async-time-mock-tokio 0.1.0

Mockable time for use in async runtimes (tokio compatibility).
use crate::{Instant, TimeHandlerGuard};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::MissedTickBehavior;

pub enum Interval {
	#[cfg(feature = "mock")]

impl From<tokio::time::Interval> for Interval {
	fn from(interval: tokio::time::Interval) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
impl From<async_time_mock_core::Interval> for Interval {
	fn from(interval: async_time_mock_core::Interval) -> Self {

impl Interval {
	pub async fn tick(&mut self) -> (TimeHandlerGuard, Instant) {
		use Interval::*;
		match self {
			Real(interval) => {
				let instant = interval.tick().await;
				(TimeHandlerGuard::Real, instant.into())
			#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
			Mock(interval) => {
				let (guard, instant) = interval.tick().await;
				(guard.into(), instant.into())

	pub fn poll_tick(&mut self, context: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<(TimeHandlerGuard, Instant)> {
		use Interval::*;
		match self {
			Real(interval) => interval
				.map(|instant| (TimeHandlerGuard::Real, instant.into())),
			#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
			Mock(interval) => interval
				.map(|(guard, instant)| (guard.into(), instant.into())),

	pub fn reset(&mut self) {
		use Interval::*;
		match self {
			Real(interval) => interval.reset(),
			#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
			Mock(interval) => interval.reset(),

	/// NOTE: Mock timers can never miss a tick, therefore the MissedTickBehavior is only relevant for
	/// the real timer.
	pub fn set_missed_tick_behavior(&mut self, missed_tick_behavior: MissedTickBehavior) {
		use Interval::*;
		match self {
			Real(interval) => interval.set_missed_tick_behavior(missed_tick_behavior),
			#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
			Mock(_) => {}

	pub fn period(&self) -> Duration {
		use Interval::*;
		match self {
			Real(interval) => interval.period(),
			#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
			Mock(interval) => interval.period(),

#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
impl futures_core::stream::Stream for Interval {
	type Item = (TimeHandlerGuard, Instant);

	fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
		let this = self.get_mut();
		use Interval::*;
		match this {
			Real(interval) => interval
				.map(|instant| Some((TimeHandlerGuard::Real, instant.into()))),
			#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
			Mock(interval) => interval
				.map(|(guard, instant)| Some((guard.into(), instant.into()))),

	fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
		(usize::MAX, None)