Module arrow::ipc::gen::Schema[][src]


Opaque binary data

Date is either a 32-bit or 64-bit type representing elapsed time since UNIX epoch (1970-01-01), stored in either of two units:

Exact decimal value represented as an integer value in two’s complement. Currently only 128-bit (16-byte) and 256-bit (32-byte) integers are used. The representation uses the endianness indicated in the Schema.

Represents Arrow Features that might not have full support within implementations. This is intended to be used in two scenarios:

Same as Binary, but with 64-bit offsets, allowing to represent extremely large data values.

Same as List, but with 64-bit offsets, allowing to represent extremely large data values.

Same as Utf8, but with 64-bit offsets, allowing to represent extremely large data values.

A Map is a logical nested type that is represented as

These are stored in the flatbuffer in the Type union below

A Struct_ in the flatbuffer metadata is the same as an Arrow Struct (according to the physical memory layout). We used Struct_ here as Struct is a reserved word in Flatbuffers

Time type. The physical storage type depends on the unit

Time elapsed from the Unix epoch, 00:00:00.000 on 1 January 1970, excluding leap seconds, as a 64-bit integer. Note that UNIX time does not include leap seconds.

A union is a complex type with children in Field By default ids in the type vector refer to the offsets in the children optionally typeIds provides an indirection between the child offset and the type id for each child typeIds[offset] is the id used in the type vector

Unicode with UTF-8 encoding





Verifies that a buffer of bytes contains a Schema and returns it. Note that verification is still experimental and may not catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the previous, unchecked, behavior use root_as_schema_unchecked.

Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes contains a Schema and returns it.

Verifies, with the given options, that a buffer of bytes contains a Schema and returns it. Note that verification is still experimental and may not catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the previous, unchecked, behavior use root_as_schema_unchecked.

Verifies that a buffer of bytes contains a size prefixed Schema and returns it. Note that verification is still experimental and may not catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the previous, unchecked, behavior use size_prefixed_root_as_schema_unchecked.

Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes contains a size prefixed Schema and returns it.

Verifies, with the given verifier options, that a buffer of bytes contains a size prefixed Schema and returns it. Note that verification is still experimental and may not catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the previous, unchecked, behavior use root_as_schema_unchecked.