asuran-cli 0.0.10

Deduplicating, secure, tamper resistant archiver
asuran-cli-0.0.10 is not a library.

Asuran CLI

This is a thin CLI wrapper around asuran (

At the moment this is mostly used for testing and directly tracks the upstream library version.

Please see the website at for more information, as most of the cool stuff is implemented in the libasuran library proper.

Getting Started

In most cases you will be interacting with the command line asuran clinet (asuran-cli). Either build it from source from the asuran-cli directory in this repository, or install it with:

env RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+aes,+ssse3" cargo install asuran-cli

Optionally add -C target-cpu=native for even better performance. The target features (aes and sse3) are required to get good performance, and asuran does not currently offically support being built without them.

This crate is ultimatly an extremely thin wrapper around the asuran API, so most documenation will be found there.


This project is licensed under the BSD 2 Clause + Patent license


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Additionally, feel free to open an issue on the gitlab with any bugs you find.