assert_matches2 0.1.1

A version of the assert_matches! macro that brings variables from the pattern into scope


A replacement for the assert_matches crate, providing an assert_matches! macro without support for if guards and the extra arm, but bringing any names introduced in the pattern into scope for after the macro invocation, by expanding to let else.


use assert_matches2::assert_matches;

let var = Foo { bar: Bar::V1(10) };
assert_matches!(var, Foo { bar: ref r @ Bar::V1(int) });
assert_matches!(r, Bar::V1(_));
assert_eq!(int, 10);

let var = Foo { bar: Bar::V2 { field: "test".to_owned() } };
assert_matches!(var, Foo { bar: Bar::V2 { field: rename } });
assert_eq!(rename, "test");