Expand description

Contains the Array and MutableArray trait objects declaring arrays, as well as concrete arrays (such as Utf8Array and MutableUtf8Array).

Fixed-length containers with optional values that are layed in memory according to the Arrow specification. Each array type has its own struct. The following are the main array types:

Most arrays contain a MutableArray counterpart that is neither clonable nor slicable, but can be operated in-place.


Contains the trait Growable and corresponding concreate implementations, one per concrete array, that offer the ability to create a new Array out of slices of existing Arrays.
Contains functions and function factories to order values within arrays.


Iterator of values of an ArrayAccessor.
A BinaryArray is Arrow’s semantically equivalent of an immutable Vec<Option<Vec<u8>>>. It implements Array.
A BooleanArray is Arrow’s semantically equivalent of an immutable Vec<Option<bool>>. It implements Array.
An Array whose values are stored as indices. This Array is useful when the cardinality of values is low compared to the length of the Array.
The Arrow’s equivalent to an immutable Vec<Option<[u8; size]>>. Cloning and slicing this struct is O(1).
The Arrow’s equivalent to an immutable Vec<Option<[T; size]>> where T is an Arrow type. Cloning and slicing this struct is O(1).
An Array semantically equivalent to Vec<Option<Vec<Option<T>>>> with Arrow’s in-memory.
Iterator of values of an ListArray.
An array representing a (key, value), both of arbitrary logical types.
The Arrow’s equivalent to Vec<Option<Vec<u8>>>. Converting a MutableBinaryArray into a BinaryArray is O(1).
The Arrow’s equivalent to Vec<Option<bool>>, but with 1/16 of its size. Converting a MutableBooleanArray into a BooleanArray is O(1).
A mutable, strong-typed version of DictionaryArray.
The Arrow’s equivalent to a mutable Vec<Option<[u8; size]>>. Converting a MutableFixedSizeBinaryArray into a FixedSizeBinaryArray is O(1).
The mutable version of ListArray.
The Arrow’s equivalent to Vec<Option<T>> where T is byte-size (e.g. i32). Converting a MutablePrimitiveArray into a PrimitiveArray is O(1).
A MutableArray that builds a Utf8Array. It differs from MutableUtf8ValuesArray in that it can build nullable Utf8Arrays.
A MutableArray that builds a Utf8Array. It differs from MutableUtf8Array in that it builds non-null Utf8Array.
A PrimitiveArray is Arrow’s semantically equivalent of an immutable Vec<Option<T>> where T is NativeType (e.g. i32). It implements Array.
A StructArray is a nested Array with an optional validity representing multiple Array with the same number of rows.
UnionArray represents an array whose each slot can contain different values.
A Utf8Array is arrow’s semantic equivalent of an immutable Vec<Option<String>>. Cloning and slicing this struct is O(1).


A trait representing an immutable Arrow array. Arrow arrays are trait objects that are infallibly downcasted to concrete types according to the Array::data_type.
Trait denoting NativeTypes that can be used as keys of a dictionary.
Trait that BinaryArray and Utf8Array implement for the purposes of DRY.
Trait that list arrays implement for the purposes of DRY.
A trait describing a mutable array; i.e. an array whose values can be changed. Mutable arrays cannot be cloned but can be mutated in place, thereby making them useful to perform numeric operations without allocations. As in Array, concrete arrays (such as MutablePrimitiveArray) implement how they are mutated.
Sealed trait describing the subset (i32 and i64) of Index that can be used as offsets of variable-length Arrow arrays.
A trait describing the ability of a struct to create itself from a iterator. This is similar to Extend, but accepted the creation to error.
A trait describing the ability of a struct to receive new items.


Clones a dynamic Array.
Logically compares two Arrays. Two arrays are logically equal if and only if:
Returns a function that writes the element of array at position index to a Write, writing null to the null slots.
Returns a function that writes the value of the element of array at position index to a Write, writing null in the null slots.
Creates a new Array with a Array::len of 0.
Creates a new Array of DataType data_type and length. The array is guaranteed to have Array::null_count equal to Array::len for all types except Union, which does not have a validity.

Type Definitions

Iterator of values of an BinaryArray.
A type definition PrimitiveArray for days_ms
A type definition PrimitiveArray for f16
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for f16
A type definition PrimitiveArray for f32
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for f32
A type definition PrimitiveArray for f64
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for f64
A type definition PrimitiveArray for i8
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for i8
A type definition PrimitiveArray for i16
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for i16
A type definition PrimitiveArray for i32
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for i32
A type definition PrimitiveArray for i64
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for i64
A type definition PrimitiveArray for i128
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for i128
A type definition PrimitiveArray for i256
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for i256
A type definition PrimitiveArray for u8
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for u8
A type definition PrimitiveArray for u16
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for u16
A type definition PrimitiveArray for u32
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for u32
A type definition PrimitiveArray for u64
A type definition MutablePrimitiveArray for u64
Iterator of values of an Utf8Array.