
struct for typed errors of method add_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method add_item_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method add_members_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method create_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method delete_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method get_items_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method get_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method get_portfolios
struct for typed errors of method remove_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method remove_item_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method remove_members_for_portfolio
struct for typed errors of method update_portfolio


Custom fields are associated with portfolios by way of custom field settings. This method creates a setting for the portfolio.
Add an item to a portfolio. Returns an empty data block.
Adds the specified list of users as members of the portfolio. Returns the updated portfolio record.
Creates a new portfolio in the given workspace with the supplied name. Note that portfolios created in the Asana UI may have some state (like the “Priority” custom field) which is automatically added to the portfolio when it is created. Portfolios created via our API will not be created with the same initial state to allow integrations to create their own starting state on a portfolio.
An existing portfolio can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that portfolio. Returns an empty data record.
Get a list of the items in compact form in a portfolio.
Returns the complete portfolio record for a single portfolio.
Returns a list of the portfolios in compact representation that are owned by the current API user.
Removes a custom field setting from a portfolio.
Remove an item from a portfolio. Returns an empty data block.
Removes the specified list of users from members of the portfolio. Returns the updated portfolio record.
An existing portfolio can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that portfolio. Only the fields provided in the data block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. Returns the complete updated portfolio record.