
struct for typed errors of method create_story_for_task
struct for typed errors of method delete_story
struct for typed errors of method get_stories_for_task
struct for typed errors of method get_story
struct for typed errors of method update_story


Adds a story to a task. This endpoint currently only allows for comment stories to be created. The comment will be authored by the currently authenticated user, and timestamped when the server receives the request. Returns the full record for the new story added to the task.
Deletes a story. A user can only delete stories they have created. Returns an empty data record.
Returns the compact records for all stories on the task.
Returns the full record for a single story.
Updates the story and returns the full record for the updated story. Only comment stories can have their text updated, and only comment stories and attachment stories can be pinned. Only one of text and html_text can be specified.