artifact-app 0.6.5

Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
This is the installation guide. For more information see the [[User Guide]]

artifact is compiled for linux, mac and windows. You can find releases on the
**[github release page](**.

For Linux and Mac, simply download and unpack the tarball with
`tar -zxvf RELEASE.tar.gz`. Then put it somewhere in your

### Windows
> Note: windows guide is incomplete. Need to add how to add it to your "PATH"

For Windows, simply download the zip file (\* for windows10),
unzip it and run `./artifact.exe` via git-bash.

### Arch Linux
In addition to the installation methods above, Artifact is maintained as a
package on the Arch AUR by [@rubdos][4]:

## Installing with [cargo]

Install rust with [rustup]( and
type `cargo install artifact-app` (upgrade with `-f`)

Note that as of version 0.6.4 this will not include the web server (but does have static
html export). That will be fixed in the next release.

## Installing the Server

**Instead of using the server most will want to use [`art export html`][2]**

The `server` command was removed in the run-up to the 1.0 release so that
development on it could continue without worry of backwards compatibility.
The server is currently only read-only, you are better off using
[static html][2] in almost all cases.

To install the server, you must clone the [server branch][3] and use Cargo to
build it.

cargo build --release --features server

Then copy `target/release/art` somewhere onto your `PATH`
