name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {

    /// Visit a child element with the given tag name
    /// Implementations must make sure the child element is read in some way. Most likely this will be either a
    /// [`reader.skip_element()`](PeekingReader::skip_element) or [`reader.deserialize()`](PeekingReader::deserialize)
    /// call.
    async fn visit_child(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        reader: &mut PeekingReader<B>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {

    /// Visit any plain text contained in the element
    /// May be called multiple times.
    fn visit_text(&mut self, text: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {

    /// Validate and build the output type
    fn build(self) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;