arrow2 0.18.0

Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust
# Changelog

## [v0.17.0] (2023-03-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Changed async ipc writer to accept schema by value [\#1439] ([ritchie46]
- Made `len/len_proxy` consistent with `Offsets` [\#1434] ([ritchie46]
- Changed methods to slice arrays [\#1396] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added buffer interoperability with arrow-rs [\#1437] ([tustvold]
- Added MapScalar [\#1428] ([b41sh]
- Added support for JSON serialization of dictionary [\#1424] ([ritchie46]
- Added support for MapArray read and write to parquet [\#1419] ([b41sh]

**Fixed bugs:**

- `parquet_read` panics when working with `date64`s [\#1400]
- Round Trip \[Rust -\> arrow2\_convert -\> Arrow -\> Parquet -\> Arrow -\> Rust\] [\#1376]
- Parquet writes incorrect `List<u32>` [\#1368]
- Slicing nullable list arrays into multiple parquet pages doesn't work [\#1356]
- Reading parquet file with multiple row groups and nested nullable struct types panics  [\#1249]
- Changed encoded float::Inf as null in json [\#1427] ([SimonSchneider]
- Fixed statistics writing flag and correct null\_count in dictionaries [\#1414] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed ahash dependency for wasm [\#1407] ([hzuo]
- Fixed writing of sliced arrays to parquet [\#1397] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed writing nested parquet [\#1390] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added interoperability with arrow-schema [\#1442] ([tustvold]
- Updated dependencies [\#1441] ([ritchie46]
- Updated multiversion and support wider registers [\#1440] ([ritchie46]
- Added impl\_mutable\_array\_mut\_validity macro for mutable arrays [\#1435] ([Arty-Maly]
- Re-exported the `bloom_filter` module from `parquet2` crate [\#1420] ([ozgrakkurt]
- Updated base64 to 0.21 [\#1408] ([WindSoilder]
- Added apply\_validity and set\_validity to mutable utf8 array [\#1406] ([Arty-Maly]
- Added cast for FixedSizeBinary to \(Large\)Binary [\#1403] ([ritchie46]
- Improved support for date64 written by pyarrow to parquet [\#1402] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code [\#1401] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved API of getting mutable from Buffer [\#1399] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code via DRY [\#1398] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `set_len` method to Buffer [\#1374] ([haixuanTao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed broken guide link [\#1395] ([kjschiroo]

## [v0.16.0] (2023-02-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Made IPC writer take owned schema [\#1361] ([ritchie46]
- Correctly update child-offsets in `GrowableUnion` [\#1360] ([jleibs]

**Fixed bugs:**

- invalid written parquet file of nested structures. \(Mixing list with structs\) [\#1325]
- Fix incorrect downcast in `estimated_size_bytes` [\#1351] ([jleibs]
- fix\(parquet\): nested struct /list writing [\#1347] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed csv infer\_schema on empty fields [\#1342] ([tripokey]


- Added support for `take` of `FixedSizeListArray` [\#1386] ([kylebarron]
- Renamed `factory` argument on parquet read functions to `reader_factory` [\#1380] ([ozgrakkurt]
- Made some structs and functions public [\#1375] ([b41sh]
- Added `Utf8Array::apply_validity` [\#1367] ([Arty-Maly]
- Added set/get scratches [\#1363] ([ritchie46]
- Amortized intermediate allocations in IPC writer [\#1362] ([ritchie46]
- Improved clippy [\#1353] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed typo in `OffsetsBuffer` docs [\#1373] ([DzenanJupic]
- Update to fix capitalization and spelling [\#1338] ([yerke]

**Testing updates:**

- add toolchain.toml [\#1349] ([ritchie46]

## [v0.15.0] (2022-12-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Added values' capacity to `MutableBinaryArray::reserve` [\#1277]
- Removed `from_data` from all arrays [\#1328] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `Offsets` and `OffsetsBuffer` [\#1316] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped parquet2 dependency [\#1304] ([ritchie46]
- Added data\_pagesize\_limit to write parquet pages [\#1303] ([sundy-li]
- Bumped arrow-format to 0.8 [\#1298] ([Xuanwo]
- Improved iterators [\#1270] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added `TryExtendFromSelf` [\#1278] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for JSON ser/de records layout [\#1275] ([AnIrishDuck]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Parquet writes all values of sliced arrays?  [\#1323]
- Avro schema: Invalid record names [\#1269]
- Fixed writing nested/sliced arrays to parquet [\#1326] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed failing to accept dictionary full of nulls [\#1312] ([ritchie46]
- Added support for Extension types in ffi [\#1300] ([jondo2010]
- Fixed error in memory usage of sliced binary/list/utf8arrays [\#1293] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed descending ordering when specify nulls first [\#1286] ([sandflee]
- Added avro record names when converting arrow schema to avro [\#1279] ([Samrose-Ahmed]


- Fixed clippy [\#1336] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved `UnionArray` [\#1331] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped json-deserializer version [\#1321] ([universalmind303]
- Removed flushing during arrow IPC writing to improve performance when using a buffered writer [\#1318] ([cyr]
- Improved performance of check\_indexes [\#1313] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance of checking offsets `~-64-73%` [\#1305] ([ritchie46]
- Added `reserve` to pushable containers in parquet extend\_from\_decoder [\#1301] ([ritchie46]
- Optimized slicing [\#1285] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved ZipValidity iterators [\#1284] ([ritchie46]
- Added `MutableBinaryValuesArray` [\#1276] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed link from the API to the guide [\#1290] ([datapythonista]

## [v0.15.0] (2022-12-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Added values' capacity to `MutableBinaryArray::reserve` [\#1277]
- Removed `from_data` from all arrays [\#1328] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `Offsets` and `OffsetsBuffer` [\#1316] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped parquet2 dependency [\#1304] ([ritchie46]
- Added data\_pagesize\_limit to write parquet pages [\#1303] ([sundy-li]
- Bumped arrow-format to 0.8 [\#1298] ([Xuanwo]
- Improved iterators [\#1270] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added `TryExtendFromSelf` [\#1278] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for JSON ser/de records layout [\#1275] ([AnIrishDuck]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Parquet writes all values of sliced arrays?  [\#1323]
- Avro schema: Invalid record names [\#1269]
- Fixed writing nested/sliced arrays to parquet [\#1326] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed failing to accept dictionary full of nulls [\#1312] ([ritchie46]
- Added support for Extension types in ffi [\#1300] ([jondo2010]
- Fixed error in memory usage of sliced binary/list/utf8arrays [\#1293] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed descending ordering when specify nulls first [\#1286] ([sandflee]
- Added avro record names when converting arrow schema to avro [\#1279] ([Samrose-Ahmed]


- Fixed clippy [\#1336] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved `UnionArray` [\#1331] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped json-deserializer version [\#1321] ([universalmind303]
- Removed flushing during arrow IPC writing to improve performance when using a buffered writer [\#1318] ([cyr]
- Improved performance of check\_indexes [\#1313] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance of checking offsets `~-64-73%` [\#1305] ([ritchie46]
- Added `reserve` to pushable containers in parquet extend\_from\_decoder [\#1301] ([ritchie46]
- Optimized slicing [\#1285] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved ZipValidity iterators [\#1284] ([ritchie46]
- Added `MutableBinaryValuesArray` [\#1276] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed link from the API to the guide [\#1290] ([datapythonista]

## [v0.14.2] (2022-10-05)

[Full Changelog](

**New features:**

- Added MutableUtf8ValuesArray [\#1260] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Unnecessary println in library code [\#1263]

**Testing updates:**

- Added test for `MutableUtf8Array::as_box` [\#1266] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.14.1] (2022-09-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Potentially unneeded call in Parquet repetition-level encoding [\#1254]
- Potential bug in reading lists from avro? [\#1252]
- Removed un-used code [\#1258] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error reading unbounded Avro list [\#1253] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Add missing call to `try_push_valid` for nested avro deserialization [\#1248] ([shaeqahmed]


- Bump json\_deserializer version to 0.4.1 [\#1261] ([cjermain]
- Fixed clippy for 1.60 [\#1259] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `BinaryArray::into_mut` and double-ended support for its iterator [\#1255] ([ozgrakkurt]

**Testing updates:**

- Improved test for nullable struct read from Avro [\#1250] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.14.0] (2022-09-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Removed `Count` \(parquet statistics\) [\#1217] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Exposed parquet indexed page filtering to `FileReader` [\#1216] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simpler IPC API [\#1208] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Migrated Avro code to avro-schema repo [\#1199] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for decimal 256 [\#1194] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added support for decoding delta-length-encoded binary \(parquet\) [\#1228] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read and write Parquet's delta-bitpacked \(integer encoding\) [\#1226] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for parquet sidecar to `FileReader` [\#1215] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Write 64bit aligned IPC files [\#1201] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to mmap IPC format [\#1197] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `MutableStructArray` [\#1196] ([hohav]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Stack overflow in parquet RowGroupReader with groups\_filter  [\#1206]
- fixed comparisson and validity kernels [\#1243] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed reading nested stats [\#1240] ([jorgecarleitao]
- `FileSink` now closes the underlying writer. [\#1213] ([samkaufman]
- Fixed JSON infer order [\#1212] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed StackOverflow in skipping many parquet row groups [\#1210] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fix escaped like wildcards [\#1204] ([daniel-martinez-maqueda-sap]
- Removed println :\( [\#1203] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added schema to FileReader [\#1246] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simpler nested parquet read [\#1241] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed unneeded code [\#1229] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved `MutableStruct::push` [\#1223] ([hohav]
- Reduced binary size [\#1221] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added utf8 \<\> binary cast [\#1220] ([jorgecarleitao]
- split parquet compression backend features [\#1207] ([ritchie46]
- Improved API of `mmap` [\#1205] ([ritchie46]
- Added `MutableArray::reserve` [\#1202] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Delayed dict [\#1185] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed guide and improved examples [\#1247] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added documentation on parquet compatibility under `TimeUnit`. [\#1238] ([TurnOfACard]
- Fixed typo in error message for impl StructArray [\#1237] ([knil-sama]
- Fixed incorrect command in doc for generating ORC files [\#1234] ([poga]
- Improved github page generation [\#1233] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fix a typo in the docs [\#1225] ([teymour-aldridge]
- Fix some doc links/typos [\#1211] ([AnIrishDuck]

**Testing updates:**

- Fixed clippy warnings [\#1227] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Updated integration test [\#1214] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.13.0] (2022-07-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Made `nested` argument of `array_to_pages` non-owning [\#1174]
- Replaced `Result` by `panic` in boolean comparison [\#1159] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved dictionary invariants [\#1137] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Change signature of PrimitiveScalar::value to return reference [\#1129] ([ncpenke]
- Removed need to pass encodings by value [\#1123] ([ritchie46]
- Removed unused `NativeType::to_ne_bytes` [\#1112] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Avoid clone in `with_validity` [\#1104] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Reduced need of `unsafe` in FFI [\#1100] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed `Buffer::into_mut` and `make_mut` functions [\#1089] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Renamed `Bitmap::null_count` to `Bitmap::unset_bits` [\#1087] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `chunk_size` optional in parquet's `column_iter_to_arrays` [\#1055] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Migrated from `Arc<dyn Array>` to `Box<dyn Array>` [\#1042] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added support to read ORC [\#1189] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for limit pushdown to IPC reading [\#1135] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write and read Intervals from and to parquet [\#1122] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write `FixedSizeBinary` to Avro [\#1118] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for projections in reading IPC streams [\#1097] ([joshuataylor]
- Added support to write parquet `_metadata` sidecar [\#1063] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added cow APIs \(2x-10x vs non-cow\) [\#1061] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read and write f16 [\#1051] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error not implemented error when reading plain, after-dict pages for fix-len-binary from parquet [\#1192] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in decoding nested multi-page columns from parquet [\#1188] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in counting items in nested parquet [\#1182] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed reading stats from int96 parquet [\#1181] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed limit pushdown in parquet [\#1180] ([jorgecarleitao]
- use `FnOnce` for `PrimitiveArray::apply_validity` [\#1176] ([ritchie46]
- release memory on predicate with 0% selectivity [\#1163] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed error in reading `Struct<List<...>>` from parquet [\#1150] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed IPC projection [\#1149] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed casting dictionary keys [\#1143] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed reading arrays from parquet with required children [\#1140] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed panic in deserializing nested statistics [\#1139] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Aligned name of `FixedSizeBinaryArray::values_iter` [\#1117] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in `FixedSizeListArray::new_null` [\#1114] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed panic in writing dictionaries to parquet [\#1113] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in reading chunked parquet [\#1108] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Raise error when invalid fields are passed to flight [\#1093] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made IPC projection not sort projection [\#1082] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in chunked\_mut bitmap [\#1081] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed panic in bitmap assign\_mut [\#1078] ([ritchie46]
- Panic-free read of IPC files [\#1075] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped parquet2 \(minor\) requirement [\#1071] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed divide by zero on reading empty row group [\#1062] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed missing validation of number of encodings passed when writing to parquet [\#1057] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Improved performance of reading Binary from parquet [\#1190] ([ritchie46]
- Bumped to latest nightly [\#1186] ([gyscos]
- Improved error message [\#1179] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read and write nested dictionaries to parquet [\#1175] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `MutableUtf8Array::into_data` [\#1170] ([ritchie46]
- Added `Default` for `Utf8Array` [\#1169] ([ritchie46]
- fix\(parquet\): allow to read other logical types from parquet [\#1168] ([sundy-li]
- fix\(parquet\): enforce to use ParquetTimeUnit::Nanoseconds  for PhysicalType::Int96 [\#1167] ([sundy-li]
- Added constructor `MutableFixedSizeListArray::new_from` [\#1161] ([hohav]
- Removed unneeded `Default` constraint [\#1157] ([hohav]
- Improved checks to safety invariants in FFI [\#1154] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed un-needed indirection [\#1153] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Soften generic constraint of `Buffer` [\#1152] ([sundy-li]
- Use ahash by default [\#1148] ([ritchie46]
- Reduced bound checks [\#1142] ([ritchie46]
- Moved `Bytes` to own crate [\#1141] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed clippy for 1.62 [\#1134] ([Xuanwo]
- Cleaned example [\#1130] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed `O(N)` clone in writing CSV [\#1128] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Avoid zeroed allocation in reading avro [\#1127] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Reduced allocations of reading bitmaps from IPC [\#1126] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of reading from IPC [\#1125] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved parquet read performance [\#1124] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Optimized write nulls to Avro [\#1119] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `row_group::get_field_columns` public [\#1110] ([ritchie46]
- Removed some panics reading invalid parquet files [\#1106] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Reduced reallocations when reading from IPC \(`~12%`\) [\#1105] ([ritchie46]
- Exposed utilities in `io::flight` [\#1094] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Accept decoding parquet's `i64` into `u32` written by `pyarrow` [\#1090] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code [\#1088] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed un-necessary allocation in `assign_ops` [\#1085] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replaced some macros by generics [\#1084] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of `Bitmap::make_mut` with offset [\#1079] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Implemented `Default` for `PrimitiveArray` [\#1073] ([ritchie46]
- Expose share counts in `Buffer` [\#1072] ([ritchie46]
- Added `compute::arity_assign` [\#1070] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance in lexical write \(~5%\) [\#1067] ([ritchie46]
- Added cast to/from `Null` from/to every type [\#1066] ([jorgecarleitao]
- prevent unneeded offset check [\#1059] ([ritchie46]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed parquet write example [\#1193] ([rajasekarv]
- Improved docs [\#1164] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Minor cleanup of internal namings [\#1160] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added example reading Avro produced by Kafka [\#1151] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Updated license wording [\#1138] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed wrong package name in examples [\#1133] ([Xuanwo]
- Improved example [\#1131] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests [\#1111] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved examples [\#1109] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved internal docs [\#1107] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added notes about creating parquet files and submodules in the development documentation [\#1096] ([joshuataylor]
- Improved docs for `BooleanArray` [\#1083] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added missing link to guide [\#1065] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improve Docs Readability [\#1054] ([ryanrussell]

**Testing updates:**

- Temporary skip decimal256 integration tests [\#1198] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code [\#1183] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made kafka schema\_id `u32` in example [\#1162] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests [\#1158] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped MIRI [\#1156] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code in flight integration tests [\#1136] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests for nested parquet [\#1121] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests for reading and writing CSV [\#1120] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added test for scalar division [\#1115] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests [\#1103] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Enabled more integration tests with pyarrow [\#1102] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified `Bytes` \(internal\) [\#1099] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Updated patch to arrow integration tests [\#1068] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests [\#1064] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.12.0] (2022-06-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Require one encoding per parquet column on write [\#1012]
- Bumped parquet2 [\#1035] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of deserializing JSON \(2x\) [\#1024] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Remove `from_trusted_len_*` from `Buffer` [\#1020] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped arrow-format [\#1011] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replace `fn Offset::is_large()` as `const Offset::IS_LARGE` [\#1002] ([HaoYang670]
- Renamed `ArrowError` to `Error` [\#993] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added support to deserialize `MapArray` from parquet [\#1045] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for random access reads from IPC [\#1034] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for custom sort `build_compare_fn` [\#1016] ([b41sh]
- Added support to write nested parquet [\#1007] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for deserializing JSON from iterator [\#989] ([cjermain]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Writing of `ListArray` does not preserve all values [\#1008]
- Write a two-dimensional list to parquet file failed [\#992]
- Writing to Parquet fails for extension types that contain lists [\#830]
- Fixed using lower limit than size of first parquet row group [\#1046] ([arxra]
- Fixed error in consuming sliced `FixedSizedBinary` from c data interface \(FFI\) [\#1026] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed lexsort limit equal or greater than row\_count [\#1021] ([b41sh]
- Fixed error in reading nested parquet structs [\#1015] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed panic on debug print of invalid timezones [\#1013] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Treat empty timezone string as no-timezone [\#1009] ([dbr]
- Fixed encoding of `NaN` to json [\#990] ([SimonSchneider]
- Fixed error in writing `ListArray` to parquet [\#984] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed decoding Binary Plain pages with dictionary pages [\#982] ([aptr322]


- Added `Debug` and `PartialEq` for `MapArray` [\#1043] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Exposed compression levels for parquet [\#1041] ([ritchie46]
- Added `.arced`/`.boxed` to arrays [\#1040] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added utility to create encodings [\#1018] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `parquet_to_arrow_schema` public [\#1006] ([martingallagher]
- Speeded up `min_max_boolean` for the case where all values are null [\#1005] ([HaoYang670]
- Simplified `min_max_string` and `min_max_binary` [\#1004] ([HaoYang670]
- Added support for Decimal in `build_compare` [\#998] ([GPSnoopy]
- remove accidental quadratic null\_count [\#991] ([ritchie46]
- Aligns MutableDictionaryArray's with MutablePrimitiveArrays with TryPush [\#981] ([TurnOfACard]

**Documentation updates:**

- Cleaned docs for BinaryArray [\#1047] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved API docs for `MutableBitmap` [\#1025] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved docs for `bitmap` [\#1022] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved API docs for `PrimitiveArray` and `Utf8Array` [\#1017] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed dev guide [\#1003] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Added more tests [\#1029] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Moved coverage reporting to `cargo-llvm-cov` [\#1028] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests \(increase coverage\) [\#1027] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Moved tests from lib to `tests` [\#1001] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Allowed feature-specific test runs [\#985] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.11.2] (2022-05-05)

[Full Changelog](

**New features:**

- Added support to append to existing IPC Arrow file [\#972] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added pop to utf8/binary/fixedSize MutableArray [\#966] ([ygf11]
- Added support for union scalars [\#930] ([ncpenke]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Added support to read nested binary from parquet [\#978] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed empty reader panic for NDJSON type infer [\#974] ([Roberto-XY]
- Prevented SO in large parquet files [\#973] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed API bug in `async` read of IPC metadata [\#969] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed writing required list to parquet [\#968] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added support Parquet deserialize LargeList and Uint data types [\#979] ([b41sh]
- Made reading of IPC dictionaries lazy [\#971] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Allowed creating IPC `FileWriter` without writing to the file [\#970] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.11.1] (2022-04-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed bug in writing csv with buffer resizing [\#965] ([ritchie46]

## [v0.11.0] (2022-04-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Refactored parquet statistics deserialization [\#962] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made GroupFilter `Send + Sync` [\#947] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added support for non-ordered projections to IPC reading [\#961] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for reading indexed parquet pages [\#923] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Parquet regression: `exceptions.ArrowErrorException: NotYetImplemented("Can't read Dictionary(UInt32, LargeUtf8, false) from parquet")` [\#955]
- Reading Parquet binary column panics during deserialization 'attempt to subtract with overflow` [\#944](
- Reading Parquet file written by pyarrow with `lz4` compression fails with `OutOfSpec("Thrift out of range")` [\#940](
- Issues when trying to create a parquet file with FixedSizedListArray [\#691](
- Fixed bug in writing csv with buffer resizing [\#965]( ([ritchie46](
- Fixed bug in reading binary parquet [\#945]( ([jorgecarleitao](
- Fixed error in writing fixedSizeListArray to parquet [\#941]( ([jorgecarleitao](
- Fixed support to read dict nested binary parquet  [\#924]( ([jorgecarleitao](


- Reduced memory usage in reading parquet [\#964] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simpler IPC code [\#939] ([jorgecarleitao]
- don't allocate string when writing to csv [\#935] ([ritchie46]
- Removed un-needed generic parameter [\#927] ([jorgecarleitao]
- update to odbc-api 0.36.0 [\#925] ([pacman82]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed example of parallel read via rayon [\#958] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed guide deployment [\#931] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Typo fix [\#919] ([bkmgit]

**Testing updates:**

- Fixed patch of integration tests [\#960] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added test for MapArray [\#942] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed wrong clippy warning [\#938] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.10.1] (2022-03-16)

[Full Changelog](

**New features:**

- Added support to write `StructArray` to Avro [\#909] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write `ListArray` to Avro [\#908] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error in `FixedSizeBinaryArray::new_null` [\#914] ([jorgecarleitao]


- remove csv dependency for csv-write [\#917] ([ritchie46]
- Added `capacity` to some mutable arrays and tests [\#913] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Support `sum`, `min` and `max` for extension and decimal [\#907] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Added more tests [\#910] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.10.0] (2022-03-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Renamed `Ffi_ArrowArray` and `Ffi_ArrowSchema` [\#859]
- Improved performance and stability of writing to CSV [\#866] ([ritchie46]
- Simplified API for writing to JSON [\#864] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified API to import from FFI [\#854] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified compute \(lower/upper\) [\#847] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified infering arrow schema from a parquet schema [\#819] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped parquet and aligned API to fit into it [\#795] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added `GrowableUnion` [\#902] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added cast to `months_days_ns` [\#900] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for `hash` of `month_day_ns` arrays [\#899] ([jorgecarleitao]
- IPC sink types and IPC file stream [\#878] ([dexterduck]
- implemented `futures::Sink` for parquet async writer [\#877] ([dexterduck]
- Added `try_new` and `new` to all arrays [\#873] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for datatypes serde [\#858] ([houqp]
- Added support to the Arrow C stream interface \(read and write\) [\#857] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Support to read/write from/to ODBC [\#849] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added operators that include validities in comparisons [\#846] ([ritchie46]
- Added support to read and write `Decimal128` to Avro [\#837] ([potter420]
- Added support to read Arrow streams asynchronously [\#832] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write `LargeUtf8` and `LargeBinary` to Avro [\#828] ([illumination-k]
- Added support for pushdown projection in reading Avro [\#827] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read Avro's structs [\#826] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write largeUtf8/Binary to Avro [\#825] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added json serialization of timestamp/date32/date64 [\#814] ([ritchie46]
- Added `BooleanArray::from_trusted_len_values_iter_unchecked` [\#799] ([ritchie46]
- Added `MutableUtf8Array::extend_values` [\#798] ([ritchie46]
- Added COW semantics to `Buffer`, `Bitmap` and some arrays [\#794] ([ritchie46]
- Added support to read parquet row groups in chunks [\#789] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added scalar bitwise ops [\#788] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Migrated to portable simd [\#747] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed edge case in reading multiple parquet pages [\#904] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bug fix in offset for sliced unions [\#891] ([ncpenke]
- Fix edge case in reading nested parquet [\#884] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed unsoundness of `#derive(Clone)` for FFI structs [\#882] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed json writing of dates and datetimes [\#867] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed reading parquet with timezone [\#862] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in writing compressed IPC arrow [\#855] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed wrong null\_count when slicing a sliced Bitmap [\#848] ([satlank]
- Fixed error in writing compressed IPC files [\#840] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed float to i128 cast [\#817] ([houqp]
- fix unescaped '"' in json writing [\#812] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed reading parquet binary dict page [\#791] ([danburkert]


- Add `FixedSizeBinaryScalar` [\#782]
- Use more idiomatic versions [\#898] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for min/max for decimal [\#897] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `FixedSizeList::try_push_valid` public and added `new_with_field` [\#887] ([ncpenke]
- Added `MutableFixedList::mut_values` [\#886] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made IPC IO use `try_new` [\#879] ([jorgecarleitao]
- expose `ListValuesIter` [\#874] ([ritchie46]
- Bumped crc [\#856] ([jorgecarleitao]
- DRY parquet reading [\#845] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Refactored \(internal\) fmt [\#842] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped zstd [\#841] ([jorgecarleitao]
- inline push [\#835] ([ritchie46]
- Increased API consistency for COW and respective docs [\#833] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved flexibility of reading parquet [\#820] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Small improvement to deserializing fixed-len parquet statistics. [\#818] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for other timestamp units from parquet [\#803] ([jorgecarleitao]
- More to `into_mut` implementations [\#801] ([ritchie46]
- Added `FixedSizeListScalar` and `FixedSizeBinaryScalar` [\#786] ([illumination-k]
- DRY parquet module [\#785] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Improved documentation [\#860] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made crate `deny(missing_docs)` [\#808] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed doc for `Bitmap::set_bit` [\#802] ([yjshen]
- Fixed `dyn Array::slice` docstring [\#792] ([ritchie46]

**Testing updates:**

- Simpler code \(DRY\) [\#901] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed integration test [\#885] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code to generate parquet files for tests [\#883] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed un-needed `unsafe` [\#843] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests [\#810] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Reduced code duplication [\#805] ([jorgecarleitao]
- upgrade to clap 3.0 [\#797] ([Jimexist]
- Simplified avro reading and added more tests [\#737] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.9.1] (2022-01-19)

[Full Changelog](

**New features:**

- Added support for compare dictionary-encoded with scalar [\#686] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Allowed passing `None` as ipc\_fields in flight API [\#780] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Read dict binary from parquet [\#781] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read and write float dict from parquet [\#778] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Fixed CI for SIMD [\#779] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.9.0] (2022-01-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Added number of rows read in CSV inference [\#765] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Refactored `nullif` [\#753] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Migrated to latest parquet2 [\#752] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replace flatbuffers dependency by Planus [\#732] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified `Schema` and `Field` [\#728] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replaced `RecordBatch` by `Chunk` [\#717] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed `Option` from fields' metadata [\#715] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Moved dict\_id to IPC-specific IO [\#713] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Moved is\_ordered from `Field` to `DataType::Dictionary` [\#711] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Refactored JSON writing \(5-10x\) [\#709] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made Avro read API use `Block` and `CompressedBlock` [\#698] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified most traits [\#696] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replaced `Display` by `Debug` for `Array` [\#694] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replaced `MutableBuffer` by `std::Vec` [\#693] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified `Utf8Scalar` and `BinaryScalar` [\#660] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified Primitive and Boolean scalar [\#648] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Add `and_scalar` and `or_scalar` for boolean\_kleene [\#662]
- Add `lower` and `upper` support for string [\#635]
- Added support to cast decimal [\#761] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to deserialize JSON \(!= NDJSON\) [\#758] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to infer nested json structs [\#750] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to compare intervals [\#746] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `any` and `all` kernel [\#739] ([ritchie46]
- Added support to write Avro async [\#736] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write interval to Avro [\#734] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `and_scalar` and `or_scalar` for boolean kleene [\#723] ([silathdiir]
- Added `and_scalar` and `or_scalar` for boolean [\#707] ([silathdiir]
- Refactored JSON read to split IO-bounded from CPU-bounded tasks [\#706] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more conversions from parquet [\#701] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for compressed Avro write [\#699] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write to Avro [\#690] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added dynamic version of negation [\#685] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read dictionary-encoded required parquet pages [\#683] ([mdrach]
- Added `upper` [\#664] ([Xuanwo]
- Added `lower` [\#641] ([Xuanwo]
- Added support for `async` read of Avro [\#620] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Pyarrow and Arrow2 don't agree on Timestamp resolution [\#700]
- Writing compressed dictionary in parquet corrupts the files [\#667]
- Replaced assert by error in IPC read [\#748] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made all panics in IPC read errors [\#722] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in compare booleans [\#721] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in dispatching scalar arithmetics [\#682] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in reading negative decimals from parquet [\#679] ([mdrach]
- Made IPC reader less restrictive [\#678] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in trait constraint in compute [\#665] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed performance regression of CSV reading [\#657] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed filter of predicate with validity [\#653] ([ritchie46]
- Made `Scalar: Send+Sync` [\#644] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Feature: JSON IO? [\#712]
- Simplified code [\#760] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added iterator of values of `FixedBinaryArray` [\#757] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Remove un-needed `unsafe` [\#756] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replaced un-needed `unsafe` [\#755] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made IO `#[forbid(unsafe)]` [\#749] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved reading nullable Avro arrays [\#727] ([Igosuki]
- Allow to create primitive array by vec without extra memcopy [\#710] ([sundy-li]
- Removed requirement of `use Array` to access primitives' `data_type` [\#697] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Cleaned up trait usage and added forbid\_unsafe to parts [\#695] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Migrated from `avro-rs` to `avro-schema` [\#692] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `MutablePrimitiveArray::extend_constant` [\#689] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Do not write validity without nulls in IPC [\#688] ([jorgecarleitao]
- DRY code via macro [\#681] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `dyn Array` and `Scalar` usable in `#[derive(PartialEq)]` [\#680] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made IPC ZSTD-compressed consumable by pyarrow [\#675] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified trait bounds in arithmetics [\#671] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of reading utf8 required from parquet \(-15%\) [\#670] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Avoid double utf8 checks on MutableUtf8 -\> Utf8 [\#655] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `Buffer::offset` public [\#652] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance in cast Primitive to Binary/String \(2x\) [\#646] ([sundy-li]
- Made `Filter: Send+Sync` [\#645] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made API to create field accept `String` [\#643] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Fixed clippy \(coming from 1.58\) [\#763] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Described how to run part of the tests [\#762] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved README [\#735] ([jorgecarleitao]
- clarify boolean value in DataType::Dictionary [\#718] ([ritchie46]
- readme typo [\#687] ([max-sixty]
- Added example to read parquet in parallel with rayon [\#658] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added documentation to `Bitmap::as_slice` [\#654] ([ritchie46]

**Testing updates:**

- Improved json tests [\#742] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added integration tests for writing compressed parquet [\#740] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Updated patch for integration test [\#731] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added cargo check to benchmarks [\#730] ([sundy-li]
- More tests to CSV writing [\#724] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added integration tests for other compressions with parquet from pyarrow [\#674] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped nightly in CI [\#672] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Invalidate caches from CI. [\#656] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.8.1] (2021-11-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed compilation with individual features activated [\#642] ([ritchie46]

## [v0.8.0] (2021-11-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Made CSV write options use chrono formatting by default [\#624]
- Add `compression` to `IpcWriteOptions` [\#570]
- Made `cast` accept `CastOptions` parameter [\#569]
- Simplified `ArrowError` [\#640] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Use `DynComparator` for `lexsort` and `partition` [\#637] ([yjshen]
- Split "compute" feature [\#634] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed unneeded trait. [\#628] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Sealed 2 traits to forbid downstream implementations [\#621] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified arithmetics compute [\#607] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Refactored comparison `Operator` [\#604] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified dictionary indexes [\#584] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified IPC APIs [\#576] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified IPC stream writer / remove finish on drop from stream writer [\#575] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified trait in compute. [\#572] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Compute: add partial option into CastOptions [\#561] ([sundy-li]
- Introduced `UnionMode` enum [\#557] ([simonvandel]
- Changed DataType::FixedSize\*\(i32\) to DataType::FixedSize\*\(usize\) [\#556] ([simonvandel]

**New features:**

- Added support to write timestamps with timezones for CSV [\#623] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read Avro files' metadata asynchronously [\#614] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added iterator for `StructArray` [\#613] ([illumination-k]
- Added support to read snappy-compressed Avro [\#612] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read decimal from csv [\#602] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to cast `NullArray` to all other types [\#589] ([flaneur2020]
- Added support dictionaries in nested types over IPC [\#587] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write Arrow IPC streams asynchronously [\#577] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to write compressed Arrow IPC \(feather v2\) [\#566] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for ffi for `FixedSizeList` and `FixedSizeBinary` [\#565] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for `async` csv reading. [\#562] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for `bitwise` operations [\#553] ([1aguna]
- Added support to read `StructArray` from parquet [\#547] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error in reading nullable from Avro. [\#631] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in union FFI [\#625] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in computing projection in `io::ipc::read::reader::FileReader` [\#596] ([illumination-k]
- Fixed error in compressing IPC LZ4 [\#593] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed growable of dictionaries negative keys [\#582] ([ritchie46]
- Made substring kernel on utf8 take chars into account. [\#568] ([ritchie46]
- Fixed error in passing sliced arrays via FFI [\#564] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Faster `take` with null values \(2-3x\) [\#633] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved error message for missing feature in compressed parquet [\#632] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `to` conversion to `FixedSizeBinary` [\#622] ([ritchie46]
- Bumped `confy-table` [\#618] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `MutableArray` `Send + Sync` [\#617] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed most of allocations in IPC reading [\#611] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Speed up boolean comparison kernels \(~3x\) [\#610] ([Dandandan]
- Improved performance of decimal arithmetics [\#605] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified traits and added documentation [\#603] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of `is_not_null`. [\#600] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `len` to every array [\#599] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for `NullArray` at FFI. [\#598] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Optimized `MutableBinaryArray` [\#597] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Speedup/simplify bitwise operations \(avoid extra allocation\) [\#586] ([Dandandan]
- Improved performance of `bitmap::from_trusted` \(3x\) [\#578] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made bitmap not cache null count [\#563] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Avoided redundant checks in creating an `Utf8Array` from `MutableUtf8Array` [\#560] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Avoid unnecessary allocations [\#559] ([simonvandel]
- Surfaced errors in reading from avro [\#558] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Simplified example [\#619] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made example of parallel parquet write be over multiple batches [\#544] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Cleaned up benches [\#636] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Ignored tests code in coverage report [\#615] ([yjhmelody]
- Added more tests [\#601] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Mitigated `RUSTSEC-2020-0159` [\#595] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests [\#591] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.7.0] (2021-10-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Simplified reading parquet [\#532] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Change IPC `FileReader` to own the underlying reader [\#518] ([blakesmith]
- Migrate to `arrow_format` crate [\#517] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added read of 2-level nested lists from parquet [\#548] ([jorgecarleitao]
- add dictionary serialization for csv-writer [\#515] ([ritchie46]
- Added `checked_negate` and `wrapping_negate` for `PrimitiveArray` [\#506] ([yjhmelody]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error in reading fixed len binary from parquet [\#549] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed ffi of sliced arrays [\#540] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed s3 example [\#536] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in writing compressed parquet dict pages [\#523] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Validity taken into account when writing `StructArray` to json [\#511] ([VasanthakumarV]


- Bumped Prost and Tonic [\#550] ([PsiACE]
- Speedup scalar boolean operations [\#546] ([Dandandan]
- Added fast path for validating ASCII text \(~1.12-1.89x improvement on reading ASCII parquet data\) [\#542] ([Dandandan]
- Exposed missing APIs to write parquet in parallel [\#539] ([jorgecarleitao]
- improve utf8 init validity [\#530] ([ritchie46]
- export missing `BinaryValueIter` [\#526] ([yjhmelody]

**Documentation updates:**

- Added more IPC documentation [\#534] ([HagaiHargil]
- Fixed clippy and fmt [\#521] ([ritchie46]

**Testing updates:**

- Added more tests for `utf8` [\#543] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Ignored RUSTSEC-2020-0071 and RUSTSEC-2020-0159 [\#537] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved parquet read benches [\#533] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added fmt and clippy checks to CI. [\#522] ([xudong963]

## [v0.6.2] (2021-10-09)

[Full Changelog](

**New features:**

- Added wrapping version arithmetics for `PrimitiveArray` [\#496] ([yjhmelody]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Do not check offsets or utf8 validity in ffi \(\#505\) [\#510] ([NilsBarlaug]
- Made `try_push_valid` public again [\#509] ([ritchie46]


- Use static-typed equal functions directly [\#507] ([yjhmelody]

## [v0.6.1] (2021-10-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Bring `MutableFixedSizeListArray` to the spec used by the rest of the Mutable API [\#475]
- Removed `ALIGNMENT` invariant from `[Mutable]Buffer` [\#449]
- Un-nested `compute::arithemtics::basic` [\#461] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more serialization options for csv writer. [\#453] ([ritchie46]
- Changed validity from `&Option<Bitmap>` to `Option<&Bitmap>`. [\#431] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped parquet2 [\#422] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Changed IPC `FileWriter` to own the `writer`. [\#420] ([yjshen]
- Made `DynComparator` `Send+Sync` [\#414] ([yjshen]

**New features:**

- Read Decimal from Parquet File [\#444]
- Add IO read for Avro [\#401]
- Added support to read Avro logical types, `List`,`Enum`, `Duration` and `Fixed`. [\#493] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added read `Decimal` from parquet [\#489] ([potter420]
- Implement `BitXor` trait for `Bitmap` [\#485] ([houqp]
- Added `extend`/`extend_unchecked` for `MutableBooleanArray` [\#478] ([VasanthakumarV]
- expose `shrink_to_fit` to mutable arrays [\#467] ([ritchie46]
- Added support for `DataType::Map` and `MapArray` [\#464] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Extract parts of datetime [\#433] ([VasanthakumarV]
- Added support to add an interval to a timestamp [\#417] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read Avro. [\#406] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Replaced own allocator by `std::Vec`. [\#385] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- crash in parquet read [\#459]
- Made writing stream to parquet require a non-static lifetime [\#471] ([GrandChaman]
- Made importing from FFI `unsafe` [\#458] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed panic in division using nulls. [\#438] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error writing dictionary extension to IPC [\#397] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in extending `MutableBitmap` [\#393] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Some `compare` function are not exported [\#349]
- Investigate how to add support for timezones in timestamp [\#23]
- Made `hash` work for extension type [\#487] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `extend`/`extend_unchecked` for `MutableBinaryArray` [\#486] ([VasanthakumarV]
- Improved inference and deserialization of CSV [\#483] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `GrowableFixedSizeList` and improved `MutableFixedSizeListArray` [\#470] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `MutableBitmap::shrink_to_fit` [\#468] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `MutableArray::as_box` [\#450] ([sd2k]
- Improved performance of sum aggregation via aligned loads \(-10%\) [\#445] ([ritchie46]
- Removed `assert` from `MutableBuffer::set_len` [\#443] ([ritchie46]
- Optimized `null_count` [\#442] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance of list iterator \(- 10-20%\) [\#441] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance of `PrimitiveGrowable` for nulls \(-10%\) [\#434] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Allowed accessing validity without importing `Array` [\#432] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Optimize hashing using `ahash` and `multiversion` \(-30%\) [\#428] ([Dandandan]
- Improved performance of iterator of `Utf8Array` and `BinaryArray` \(3-4x\) [\#427] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of utf8 validation of large strings via `simdutf8` \(-40%\) [\#426] ([Dandandan]
- Added reading of parquet required dictionary-encoded binary. [\#419] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Add `extend`/`extend_unchecked` for `MutableUtf8Array` [\#413] ([VasanthakumarV]
- Added support to extract hours and years from timestamps with timezone [\#412] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `io_csv_read` and `io_csv_write` feature [\#408] ([ritchie46]
- Improve `comparison` docs and re-export the array-comparing function [\#404] ([HagaiHargil]
- Added support to read dict-encoded required primitive types from parquet [\#402] ([Dandandan]
- Added `Array::with_validity` [\#399] ([ritchie46]

**Documentation updates:**

- Improved documentation [\#491] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more API docs. [\#479] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more documentation [\#476] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved documentation [\#462] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added example showing parallel writes to parquet \(x num\_cores\) [\#436] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved documentation [\#430] ([jorgecarleitao]
- \[0.5\] The docs `io` module has no submodules [\#390]
- Made docs be compiled with feature `full` [\#391] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- DRY via macro. [\#477] ([jorgecarleitao]
- DRY of type check and len check code in `compute` [\#474] ([yjhmelody]
- Added property testing [\#460] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added fmt to CI. [\#455] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified CI [\#452] ([jorgecarleitao]
- fix filter kernels bench [\#440] ([ritchie46]
- Reduced number of combinations in feature tests. [\#429] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Move tests from `src/compute/` to `tests/` [\#423] ([VasanthakumarV]
- Skipped some feature permutations. [\#411] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added tests to some invariants of `unsafe` [\#403] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read and write extension types to and from parquet [\#396] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fix testing of SIMD [\#394] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.5.3] (2021-09-14)

[Full Changelog](

**New features:**

- Added support to read and write extension types to and from parquet [\#396] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error writing dictionary extension to IPC [\#397] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in extending `MutableBitmap` [\#393] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added support to read dict-encoded required primitive types from parquet [\#402] ([Dandandan]
- Added `Array::with_validity` [\#399] ([ritchie46]

**Testing updates:**

- Fix testing of SIMD [\#394] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.5.1] (2021-09-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Documentation updates:**

- \[0.5\] The docs `io` module has no submodules [\#390]
- Made docs be compiled with feature `full` [\#391] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.5.0] (2021-09-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Added `Extension` to `DataType` [\#361]
- `MonthDayNano` added to enum `IntervalUnit` [\#360]
- Make `io::parquet::write::write_*` return size of file in bytes [\#354]
- Renamed `bitmap::utils::null_count` to `bitmap::utils::count_zeros` [\#342]
- Made `GroupFilter` optional in parquet's`RecordReader` and added method to set it. [\#386] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed `PartialOrd` and `Ord` of all enums in `datatypes` [\#379] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `cargo` features not default [\#369] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Prepare APIs for extension types [\#357] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added support for `async` parquet write [\#372] ([GrandChaman]
- Add support to extension types in FFI [\#363] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for field's metadata via FFI [\#362] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for `Extension` \(logical\) type [\#359] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for compute to `BinaryArray` [\#346] ([zhyass]
- Added support for reading binary from CSV [\#337] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for `MONTH_DAY_NANO` interval type [\#268] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Parquet read skips a few rows at the end of the page [\#373]
- `parquet_read` fails when a column has too many rows with string values [\#366]
- `parquet_read` panics with `index_out_of_bounds` [\#351]
- Fixed error in `MutableBitmap::push_unchecked` [\#384] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed display of timestamp with tz. [\#375] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added `extend_*values` to `MutablePrimitiveArray` [\#383] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance of writing to CSV \(20-25%\) [\#382] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped `lexical-core` [\#378] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed casting of utf8 \<\> Timestamp with and without timezone [\#376] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `Send+Sync` to `MutableBuffer` [\#368] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of unary \_not\_ for aligned bitmaps \(3x\) [\#365] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Reduced dependencies within `num` [\#353] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped to parquet2 v0.4 [\#352] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Bumped tonic and prost in flight [\#344] ([PsiACE]
- Improved null count calculation \(5x\) [\#343] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved perf of deserializing integers from json \(30%\) [\#340] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified code of json schema inference [\#339] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Moved guide examples to examples/ [\#387] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more docs. [\#358] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved API docs. [\#355] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Moved tests to `tests/` [\#389] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Moved compute tests to tests/ [\#388] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests. [\#380] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Pinned nightly in SIMD tests [\#364] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved benches for take [\#348] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made IPC integration tests run tests that are not run by arrow-rs [\#278] ([jorgecarleitao]

## [v0.4.0] (2021-08-24)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Change dictionary iterator of values from `Array`s of one element to `Scalar`s [\#335]
- Align FFI API with arrow's C++ API [\#328]
- Make `*_compare_scalar` not return `Result` [\#316]
- Make `io::print`, `get_value_display` and `get_display` not return `Result` [\#286]
- Add `MetadataVersion` to IPC interfaces [\#282]
- Change `DataType::Union` to enable round trips in IPC [\#281]
- Removed clone requirement in `StructArray -> RecordBatch` [\#307] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in reading a non-finished IPC stream. [\#302] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Generalized ZipIterator to accept a `BitmapIter` [\#296] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Added API to FFI `Field` [\#321] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added `compare_scalar` [\#317] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Add `UnionArray` [\#283] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- SliceIterator of last bytes is not correct [\#292]
- Fixed error in displaying dictionaries with nulls in values [\#334] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in dict equality [\#333] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed small inconsistencies between `compute::cast` and `compute::can_cast` [\#295] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed order implementation for `days_ms` / `Interval(DayTime)` [\#285] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Added support for remaining non-nested datatypes [\#336] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made `multiversion` and `lexical-core` optional [\#324] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of utf8 comparison \(1.7x-4x\) [\#322] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of boolean comparison \(5x-14x\) [\#318] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added trait `TryPush` [\#314] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added cast `date32 -> i64` and `date64 -> i32` [\#308] ([ritchie46]
- Improved performance of comparison with SIMD feature flag \(2x-3.5x\) [\#305] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read json to `BinaryArray` [\#304] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved `MutableFixedSizeBinaryArray` [\#303] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved `MutablePrimitiveArray` and `MutableUtf8Array` [\#299] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved `MutableBooleanArray` [\#297] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved performance of concatenating non-aligned validities \(15x\) [\#291] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for timestamps with tz and interval to `io::print::write` [\#287] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved debug repr of buffers and bitmaps. [\#284] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Cleaned up internals of json integration [\#280] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Removed `serde_derive` dependency [\#279] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Simplified IPC code. [\#277] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Reduced dependencies from confi-table and enabled `wasm` on `io_print` feature. [\#276] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improve performance of `rem_scalar/div_scalar` for integer types \(4x-10x\) [\#275] ([ritchie46]

**Documentation updates:**

- Cleaned examples and docs from old API. [\#330] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Improved documentation [\#306] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Testing updates:**

- Improved naming of testing workflows [\#315] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added tests to scalar API [\#300] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Made CSV and JSON tests not use files. [\#290] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Moved tests to integration tests [\#289] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Closed issues:**

- Make parquet\_read\_record support async [\#331]
- Panic due to SIMD comparison [\#312]
- Bitmap::mutable line 155 may Panic/segfault [\#309]
- IPC's `StreamReader` may abort due to excessive memory by overflowing a `usize`d variable [\#301]
- Improve performance of `rem_scalar/div_scalar` for integer types \(4x-10x\) [\#259]

## [v0.3.0] (2021-08-11)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Renamed `sum` to `sum_primitive` [\#273]
- Moved trait `Index` from `array::Index` to `types::Index` [\#272]
- Added optional `projection` to IPC FileReader [\#271]
- Added optional `page_filter` to parquet's `RecordReader` and `get_page_iterator` [\#270]
- Renamed parquets' `CompressionCodec` to `Compression` [\#269]

**New features:**

- Added support for FFI of dictionary-encoded arrays [\#267] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for projection pushdown on IPC files [\#264] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to read parquet asynchronously [\#260] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to filter parquet pages. [\#256] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added wrapping\_cast to cast kernels [\#254] ([sundy-li]
- Added support to parquet IO on wasm32 [\#239] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support to round-trip dictionary arrays on parquet [\#232] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added Scalar API [\#56] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fixed error in computing remainder of chunk iterator [\#262] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed error in slicing bitmap. [\#250] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Improve the performance in cast kernel using AsPrimitive trait in generic dispatch [\#252]
- Poor performance in `sort::sort_to_indices`  with limit option in arrow2 [\#245]
- Support loading Feather v2 \(IPC\) files with more than 1 million tables [\#231]
- Migrated to parquet2 v0.3 [\#265] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added more tests to cast and min/max [\#253] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Prettytable is unmaintained. Change to comfy-table [\#251] ([PsiACE]
- Added IndexRange to remove checks in hot loops [\#247] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Make merge\_sort\_slices MergeSortSlices public [\#243] ([sundy-li]

**Documentation updates:**

- Added example and guide section on compute [\#242] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Closed issues:**

- Allow projection pushdown to IPC files [\#261]
- Add support to write dictionary-encoded pages [\#211]
- Make IpcWriteOptions easier to find. [\#120]

## [v0.2.0] (2021-07-30)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Simplified `new` signature of growable API [\#238] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Add support to merge sort with a limit [\#222] ([sundy-li]
- Generalized sort to accept indices other than i32. [\#220] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added support for limited sort [\#218] ([jorgecarleitao]

**New features:**

- Merge sort support limit option [\#221]
- Introduce limit option to sort [\#215]
- Added support for take of interval of days\_ms [\#219] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Added FFI for remaining types [\#213] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Filter operation on sliced utf8 arrays are incorrect [\#233]
- Fixed error in slicing bitmap. [\#237] ([jorgecarleitao]
- Fixed nested FFI. [\#212] ([jorgecarleitao]


- Avoid materialization of indices in filter\_record\_batch for single arrays [\#234]
- Add integration tests for writing to parquet [\#80]
- Short-circuited boolean evaluation in GrowableList [\#228] ([ritchie46]
- Add extra inlining to speed up take [\#226] ([Dandandan]
- Removed un-needed `unsafe` [\#225] ([jorgecarleitao]

**Documentation updates:**

- Add documentation to guide [\#96]
- Add git submodule command to correct the test doc [\#223] ([sundy-li]
- Added badges to README [\#216] ([sundy-li]
- Clarified differences with arrow crate [\#210] ([alamb]
- Clarified differences with arrow crate [\#209] ([alamb]

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*