arnold-rs 0.1.0

Rust bindings for the Arnold raytracing API failed to build arnold-rs-0.1.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.

Rust bindings for the Arnold raytracing API

Modules Completion

[ ] ai_allocate [ ] ai_matrix [ ] ai_shader_message
[ ] ai_api [ ] ai_matrix_private [ ] ai_shader_parameval
[x] ai_array [ ] ai_metadata [ ] ai_shader_radiance
[x] ai_bbox [x] ai_msg [ ] ai_shader_sample
[ ] ai_cameras [x] ai_node_entry [ ] ai_shader_sss
[ ] ai_closure [x] ai_nodes [ ] ai_shader_userdef
[x] ai_color [ ] ai_noise [ ] ai_shader_util
[ ] ai_color_managers [ ] ai_operator [ ] ai_shader_volume
[ ] ai_comparison [ ] ai_params [ ] ai_shaderglobals
[x] ai_constants [ ] ai_plugins [ ] ai_shaders
[ ] ai_critsec [ ] ai_pointcloud [ ] ai_stats
[ ] ai_deprecated [ ] ai_procedural [x] ai_string
[ ] ai_device [ ] ai_ray [ ] ai_texture
[x] ai_dotass [x] ai_render [ ] ai_unit_test
[ ] ai_driver_utils [ ] ai_threads [ ] ai_universe
[x] ai_drivers [ ] ai_sampler [x] ai_vector
[ ] ai_enum [ ] ai_shader_aovs [ ] ai_version
[ ] ai_filters [ ] ai_shader_bsdf [ ] ai_volume
[ ] ai_license [ ] ai_shader_closure
[ ] ai_math [ ] ai_shader_lights


Environment Setup

Before you build and run you need to make sure arnold can be found.

export ARNOLD_ROOT=/path/to/arnold/root;


cargo build


cargo test string_cmp -- --test-threads=1

This will run the test string_cmp see Attention Tests why we need to run them individually. You can run the following to list the available tests.

cargo test -- --list
ai_render::tests::render_testing: test
ai_string::tests::string_cmp: test
ai_string::tests::string_empty: test
ai_string::tests::string_hash: test
ai_string::tests::string_length: test


To build documentation, run: cargo rustdoc --lib -- --sort-modules-by-appearance -Z unstable-options



This is an extremely early test to learn rust. Don't expect much.


You need to run the tests individually. Even if we run tests with cargo test -- --test-threads=1 we get panics some times.