artifact-app 0.6.3

Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
error_chain! {
    types {
        Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;

    links {
        // no external error chains (yet)

    foreign_links {
        // stdlib

        // crates

    errors {
        // Loading errors
        Load(desc: String) {
            description("Misc error while loading artifacts")
            display("Error loading: {}", desc)
        TomlParse(locs: String) {
            description("Error while parsing TOML file")
            display("Error parsing TOML: {}", locs)
        MissingTable {
            description("Must contain a single table")
        InvalidName(desc: String) {
            description("invalid artifact name")
            display("invalid artifact name: \"{}\"", desc)
        InvalidAttr(name: String, attr: String) {
            description("artifact has invalid attribute")
            display("Artifact {} has invalid attribute: {}", name, attr)
        InvalidSettings(desc: String) {
            description("invalid settings")
            display("invalid settings: {}", desc)
        InvalidArtifact(name: String, desc: String) {
            description("invalid artifact")
            display("artifact {} is invalid: {}", name, desc)

        // Processing errors
        InvalidTextVariables {
            description("couldn't resolve some text variables")
        InvalidPartof {
            description("Some artifacts have invalid partof attributes")
        InvalidDone {
            description("Some artifacts have invalid partof attributes")
        NameNotFound(desc: String) {
            description("searched for names were not found")
            display("the following artifacts do not exists: {}", desc)
        LocNotFound {
            description("errors while finding implementation locations")
        DoneTwice(desc: String) {
            description("the artifact is done and implemented in code")
            display("referenced in code and `done` is set: {}", desc)
        InvalidUnicode(path: String) {
            description("we do not yet support non-unicode paths")
            display("invalid unicode in path: {}", path)

        // Cmd errors
        CmdError(desc: String) {
            description("error while running a command")
            display("{}", desc)

        // Misc errors
        PathNotFound(desc: String) {
            description("invalid path")
            display("Path does not exist: {}", desc)
        NotEqual(desc: String) {
            description("values not equal")
            display("{}", desc)
        Security(desc: String) {
            description("security vulnerability detected")
            display("security vulnerability: {}", desc)
        Internal(desc: String) {
            description("internal error")
            display("internal error: {}", desc)