arti-bench 0.8.0

A simple benchmarking utility for Arti.
//! A simple benchmarking utility for Arti.
//! This works by establishing a simple TCP server, and having Arti connect back to it via
//! a `chutney` network of Tor nodes, benchmarking the upload and download bandwidth while doing so.

// @@ begin lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
#![cfg_attr(not(ci_arti_stable), allow(renamed_and_removed_lints))]
#![cfg_attr(not(ci_arti_nightly), allow(unknown_lints))]
#![allow(clippy::let_unit_value)] // This can reasonably be done for explicitness
#![allow(clippy::significant_drop_in_scrutinee)] // arti/-/merge_requests/588/#note_2812945
#![allow(clippy::result_large_err)] // temporary workaround for arti#587
//! <!-- @@ end lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
// This file uses `unwrap()` a fair deal, but this is fine in test/bench code
// because it's OK if tests and benchmarks simply crash if things go wrong.

use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use arti::cfg::ArtiCombinedConfig;
use arti_client::{IsolationToken, TorAddr, TorClient, TorClientConfig};
use clap::{value_parser, Arg, ArgAction};
use futures::StreamExt;
use rand::distributions::Standard;
use rand::Rng;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::future::Future;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::JoinHandle;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt};
use tokio_socks::tcp::Socks5Stream;
use tor_config::{ConfigurationSource, ConfigurationSources};
use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
use tracing::info;

/// Generate a random payload of bytes of the given size
fn random_payload(size: usize) -> Vec<u8> {

/// Timing information from the benchmarking server.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ServerTiming {
    /// When the connection was accepted.
    accepted_ts: SystemTime,
    /// When the payload was successfully written to the client.
    copied_ts: SystemTime,
    /// When the server received the first byte from the client.
    first_byte_ts: SystemTime,
    /// When the server finished reading the client's payload.
    read_done_ts: SystemTime,

/// Timing information from the benchmarking client.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ClientTiming {
    /// When the client's connection succeeded.
    started_ts: SystemTime,
    /// When the client received the first byte from the server.
    first_byte_ts: SystemTime,
    /// When the client finished reading the server's payload.
    read_done_ts: SystemTime,
    /// When the payload was successfully written to the server.
    copied_ts: SystemTime,
    /// The server's copy of the timing information.
    server: ServerTiming,
    /// The size of the payload downloaded from the server.
    download_size: usize,
    /// The size of the payload uploaded to the server.
    upload_size: usize,

/// A summary of benchmarking results, generated from `ClientTiming`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct TimingSummary {
    /// The time to first byte (TTFB) for the download benchmark.
    download_ttfb_sec: f64,
    /// The average download speed, in megabits per second.
    download_rate_megabit: f64,
    /// The time to first byte (TTFB) for the upload benchmark.
    upload_ttfb_sec: f64,
    /// The average upload speed, in megabits per second.
    upload_rate_megabit: f64,

impl fmt::Display for TimingSummary {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            "{:.2} Mbit/s up (ttfb {:.2}ms), {:.2} Mbit/s down (ttfb {:.2}ms)",
            self.upload_ttfb_sec * 1000.0,
            self.download_ttfb_sec * 1000.0

impl TimingSummary {
    /// Generate a `TimingSummary` from the `ClientTiming` returned by a benchmark run.
    pub fn generate(ct: &ClientTiming) -> Result<Self> {
        let download_ttfb = ct.first_byte_ts.duration_since(ct.server.accepted_ts)?;
        let download_time = ct.read_done_ts.duration_since(ct.first_byte_ts)?;
        let download_rate_bps = ct.download_size as f64 / download_time.as_secs_f64();

        let upload_ttfb = ct.server.first_byte_ts.duration_since(ct.read_done_ts)?;
        let upload_time = ct
        let upload_rate_bps = ct.upload_size as f64 / upload_time.as_secs_f64();

        Ok(Self {
            download_ttfb_sec: download_ttfb.as_secs_f64(),
            download_rate_megabit: download_rate_bps / 125_000.0,
            upload_ttfb_sec: upload_ttfb.as_secs_f64(),
            upload_rate_megabit: upload_rate_bps / 125_000.0,

/// How much should we be willing to read at a time?
const RECV_BUF_LEN: usize = 8192;

/// Run the timing routine
fn run_timing(mut stream: TcpStream, send: &Arc<[u8]>, receive: &Arc<[u8]>) -> Result<()> {
    let peer_addr = stream.peer_addr()?;
    let mut received = vec![0_u8; RECV_BUF_LEN];
    let expected_len = receive.len();
    let mut expected = receive.deref();
    let mut mismatch = false;
    let mut total_read = 0;

    info!("Accepted connection from {}", peer_addr);
    let accepted_ts = SystemTime::now();
    let mut data: &[u8] = send.deref();
    let copied = std::io::copy(&mut data, &mut stream)?;
    let copied_ts = SystemTime::now();
    assert_eq!(copied, send.len() as u64);
    info!("Copied {} bytes payload to {}.", copied, peer_addr);
    let read = received)?;
    if read == 0 {
        panic!("unexpected EOF");
    let first_byte_ts = SystemTime::now();
    if received[] != expected[] {
        mismatch = true;
    expected = &expected[read..];
    total_read += read;
    while total_read < expected_len {
        let read = received)?;
        if read == 0 {
            panic!("unexpected eof");
        if received[] != expected[] {
            mismatch = true;
        expected = &expected[read..];
        total_read += read;
    let read_done_ts = SystemTime::now();
    info!("Received {} bytes payload from {}.", total_read, peer_addr);
    // Check we actually got what we thought we would get.
    if mismatch {
        panic!("Received data doesn't match expected; potential corruption?");
    let st = ServerTiming {
    serde_json::to_writer(&mut stream, &st)?;
    info!("Wrote timing payload to {}.", peer_addr);

/// Runs the benchmarking TCP server, using the provided TCP listener and set of payloads.
fn serve_payload(
    listener: &TcpListener,
    send: &Arc<[u8]>,
    receive: &Arc<[u8]>,
) -> Vec<JoinHandle<Result<()>>> {
    info!("Listening for clients...");

        .map(|stream| {
            let send = Arc::clone(send);
            let receive = Arc::clone(receive);
            std::thread::spawn(move || run_timing(stream?, &send, &receive))

/// Runs the benchmarking client on the provided socket.
async fn client<S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin>(
    mut socket: S,
    send: Arc<[u8]>,
    receive: Arc<[u8]>,
) -> Result<ClientTiming> {
    // Do this potentially costly allocation before we do all the timing stuff.
    let mut received = vec![0_u8; receive.len()];
    let started_ts = SystemTime::now();

    let read = received).await?;
    if read == 0 {
        return Err(anyhow!("unexpected EOF"));
    let first_byte_ts = SystemTime::now();
    socket.read_exact(&mut received[read..]).await?;
    let read_done_ts = SystemTime::now();
    info!("Received {} bytes payload.", received.len());
    let mut send_data = &send as &[u8];

    tokio::io::copy(&mut send_data, &mut socket).await?;
    info!("Sent {} bytes payload.", send.len());
    let copied_ts = SystemTime::now();

    // Check we actually got what we thought we would get.
    if received != receive.deref() {
        panic!("Received data doesn't match expected; potential corruption?");
    let mut json_buf = Vec::new();
    socket.read_to_end(&mut json_buf).await?;
    let server: ServerTiming = serde_json::from_slice(&json_buf)?;
    Ok(ClientTiming {
        download_size: receive.len(),
        upload_size: send.len(),

fn main() -> Result<()> {

    let matches = clap::Command::new("arti-bench")
        .author("The Tor Project Developers")
        .about("A simple benchmarking utility for Arti.")
                    "Path to the Arti configuration to use (usually, a Chutney-generated config).",
                .help("How many samples to take per benchmark run.")
                .help("How many simultaneous streams per circuit.")
                .help("How many simultaneous circuits per run.")
                .help("A path to write benchmark results to, in JSON format.")
                .help("How much fake payload data to generate for the download benchmark."),
                .help("How much fake payload data to generate for the upload benchmark."),
                .help("SOCKS5 proxy address for a node to benchmark through as well (usually a Chutney node). Optional."),
    info!("Parsing Arti configuration...");
    let mut config_sources = ConfigurationSources::new_empty();
        .for_each(|f| {

    // TODO really we ought to get this from the arti configuration, or something.
    // But this is OK for now since we are a benchmarking tool.
    let mistrust = fs_mistrust::Mistrust::new_dangerously_trust_everyone();

    let cfg = config_sources.load()?;
    let (_config, tcc) = tor_config::resolve::<ArtiCombinedConfig>(cfg)?;
    info!("Binding local TCP listener...");
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("")?;
    let local_addr = listener.local_addr()?;
    let connect_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(), local_addr.port());
    info!("Bound to {}.", local_addr);
    let upload_bytes = *matches.get_one::<usize>("upload-bytes").unwrap();
    let download_bytes = *matches.get_one::<usize>("download-bytes").unwrap();
    let samples = *matches.get_one::<usize>("num-samples").unwrap();
    let streams_per_circ = *matches.get_one::<usize>("num-streams").unwrap();
    let circs_per_sample = *matches.get_one::<usize>("num-circuits").unwrap();
    info!("Generating test payloads, please wait...");
    let upload_payload = random_payload(upload_bytes).into();
    let download_payload = random_payload(download_bytes).into();
        "Generated payloads ({} upload, {} download)",
        upload_bytes, download_bytes
    let up = Arc::clone(&upload_payload);
    let dp = Arc::clone(&download_payload);
    let _handle = std::thread::spawn(move || -> Result<()> {
        serve_payload(&listener, &dp, &up)
            .try_for_each(|handle| handle.join().expect("failed to join thread"))

    let mut benchmark = Benchmark {
        runtime: tor_rtcompat::tokio::TokioNativeTlsRuntime::create()?,
        results: Default::default(),

    if let Some(addr) = matches.get_one::<String>("socks-proxy") {

    info!("Benchmarking complete.");

    for (ty, results) in benchmark.results.iter() {
            "Information for benchmark type {:?} ({} samples taken):",
            ty, benchmark.samples
        info!("  upload rate: {} Mbit/s", results.upload_rate_megabit);
        info!("download rate: {} Mbit/s", results.upload_rate_megabit);
        info!("    TTFB (up): {} msec", results.upload_ttfb_msec);
        info!("  TTFB (down): {} msec", results.download_ttfb_msec);

    if let Some(output) = matches.get_one::<String>("output") {
        info!("Writing benchmark results to {}...", output);
        let file = std::fs::File::create(output)?;
            &BenchmarkSummary {
                crate_version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(),
                results: benchmark.results,


/// A helper struct for running benchmarks
struct Benchmark<R>
    R: Runtime,
    runtime: R,
    connect_addr: SocketAddr,
    samples: usize,
    streams_per_circ: usize,
    circs_per_sample: usize,
    upload_payload: Arc<[u8]>,
    download_payload: Arc<[u8]>,
    /// All benchmark results conducted, indexed by benchmark type.
    results: HashMap<BenchmarkType, BenchmarkResults>,

/// The type of benchmark conducted.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum BenchmarkType {
    /// Use the benchmark server on its own, without using any proxy.
    /// This is useful to get an idea of how well the benchmarking utility performs on its own.
    /// Benchmark via a SOCKS5 proxy (usually that of a chutney node).
    /// Benchmark via Arti.

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Debug)]
/// Some information about a set of benchmark samples collected during multiple runs.
struct Statistic {
    /// The mean value of all samples.
    mean: f64,
    /// The low-median value of all samples.
    /// # Important note
    /// This is only the median if an odd number of samples were collected; otherwise,
    /// it is the `(number of samples / 2)`th sample after the samples are sorted.
    median: f64,
    /// The minimum sample observed.
    min: f64,
    /// The maximum sample observed.
    max: f64,
    /// The standard deviation of the set of samples.
    stddev: f64,

impl fmt::Display for Statistic {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let Statistic {
        } = self;
            "min/mean/median/max/stddev = {:>7.2}/{:>7.2}/{:>7.2}/{:>7.2}/{:>7.2}",
            min, mean, median, max, stddev

impl Statistic {
    /// Generate a summary of the provided `samples`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `samples` is empty.
    fn from_samples(mut samples: Vec<f64>) -> Self {
        let n_samples = samples.len();
        float_ord::sort(&mut samples);
        let mean = samples.iter().sum::<f64>() / n_samples as f64;
        // \Sigma (x_i - \mu)^2
        let samples_minus_mean_sum = samples.iter().map(|xi| (xi - mean).powf(2.0)).sum::<f64>();
        let stddev = (samples_minus_mean_sum / n_samples as f64).sqrt();
        Statistic {
            median: samples[n_samples / 2],
            min: samples[0],
            max: samples[n_samples - 1],

/// A set of benchmark results for a given `BenchmarkType`, including information about averages.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Debug)]
struct BenchmarkResults {
    /// The type of benchmark conducted.
    ty: BenchmarkType,
    /// The number of times the benchmark was run.
    samples: usize,
    /// The number of concurrent streams per circuit used during the run.
    streams_per_circ: usize,
    /// The number of circuits used during the run.
    circuits: usize,
    /// The time to first byte (TTFB) for the download benchmark, in milliseconds.
    download_ttfb_msec: Statistic,
    /// The average download speed, in megabits per second.
    download_rate_megabit: Statistic,
    /// The time to first byte (TTFB) for the upload benchmark, in milliseconds.
    upload_ttfb_msec: Statistic,
    /// The average upload speed, in megabits per second.
    upload_rate_megabit: Statistic,

    /// The raw benchmark results.
    results_raw: Vec<TimingSummary>,

impl BenchmarkResults {
    /// Generate summarized benchmark results from raw run data.
    fn generate(
        ty: BenchmarkType,
        streams_per_circ: usize,
        circuits: usize,
        raw: Vec<TimingSummary>,
    ) -> Self {
        let download_ttfb_msecs = raw
            .map(|s| s.download_ttfb_sec * 1000.0)
        let download_rate_megabits = raw
            .map(|s| s.download_rate_megabit)
        let upload_ttfb_msecs = raw
            .map(|s| s.upload_ttfb_sec * 1000.0)
        let upload_rate_megabits = raw
            .map(|s| s.upload_rate_megabit)
        let samples = raw.len();
        BenchmarkResults {
            download_ttfb_msec: Statistic::from_samples(download_ttfb_msecs),
            download_rate_megabit: Statistic::from_samples(download_rate_megabits),
            upload_ttfb_msec: Statistic::from_samples(upload_ttfb_msecs),
            upload_rate_megabit: Statistic::from_samples(upload_rate_megabits),
            results_raw: raw,

/// A summary of all benchmarks conducted throughout the invocation of `arti-bench`.
/// Designed to be stored as an artifact and compared against other later runs.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Debug)]
struct BenchmarkSummary {
    /// The version of `arti-bench` used to generate the benchmark results.
    crate_version: String,
    /// All benchmark results conducted, indexed by benchmark type.
    results: HashMap<BenchmarkType, BenchmarkResults>,

impl<R: Runtime> Benchmark<R> {
    /// Run a type of benchmark (`ty`), performing `self.samples` benchmark
    /// runs, using `self.circs_per_sample` concurrent circuits, and
    /// `self.streams_per_circ` concurrent streams on each circuit.
    /// Uses `stream_generator`, function that returns futures that themselves
    /// generate streams, in order to obtain the required number of streams to
    /// run the test over.  The function takes an index of the current run.
    fn run<F, G, S, E>(&mut self, ty: BenchmarkType, mut stream_generator: F) -> Result<()>
        F: FnMut(usize) -> G,
        G: Future<Output = Result<S, E>>,
        S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
        E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
        let mut results = vec![];
        for n in 0..self.samples {
            let total_streams = self.streams_per_circ * self.circs_per_sample;
            let futures = (0..total_streams)
                .map(|_| {
                    let up = Arc::clone(&self.upload_payload);
                    let dp = Arc::clone(&self.download_payload);
                    let stream = stream_generator(n);
                    Box::pin(async move { client(stream.await?, up, dp).await })
                "Benchmarking {:?} with {} connections, run {}/{}...",
                n + 1,
            let stats = self
                .map(|x| x.and_then(|x| TimingSummary::generate(&x)))
        let results =
            BenchmarkResults::generate(ty, self.streams_per_circ, self.circs_per_sample, results);
        self.results.insert(ty, results);

    /// Benchmark without Arti on loopback.
    fn without_arti(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        let ca = self.connect_addr;, |_| {

    /// Benchmark through a SOCKS5 proxy at address `addr`.
    fn with_proxy(&mut self, addr: &str) -> Result<()> {
        let ca = self.connect_addr;
        let mut iso = StreamIsolationTracker::new(self.streams_per_circ);, |run| {
            // Tor uses the username,password tuple of socks authentication do decide how to isolate streams.
            let iso_string = format!("{:?}", iso.next_in(run));
            async move {
                Socks5Stream::connect_with_password(addr, ca, &iso_string, &iso_string).await

    /// Benchmark through Arti, using the provided `TorClientConfig`.
    fn with_arti(&mut self, tcc: TorClientConfig) -> Result<()> {
        info!("Starting Arti...");
        let tor_client = self.runtime.block_on(

        let addr = TorAddr::dangerously_from(self.connect_addr)?;

        let mut iso = StreamIsolationTracker::new(self.streams_per_circ);, |run| {
            let mut prefs = arti_client::StreamPrefs::new();


/// Helper type: track a StreamIsolation token over a set of runs.
/// We want to return a new token every `streams_per_circ` calls for each run,
/// but always give a new token when a new run begins.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct StreamIsolationTracker {
    /// The number of streams to assign to each circuit.
    streams_per_circ: usize,
    /// The current run index.
    cur_run: usize,
    /// The stream index within the run that we expect on the _next_ call to `next_in`.
    next_stream: usize,
    /// The isolation token we're currently handing out.
    cur_token: IsolationToken,

impl StreamIsolationTracker {
    /// Construct a new StreamIsolationTracker.
    fn new(streams_per_circ: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            cur_run: 0,
            next_stream: 0,
            cur_token: IsolationToken::new(),
    /// Return the isolation token to use for the next stream in the given
    /// `run`.  Requires that runs are not interleaved.
    fn next_in(&mut self, run: usize) -> IsolationToken {
        if run != self.cur_run {
            self.cur_run = run;
            self.next_stream = 0;
            self.cur_token = IsolationToken::new();
        } else if self.next_stream % self.streams_per_circ == 0 {
            self.cur_token = IsolationToken::new();
        self.next_stream += 1;


mod test {
    use super::StreamIsolationTracker;

    fn test_iso_tracker() {
        let mut tr = StreamIsolationTracker::new(2);
        let r1: Vec<_> = (0..9).map(|_| tr.next_in(0)).collect();
        let r2: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|_| tr.next_in(1)).collect();
        assert_eq!(r1[0], r1[1]);
        assert_ne!(r1[1], r1[2]);
        assert_eq!(r1[2], r1[3]);
        assert_eq!(r2[0], r2[1]);
        assert_ne!(r2[1], r2[2]);