[][src]Crate asana_sdk

Asana-sdk is an experimental crate which aims to provide a simple yet flexible interface to the Asana API.

This crate does NOT come with predefined Struct models for all the Asana entities.

The Asana API returns flexible objects with varying field & relation includes, so this crate uses models provided by the user. This makes the crate also compatible with entities added to the API by Asana in the future.

To make the interface as ergonomic as possible, it relies heavily on two components:

  • A model!() macro to easily define deserialization Structs (serde), together with endpoint urls and field/relation inclusion querystrings.
  • Turbofish operators (get::<Type>()) to make API calls for defined models.

Sample usage

use reqwest::{Error};
use asana_sdk::*;
use asana_sdk::models::Model;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

    // Connect with your Asana PAT (token), from https://app.asana.com/0/developer-console
    let mut asana = Asana::connect(String::from("1/your:personal-access-token"));

    // A Model Struct linked to the "users" endpoint
    model!(User "users" {
        email: String,
        name: String,

    // Simple calls to get one or multiple users
    let mut user:  User      = asana.get::<User>("me").await;
    let mut users: Vec<User> = asana.list::<User>().await;


A few more advanced examples:

Compound call to list all sections within a specific project

model!(Section "sections" { name: String });
model!(Project "projects" { name: String });

let mut sections = asana

A Struct for Tasks including Projects. TaskWithProjects is just an example name, you can give the Struct any name you want.

The call will list all tasks from a specific section, and include all other projects the task is part of.

model!(TaskWithProjects "tasks" {
    name: String,
    projects: Vec<Project>
} Project);

let mut tasks_with_projects = asana

Note that all model Structs by default include gid & resource_type, So it's not mandatory to include other fields.

Fields which might be null in the API should be deserialized into an Option

model!(Assignee "assignee" {});
model!(TaskWithAssignee "tasks" {
    name: String,
    assignee: Option<Assignee>
} Assignee);





A macro for generating Asana model structs

