assert_tokens_eq 0.1.0

Like Rust's built-in `assert_eq` macro, but for token streams. Passes them through rustfmt, and shows a pretty diff.


Like Rust's built-in assert_eq macro, but for token streams. Passes them through rustfmt, and shows a pretty diff (powered by pretty_assertions).

How it works

You write:

let got = something_that_generates_rust_code();
let expected = quote! {
    extern "C" fn foo(
        input: *const ::libc::c_char,
        input_len: ::libc::size_t,
        input3: *const ::libc::c_int,
        input3_len: ::libc::size_t,
    ) {
        fn foo(input: Arc<str>, input2: Arc<str>) {}
assert_tokens_eq!(got, expected);

and you get:


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