[][src]Function arrayfire::sum_nan_all

pub fn sum_nan_all<T>(
    input: &Array<T>,
    val: f64
) -> (<<T as HasAfEnum>::AggregateOutType as HasAfEnum>::BaseType, <<T as HasAfEnum>::AggregateOutType as HasAfEnum>::BaseType) where
    T: HasAfEnum,
    <T as HasAfEnum>::AggregateOutType: HasAfEnum,
    <<T as HasAfEnum>::AggregateOutType as HasAfEnum>::BaseType: HasAfEnum + Fromf64

Sum all values using user provided value for NAN

Sum all the values of the input Array after replacing any NAN values with val.


  • input is the input Array
  • val is the val that replaces all NAN values of the Array before reduction operation is performed.

Return Values

A tuple of summation result.

Note: For non-complex data type Arrays, second value of tuple is zero.