async-wakers 0.1.0-alpha.2

A container to register task wakers to and notify them.


A container allowing task wakers to register themselves to be notified later (eg. when data becomes available).

The registered wakers can be notified using one of two methods:

  • notify_one notifies a waker that hasn't been notified recently (unless if it was updated after);
  • notify_all notifies all the wakers that haven't been notified recently (unless if they were updated after).


Please note that the code in this repository currently is copyrighted and marked as "Proprietary and confidential", though, because of GitHub's ToS (and as far as I know), you are allowed to read and fork it but not use nor modify it.

The code is also published on (I don't know about their ToS, but they might allow you to use it as a dependency) to be used by some of our private projects (thus, the licensing) but should, soon enough, be relicensed under an opensource license.

Copyright (c) 2020
All Rights Reserved to Matthieu Le brazidec
Unauthorized copying of any file in this repository, via any medium is strictly prohibited
Proprietary and confidential