async-scoped 0.3.2

Spawn scoped (non 'static) asynchronous futures using async_std runtime


Enables controlled spawning of non-'static futures when using the async-std executor.


Present executors (such as async-std, tokio, etc.) all support spawning 'static futures onto a thread-pool. However, they do not support spawning futures with lifetime smaller than 'static.

While the future combinators such as for_each_concurrent offer concurrency, they are bundled as a single Task structure by the executor, and hence are not driven parallelly. This can be seen when benchmarking a reasonable number (> ~1K) of I/O futures, or a few CPU heavy futures.


The API is meant to be a minimal wrapper around efficient executors. Currently, we only support async_std, but the API easily accomodates any spawn function that just accepts a 'static future.

async fn test_scope_and_block() {
    let not_copy = String::from("hello world!");
    let not_copy_ref = &not_copy;

    let (_, vals) = crate::scope_and_block(|s| {
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let proc = || async {
                assert_eq!(not_copy_ref, "hello world!");

    assert_eq!(vals.len(), 10);

Scope API

We propose an API similar to crossbeam::scope to allow controlled spawning of futures that are not 'static. The key function is:

pub unsafe fn scope<'a, T: Send + 'static,
             F: FnOnce(&mut Scope<'a, T>)>(f: F)
             -> impl Stream {
    // ...

This function is used as follows:

async fn scoped_futures() {
    let not_copy = String::from("hello world!");
    let not_copy_ref = &not_copy;

    let mut stream = unsafe { crate::scope(|s| {
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let proc = async || {
                assert_eq!(not_copy_ref, "hello world!");
    }) };

    // Uncomment this for compile error
    // std::mem::drop(not_copy);

    use futures::StreamExt;
    let mut count = 0;
    while let Some(_) = {
        count += 1;
    assert_eq!(count, 10);

Safety Considerations

The scope API provided in this crate is unsafe (see the first point below). Here, we list the key reasons for unsafety, towards identifying a safe usage. The safe usage is facilitated by scope_and_block function available in this crate. Unfortunately, this does block the current thread.

Please note that, in an earlier version of this crate, we incorrectly claimed that scope_and_collect may also be a sound. This was proven otherwise.

  1. Since safe Rust allows forget-ting the returned Stream, the onus of actually driving it to completion is on the user.

  2. The spawned future must be dropped immediately after completion as it may contain references that are soon to expire. This is the behaviour of most executors (incl. async-std, tokio), and is crucial here.

  3. The poll of the Task containing the parent Stream must not move or drop self before completion of all spawned futures

  4. The above should hold even if some other futures in the Task panic. To our understanding, async_std assumes a "panic == abort" model, and this somewhat simplifies our concerns here. In particular, we do not wrap the spawned futures with catch_unwind, and resume_unwind in this implementation.


Our current implementation simply uses unsafe glue to actually spawn the futures. Then, it records the lifetime of the futures in the returned Stream object.

Currently, for soundness, we simply panic! if the stream is dropped before it is fully driven. Another option (not implemented here), may be to drive the stream using a current-thread executor inside the Drop impl. Would be great to hear any thoughts on the problem, and the safety of this implementation.

Unfortunately, since the std::mem::forget method is safe, the API here is inherently unsafe.


Our implementation minimizes allocations to the best of our efforts. Unfortunately, this still amounts to one allocation per spawn call (not including any allocation done by the executor itself). This occurs while transmuting the lifetime of the future, which to the best of our knowledge is not possible without erasing the concrete type of the future itself. Please see the implementation of Scope::spawn in src/ for more details of the transmute, and allocation.