asn1-rs 0.5.1

Parser/encoder for ASN.1 BER/DER data
mod bmpstring;
mod generalstring;
mod graphicstring;
mod ia5string;
mod numericstring;
mod printablestring;
mod str;
mod string;
mod teletexstring;
mod universalstring;
mod utf8string;
mod videotexstring;
mod visiblestring;

pub use self::str::*;
pub use bmpstring::*;
pub use generalstring::*;
pub use graphicstring::*;
pub use ia5string::*;
pub use numericstring::*;
pub use printablestring::*;
pub use string::*;
pub use teletexstring::*;
pub use universalstring::*;
pub use utf8string::*;
pub use videotexstring::*;
pub use visiblestring::*;

/// Base trait for BER string objects and character set validation
/// This trait is implemented by several types, and is used to determine if some bytes
/// would be valid for the given type.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use asn1_rs::{PrintableString, TestValidCharset, VisibleString};
/// let bytes: &[u8] = b"abcd*4";
/// let res = PrintableString::test_valid_charset(bytes);
/// assert!(res.is_err());
/// let res = VisibleString::test_valid_charset(bytes);
/// assert!(res.is_ok());
/// ```
pub trait TestValidCharset {
    /// Check character set for this object type.
    fn test_valid_charset(i: &[u8]) -> crate::Result<()>;

macro_rules! asn1_string {
    (IMPL $name:ident, $sname:expr) => {
        #[doc="ASN.1 restricted character string type (`"]
        #[doc = $sname]
        #[doc = "`)"]
        #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
        pub struct $name<'a> {
            pub(crate) data: alloc::borrow::Cow<'a, str>,

        impl<'a> $name<'a> {
            pub const fn new(s: &'a str) -> Self {
                $name {
                    data: alloc::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(s),

            pub fn string(&self) -> String {
                use alloc::string::ToString;

        impl<'a> AsRef<str> for $name<'a> {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {

        impl<'a> From<&'a str> for $name<'a> {
            fn from(s: &'a str) -> Self {

        impl From<String> for $name<'_> {
            fn from(s: String) -> Self {
                Self {
                    data: alloc::borrow::Cow::Owned(s),

        impl<'a> core::convert::TryFrom<$crate::Any<'a>> for $name<'a> {
            type Error = $crate::Error;

            fn try_from(any: $crate::Any<'a>) -> $crate::Result<$name<'a>> {
                use core::convert::TryFrom;

        impl<'a, 'b> core::convert::TryFrom<&'b $crate::Any<'a>> for $name<'a> {
            type Error = $crate::Error;

            fn try_from(any: &'b $crate::Any<'a>) -> $crate::Result<$name<'a>> {
                use crate::traits::Tagged;
                use alloc::borrow::Cow;

                let s = alloc::str::from_utf8(;
                let data = Cow::Borrowed(s);
                Ok($name { data })

        impl<'a> $crate::CheckDerConstraints for $name<'a> {
            fn check_constraints(any: &$crate::Any) -> $crate::Result<()> {

        impl $crate::DerAutoDerive for $name<'_> {}

        impl<'a> $crate::Tagged for $name<'a> {
            const TAG: $crate::Tag = $crate::Tag::$name;

        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
        impl $crate::ToDer for $name<'_> {
            fn to_der_len(&self) -> Result<usize> {
                let sz =;
                if sz < 127 {
                    // 1 (class+tag) + 1 (length) + len
                    Ok(2 + sz)
                } else {
                    // 1 (class+tag) + n (length) + len
                    let n = $crate::Length::Definite(sz).to_der_len()?;
                    Ok(1 + n + sz)

            fn write_der_header(
                writer: &mut dyn std::io::Write,
            ) -> $crate::SerializeResult<usize> {
                use $crate::Tagged;
                let header = $crate::Header::new(

            fn write_der_content(
                writer: &mut dyn std::io::Write,
            ) -> $crate::SerializeResult<usize> {
    ($name:ident) => {
        asn1_string!(IMPL $name, stringify!($name));