
EnumOptionAllOf : Enum options are the possible values which an enum custom field can adopt. An enum custom field must contain at least 1 enum option but no more than 50. You can add enum options to a custom field by using the POST /custom_fields/custom_field_gid/enum_options endpoint. It is not possible to remove or delete an enum option. Instead, enum options can be disabled by updating the enabled field to false with the PUT /enum_options/enum_option_gid endpoint. Other attributes can be updated similarly. On creation of an enum option, enabled is always set to true, meaning the enum option is a selectable value for the custom field. Setting enabled=false is equivalent to “trashing” the enum option in the Asana web app within the “Edit Fields” dialog. The enum option will no longer be selectable but, if the enum option value was previously set within a task, the task will retain the value. Enum options are an ordered list and by default new enum options are inserted at the end. Ordering in relation to existing enum options can be specified on creation by using insert_before or insert_after to reference an existing enum option. Only one of insert_before and insert_after can be provided when creating a new enum option. An enum options list can be reordered with the POST /custom_fields/custom_field_gid/enum_options/insert endpoint.