aseprite-test-data 0.1.0

Test data for aseprite deserializers
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};

/// A basic <code>0x<span style="color: red">RR</span><span style="color: green">GG</span><span style="color: blue">BB</span>AA</code> color
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct RGBA(pub u32);
impl Debug for RGBA { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(fmt, "#{:08x}", self.0) } }

/// An .aseprite file format color
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub enum AseColorFormat {

    #[doc(hidden)] _NonExhaustive,

/// Expected .png color profile
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub enum PngColorProfile {

    #[doc(hidden)] _NonExhaustive,

/// File data
#[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct FileSet {
    pub version:            &'static str,
    pub name:               &'static str,

    pub src_aseprite:       &'static [u8],
    pub array_json:         &'static [u8],
    pub basic_json:         &'static [u8],
    pub hash_json:          &'static [u8],
    pub array_png:          &'static [u8],
    pub basic_png:          &'static [u8],
    pub hash_png:           &'static [u8],

    pub ase_color_format:   AseColorFormat, // not necessairly the format the exported png is
    pub png_color_profile:  PngColorProfile,
    pub size:               [u32; 2],
    pub pixel:              [u8; 2],
    pub pixels:             Option<&'static [RGBA]>,
    pub palette:            &'static [RGBA],

    pub n_frames:           usize,
    pub n_layers:           usize,
    pub n_slices:           usize,
    pub n_frametags:        usize,

    _non_exhaustive:        ()

impl Default for FileSet {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            version:            "",
            name:               "",

            src_aseprite:       &[],
            array_json:         &[],
            basic_json:         &[],
            hash_json:          &[],
            array_png:          &[],
            basic_png:          &[],
            hash_png:           &[],

            ase_color_format:   AseColorFormat::Rgba,
            png_color_profile:  PngColorProfile::SRGB,
            size:               [1,1],
            pixel:              [1,1],
            pixels:             Some(&[RGBA(0x00000000)]),
            palette:            ARNE32,

            n_frames:           1,
            n_layers:           1,
            n_slices:           0,
            n_frametags:        0,

            _non_exhaustive:    ()

macro_rules! fileset {
    ($ver:literal, $name:literal, $($tt:tt)*) => {
        FileSet {
            version:        $ver,
            name:           $name,

            src_aseprite:   include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/_src/",  $name)),

            array_json:     include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/array/", $name, ".json")),
            basic_json:     include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/basic/", $name, ".json")),
            hash_json:      include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/hash/",  $name, ".json")),

            array_png:      include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/array/", $name, ".png")),
            basic_png:      include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/basic/", $name, ".png")),
            hash_png:       include_bytes!(concat!("data/", $ver, "/hash/",  $name, ".png")),


            .. FileSet::default()

impl FileSet {
    pub fn complex_1_2_25() -> Self { fileset! { "1.2.25", "complex.aseprite", n_frames: 9, n_layers: 25, n_slices: 3, n_frametags: 6, size: [8,8], pixels: None } }

    pub fn list() -> impl Iterator<Item = FileSet> + 'static {
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-grey-1x1-black.aseprite",               ase_color_format: AseColorFormat::Greyscale, pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0x000000FF)]) },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-grey-1x1-white.aseprite",               ase_color_format: AseColorFormat::Greyscale, pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0xFFFFFFFF)]) },

            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-indexed-1x1-transparent.aseprite",      ase_color_format: AseColorFormat::Indexed, pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0x00000000)]) },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-indexed-1x1-green.aseprite",            ase_color_format: AseColorFormat::Indexed, pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0xA3CE27FF)]) },

            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-empty.aseprite",               pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0x00000000)]) },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-green-none.aseprite",          pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0xA3CE27FF)]), png_color_profile: PngColorProfile::SRGB }, // Setting color profile to "None" doesn't seem to stick
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-green-srgb.aseprite",          pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0xA3CE27FF)]), png_color_profile: PngColorProfile::SRGB },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-green-monitor1.aseprite",      pixels: Some(&[RGBA(0xA3CE27FF)]), png_color_profile: PngColorProfile::Other },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-transparent-square.aseprite",  pixel: [1,1] },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-transparent-tall.aseprite",    pixel: [1,2] },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-transparent-wide.aseprite",    pixel: [2,1] },
            fileset! { "1.2.25", "basic-rgba-1x1-transparent.aseprite",         pixel: [1,1] },


const ARNE32 : &'static [RGBA] = &[
    RGBA(0x00000000), RGBA(0x9D9D9DFF), RGBA(0xFFFFFFFF), RGBA(0xBE2633FF), RGBA(0xE06F8BFF), RGBA(0x493C2BFF), RGBA(0xA46422FF), RGBA(0xEB8931FF),
    RGBA(0xF7E26BFF), RGBA(0x2F484EFF), RGBA(0x44891AFF), RGBA(0xA3CE27FF), RGBA(0x1B2632FF), RGBA(0x005784FF), RGBA(0x31A2F2FF), RGBA(0xB2DCEFFF),
    RGBA(0x342A97FF), RGBA(0x656D71FF), RGBA(0xCCCCCCFF), RGBA(0x732930FF), RGBA(0xCB43A7FF), RGBA(0x524F40FF), RGBA(0xAD9D33FF), RGBA(0xEC4700FF),
    RGBA(0xFAB40BFF), RGBA(0x115E33FF), RGBA(0x14807EFF), RGBA(0x15C2A5FF), RGBA(0x225AF6FF), RGBA(0x9964F9FF), RGBA(0xF78ED6FF), RGBA(0xF4B990FF),