aspect360 0.1.6

This builds on the Ring360 to calculate aspect matches from target angles with orbs or an array of target aspect/orb pairs.


aspect360: Calculate Aspects between two Angles

This crate builds on the ring360 library to calculate aspects between two angles with a target aspect and orb or an array of aspect/orb pairs.

This crate re-exports ring360, so there is no need to install it separately.

Add and subtract degree values

/// Cast two 64-bit floats to Ring360 values (re-exported from )
 let angle = 98.922.to_360();
let angle_2 = 197.2938.to_360();
let aspect_2 = angle.calc_aspect(&angle_2, 90.0, 2.0);
println!("{:?}", aspect_2);

let angle_1 = 74.7.to_360(); 
let angle_2 = 164.4.to_360();

let result = angle_1.calc_aspect(&angle_2, 90.0, 2.0);

println!("{:.1}º and {:.1}º are {:.1}º apart, {:.1}º from the target aspect of {:.1}º with an orb of {:.1}. Matched: {}",
/// Should read: 74.7º and 164.4º are 89.7º apart, -0.3 from the target aspect of 90.0º with an orb of 2.0. Match: true

Find the first aspect match from many options

let lng_1 = 98.202928;
let lng_2 = 249.325729;

let angle_1 = lng_1.to_360();
let angle_2 = lng_2.to_360();

let targets = [
  AspectOrb(0.0, 8.0), // conjunction
  AspectOrb(90.0, 5.0), // square
  AspectOrb(120.0, 3.0), // trine
  AspectOrb(150.0, 2.0), // quincunx
  AspectOrb(180.0, 4.0) // opposition

let aspect_match_opt = angle_1.find_aspect(&angle_2, &targets);
if let Some(aspect_match) = aspect_match_opt {

    "{:.6}º and  {:.6}º have an an aspect match of {:.0}º within {:.6}º",
  // Should read: 98.202928º and  249.325729º have an an aspect match of 150º within 1.122801º

Find the best matched aspect where aspect definitions may overlap

In practice, where aspect definitions cannot overlap, the find_aspect() method will be more efficient as it will return the first matched AspectOrb object. However, when definitions overlap (e.g. a sextile is only around 8.57º away from septile), the first match may not be the best match as the example below illustrates.

  let lng_1 = 192.928202;
  let lng_2 = 249.325729;

  let angle_1 = lng_1.to_360();
  let angle_2 = lng_2.to_360();

  let septile_degree = 360.0 / 7.0; // 51.42857142857143

  let targets = [
    AspectOrb(30.0, 5.0), // semisextile
    AspectOrb(45.0, 8.0), // semisquare
    AspectOrb(septile_degree, 9.0), // septile
    AspectOrb(60.0, 8.0), // sextile
    AspectOrb(90.0, 8.0), // square
    AspectOrb(120.0, 8.0), // trine
    AspectOrb(150.0, 10.0) // quincunx

  let aspect_matches = angle_1.find_aspects(&angle_2, &targets);
  println!("{} aspects have been matched within the specified ranges", aspect_matches.len());
  // yields a vector with 2 matched AspectResults 
  // Two aspects are matched.

  let first_match = angle_1.find_aspect(&angle_2, &targets);
  // yields the first matched aspect even if it's not best aspect. In this case a septile with a wide orb of 9.0
  println!("The first match is {}º from the target aspect of {}º", first_match.unwrap().divergence(), first_match.unwrap().target());
  // prints: The first match is 4.968955571428566º from the target aspect of 51.42857142857143º

  // However, this best match is sextile and not septile, which would have been matched first
  let best_aspect_match = angle_1.find_best_aspect(&angle_2, &targets);
  // Yields a sextile
  println!("The best match is {}º from the target aspect of {}º", best_aspect_match.unwrap().divergence(), best_aspect_match.unwrap().target());
  // prints: The best match is 3.6024730000000034º from the target aspect of 60º



Instance Methods

  • aspect()-> f64 The aspect of the two angle irrespective of whether they match or not.
  • distance()-> f64 Angular distance from the target aspect. May yield negative values
  • divergence()-> f64 Absolute angular distance from the target aspect. May only yield zero or positive values
  • target()-> f64 Target aspect, which is always symmetrical, e.g. 90º will match ±90 or ±270
  • matched()-> bool True if the angles are aspected with the target within the specified orb.
  • orb() -> f64 The tolerance of the aspect match


A simple tuple struct with the target aspect and an orb, both 64-bit floats.

Instance Methods

  • target()-> f64 The target aspect
  • orb() -> f64 The tolerance of the aspect match



This trait is implemented only for Ring360, but any 64-bit float can be cast to a Ring360 via the .to_360() extension method and variant methods ending in _f64 accept normal f64 values as comparison angles, which will be normalised within the 0º to º360 range.

  • calc_aspect(other: &Ring360, target: f64, orb: f64) -> AspectResult
  • is_aspected(other: &Ring360, target: f64, orb: f64) -> bool
  • calc_aspect_f64(other: f64, target: f64, orb: f64) -> AspectResult
  • *find_aspect(other: &Ring360, targets: &[AspectOrb]) -> Option
  • *find_aspects(other: &Ring360, targets: &[AspectOrb]) -> Vec
  • *find_best_aspect(other: &Ring360, targets: &[AspectOrb]) -> Option
  • is_aspected_f64(other: f64, target: f64, orb: f64) -> bool

Dev notes

Version 0.1.4 introduced two new methods find_aspects() and find_best_aspect() deal with situations where aspect definitions (AspectOrb) may overlap.