arkworks-gadgets 0.4.20

Webb protocol's zero-knowledge gadgets written using Arkworks
use ark_crypto_primitives::{Error, CRH};
use ark_ff::{to_bytes, PrimeField, ToBytes};
use ark_std::{
	collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
	io::{Result as IoResult, Write},
use core::convert::TryInto;

#[cfg(feature = "r1cs")]
pub mod constraints;
pub mod simple_merkle;

/// configuration of a Merkle tree
pub trait Config: Clone + PartialEq {
	/// Tree height
	const HEIGHT: u8;
	/// The CRH
	type H: CRH;
	type LeafH: CRH;

type InnerNode<P> = <<P as Config>::H as CRH>::Output;
type LeafNode<P> = <<P as Config>::LeafH as CRH>::Output;
type InnerParameters<P> = <<P as Config>::H as CRH>::Parameters;
type LeafParameters<P> = <<P as Config>::LeafH as CRH>::Parameters;

#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Node<P: Config> {

// TODO: Improve error handling
impl<P: Config> Node<P> {
	pub fn inner(self) -> InnerNode<P> {
		match self {
			Node::Inner(inner) => inner,
			_ => panic!("Not inner node!"),

	pub fn leaf(self) -> LeafNode<P> {
		match self {
			Node::Leaf(leaf) => leaf,
			_ => panic!("Not leaf node!"),

impl<P: Config> ToBytes for Node<P> {
	fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: W) -> IoResult<()> {
		match self {
			Self::Inner(inner) => inner.write(writer),
			Self::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.write(writer),

pub struct Path<P: Config, const N: usize> {
	pub(crate) path: [(Node<P>, Node<P>); N],
	leaf_params: Rc<LeafParameters<P>>,
	inner_params: Rc<InnerParameters<P>>,

impl<P: Config + PartialEq, const N: usize> Path<P, N> {
	/// verify the lookup proof, just checking the membership
	pub fn check_membership<L: ToBytes>(
		root_hash: &Node<P>,
		leaf: &L,
	) -> Result<bool, Error> {
		let prev = self.root_hash(leaf)?;
		Ok(root_hash == &prev)

	pub fn get_index<L: ToBytes, F: PrimeField>(
		root_hash: &Node<P>,
		leaf: &L,
	) -> Result<F, Error> {
		if !self.check_membership(root_hash, leaf)? {
			panic!("Leaf is not in the path");

		let mut prev = hash_leaf::<P, L>(self.leaf_params.borrow(), leaf)?;
		let mut index = F::zero();
		let mut twopower = F::one();
		// Check levels between leaf level and root.
		for &(ref left_hash, ref right_hash) in &self.path {
			// Check if the previous hash is for a left node or right node.
			if &prev != left_hash {
				index += twopower;
			twopower = twopower + twopower;
			prev = hash_inner_node::<P>(self.inner_params.borrow(), left_hash, right_hash)?;


	/// Return hash of root computed by the path
	pub fn root_hash<L: ToBytes>(&self, leaf: &L) -> Result<Node<P>, Error> {
		if self.path.len() != P::HEIGHT as usize {
			panic!("path.len !=  P::HEIGHT");

		let claimed_leaf_hash = hash_leaf::<P, L>(self.leaf_params.borrow(), leaf)?;

		// Check if claimed leaf hash is the same as one of
		// the provided hashes on level 0
		if claimed_leaf_hash != self.path[0].0 && claimed_leaf_hash != self.path[0].1 {
			panic!("Leaf is not on Path");

		let mut prev = claimed_leaf_hash;
		// Check levels between leaf level and root.
		for &(ref left_hash, ref right_hash) in &self.path {
			// Check if the previous hash matches the correct current hash.
			if &prev != left_hash && &prev != right_hash {
				panic!("Path nodes are not consistent");
			prev = hash_inner_node::<P>(self.inner_params.borrow(), left_hash, right_hash)?;


/// Merkle sparse tree
pub struct SparseMerkleTree<P: Config> {
	/// data of the tree
	pub tree: BTreeMap<u64, Node<P>>,
	empty_hashes: Vec<Node<P>>,
	leaf_params: Rc<<P::LeafH as CRH>::Parameters>,
	inner_params: Rc<<P::H as CRH>::Parameters>,

// TODO: Improve error handling
impl<P: Config> SparseMerkleTree<P> {
	/// obtain an empty tree
	pub fn blank(inner_params: Rc<InnerParameters<P>>, leaf_params: Rc<LeafParameters<P>>) -> Self {
		let empty_hashes =
			gen_empty_hashes::<P>(leaf_params.borrow(), inner_params.borrow()).unwrap();

		SparseMerkleTree {
			tree: BTreeMap::new(),

	pub fn insert_batch<L: Default + ToBytes>(
		&mut self,
		leaves: &BTreeMap<u32, L>,
	) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let last_level_index: u64 = (1u64 << P::HEIGHT) - 1;

		let mut level_idxs: BTreeSet<u64> = BTreeSet::new();
		for (i, leaf) in leaves {
			let true_index = last_level_index + (*i as u64);
			let leaf_hash = hash_leaf::<P, _>(self.leaf_params.borrow(), leaf)?;
			self.tree.insert(true_index, leaf_hash);

		for level in 0..P::HEIGHT {
			let mut new_idxs: BTreeSet<u64> = BTreeSet::new();
			for i in level_idxs {
				let left_index = left_child(i);
				let right_index = right_child(i);

				let empty_hash = self.empty_hashes[level as usize].clone();
				let left = self.tree.get(&left_index).unwrap_or(&empty_hash);
				let right = self.tree.get(&right_index).unwrap_or(&empty_hash);
					hash_inner_node::<P>(self.inner_params.borrow(), left, right)?,

				let parent = match parent(i) {
					Some(i) => i,
					None => break,
			level_idxs = new_idxs;


	/// initialize a tree (with optional data)
	pub fn new<L: Default + ToBytes>(
		inner_params: Rc<InnerParameters<P>>,
		leaf_params: Rc<LeafParameters<P>>,
		leaves: &BTreeMap<u32, L>,
	) -> Result<Self, Error> {
		let last_level_size = leaves.len().next_power_of_two();
		let tree_size = 2 * last_level_size - 1;
		let tree_height = tree_height(tree_size as u64);
		assert!(tree_height <= P::HEIGHT as u32);

		// Initialize the merkle tree.
		let tree: BTreeMap<u64, Node<P>> = BTreeMap::new();
		let empty_hashes = gen_empty_hashes::<P>(leaf_params.borrow(), inner_params.borrow())?;

		let mut smt = SparseMerkleTree {


	pub fn new_sequential<L: Default + ToBytes + Clone>(
		inner_params: Rc<InnerParameters<P>>,
		leaf_params: Rc<LeafParameters<P>>,
		leaves: &[L],
	) -> Result<Self, Error> {
		let pairs: BTreeMap<u32, L> = leaves
			.map(|(i, l)| (i as u32, l.clone()))
		let smt = Self::new(inner_params, leaf_params, &pairs)?;


	/// obtain the root hash
	pub fn root(&self) -> Node<P> {

	/// generate a membership proof (does not check the data point)
	pub fn generate_membership_proof<const N: usize>(&self, index: u64) -> Path<P, N> {
		let mut path = Vec::with_capacity(N);

		let tree_index = convert_index_to_last_level::<P>(index);

		// Iterate from the leaf up to the root, storing all intermediate hash values.
		let mut current_node = tree_index;
		let mut level = 0;
		while !is_root(current_node) {
			let sibling_node = sibling(current_node).unwrap();

			let empty_hash = &self.empty_hashes[level];

			let current = self
				.unwrap_or_else(|| empty_hash.clone());
			let sibling = self
				.unwrap_or_else(|| empty_hash.clone());

			if is_left_child(current_node) {
				path.push((current, sibling));
			} else {
				path.push((sibling, current));
			current_node = parent(current_node).unwrap();
			level += 1;

		Path {
			path: path
				.unwrap_or_else(|v: Vec<(Node<P>, Node<P>)>| {
					panic!("Expected a Vec of length {} but it was {}", N, v.len())
			inner_params: Rc::clone(&self.inner_params),
			leaf_params: Rc::clone(&self.leaf_params),

/// Returns the log2 value of the given number.
fn log2(number: u64) -> u32 {
	ark_std::log2(number as usize)

/// Returns the height of the tree, given the size of the tree.
fn tree_height(tree_size: u64) -> u32 {

/// Returns true iff the index represents the root.
fn is_root(index: u64) -> bool {
	index == 0

/// Returns the index of the left child, given an index.
fn left_child(index: u64) -> u64 {
	2 * index + 1

/// Returns the index of the right child, given an index.
fn right_child(index: u64) -> u64 {
	2 * index + 2

/// Returns the index of the sibling, given an index.
fn sibling(index: u64) -> Option<u64> {
	if index == 0 {
	} else if is_left_child(index) {
		Some(index + 1)
	} else {
		Some(index - 1)

/// Returns true iff the given index represents a left child.
fn is_left_child(index: u64) -> bool {
	index % 2 == 1

/// Returns the index of the parent, given an index.
fn parent(index: u64) -> Option<u64> {
	if index > 0 {
		Some((index - 1) >> 1)
	} else {

fn convert_index_to_last_level<P: Config>(index: u64) -> u64 {
	index + (1u64 << P::HEIGHT) - 1

/// Returns the Node hash, given a left and right hash value.
pub(crate) fn hash_inner_node<P: Config>(
	parameters: &<P::H as CRH>::Parameters,
	left: &Node<P>,
	right: &Node<P>,
) -> Result<Node<P>, Error> {
	let bytes = to_bytes![left, right]?;
	let inner = <P::H as CRH>::evaluate(parameters, &bytes)?;

/// Returns the hash of a leaf.
fn hash_leaf<P: Config, L: ToBytes>(
	parameters: &<P::LeafH as CRH>::Parameters,
	leaf: &L,
) -> Result<Node<P>, Error> {
	let leaf = <P::LeafH as CRH>::evaluate(parameters, &to_bytes![leaf]?)?;

fn hash_empty<P: Config>(parameters: &<P::LeafH as CRH>::Parameters) -> Result<Node<P>, Error> {
	let res = <P::LeafH as CRH>::evaluate(parameters, &vec![
		<P::LeafH as CRH>::INPUT_SIZE_BITS / 8


pub fn gen_empty_hashes<P: Config>(
	leaf_params: &LeafParameters<P>,
	inner_params: &InnerParameters<P>,
) -> Result<Vec<Node<P>>, Error> {
	let mut empty_hashes = Vec::with_capacity(P::HEIGHT as usize);

	let mut empty_hash = hash_empty::<P>(leaf_params)?;

	for _ in 1..=P::HEIGHT {
		empty_hash = hash_inner_node::<P>(inner_params, &empty_hash, &empty_hash)?;


mod test {
	use super::{gen_empty_hashes, hash_inner_node, hash_leaf, Config, SparseMerkleTree};
	use crate::poseidon::CRH as PoseidonCRH;
	use ark_bls12_381::Fq;
	use ark_crypto_primitives::crh::CRH;
	use ark_ff::{ToBytes, UniformRand};
	use ark_std::{borrow::Borrow, collections::BTreeMap, rc::Rc, test_rng};
	use arkworks_utils::{
		utils::common::{setup_params_x5_3, Curve},

	type SMTCRH = PoseidonCRH<Fq>;

	#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
	struct SMTConfig;
	impl Config for SMTConfig {
		type H = SMTCRH;
		type LeafH = SMTCRH;

		const HEIGHT: u8 = 3;

	fn create_merkle_tree<L: Default + ToBytes + Copy, C: Config>(
		inner_params: Rc<<C::H as CRH>::Parameters>,
		leaf_params: Rc<<C::LeafH as CRH>::Parameters>,
		leaves: &[L],
	) -> SparseMerkleTree<C> {
		let pairs: BTreeMap<u32, L> = leaves
			.map(|(i, l)| (i as u32, *l))
		let smt = SparseMerkleTree::<C>::new(inner_params, leaf_params, &pairs).unwrap();


	fn should_create_tree_poseidon() {
		let rng = &mut test_rng();
		let curve = Curve::Bls381;

		let params3 = setup_params_x5_3(curve);

		let inner_params = Rc::new(params3);
		let leaf_params = inner_params.clone();

		let leaves = vec![Fq::rand(rng), Fq::rand(rng), Fq::rand(rng)];
		let smt = create_merkle_tree(inner_params.clone(), leaf_params.clone(), &leaves);

		let root = smt.root();

		let empty_hashes =
			gen_empty_hashes::<SMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), leaf_params.borrow()).unwrap();
		let hash1 = hash_leaf::<SMTConfig, _>(leaf_params.borrow(), &leaves[0]).unwrap();
		let hash2 = hash_leaf::<SMTConfig, _>(leaf_params.borrow(), &leaves[1]).unwrap();
		let hash3 = hash_leaf::<SMTConfig, _>(leaf_params.borrow(), &leaves[2]).unwrap();

		let hash12 = hash_inner_node::<SMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash1, &hash2).unwrap();
		let hash34 =
			hash_inner_node::<SMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash3, &empty_hashes[0]).unwrap();
		let hash1234 =
			hash_inner_node::<SMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash12, &hash34).unwrap();
		let calc_root =
			hash_inner_node::<SMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash1234, &empty_hashes[2])

		assert_eq!(root, calc_root);

	fn should_generate_and_validate_proof_poseidon() {
		let rng = &mut test_rng();
		let curve = Curve::Bls381;

		let params3 = setup_params_x5_3(curve);

		let inner_params = Rc::new(params3);
		let leaf_params = inner_params.clone();

		let leaves = vec![Fq::rand(rng), Fq::rand(rng), Fq::rand(rng)];
		let smt = create_merkle_tree::<_, SMTConfig>(inner_params, leaf_params, &leaves);

		let proof = smt.generate_membership_proof::<{ SMTConfig::HEIGHT as usize }>(0);

		let res = proof.check_membership(&smt.root(), &leaves[0]).unwrap();
	fn should_find_the_index_poseidon() {
		let rng = &mut test_rng();
		let curve = Curve::Bls381;

		let params3 = setup_params_x5_3(curve);

		let inner_params = Rc::new(params3);
		let leaf_params = inner_params.clone();
		let index = 2;
		let leaves = vec![Fq::rand(rng), Fq::rand(rng), Fq::rand(rng)];
		let smt = create_merkle_tree::<_, SMTConfig>(inner_params, leaf_params, &leaves);

		let proof = smt.generate_membership_proof::<{ MiMCSMTConfig::HEIGHT as usize }>(index);

		let res: Fq = proof
			.get_index(&smt.root(), &leaves[index as usize])
		let desired_res = Fq::from(index);

		assert_eq!(res, desired_res)

	use crate::mimc::Rounds as MiMCRounds;
	use ark_ed_on_bn254::Fq as Bn254Fq;

	#[derive(Default, Clone)]
	struct MiMCRounds220_2;

	impl crate::mimc::Rounds for MiMCRounds220_2 {
		const ROUNDS: usize = 220;
		const WIDTH: usize = 2;

	type MiMC220_2 = crate::mimc::CRH<Bn254Fq, MiMCRounds220_2>;

	#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
	struct MiMCSMTConfig;
	impl Config for MiMCSMTConfig {
		type H = MiMC220_2;
		type LeafH = MiMC220_2;

		const HEIGHT: u8 = 3;

	fn should_create_tree_mimc() {
		let rng = &mut test_rng();
		let params = MiMCParameters::<Bn254Fq>::new(

		let inner_params = Rc::new(params);
		let leaf_params = inner_params.clone();

		let leaves = vec![Bn254Fq::rand(rng), Bn254Fq::rand(rng), Bn254Fq::rand(rng)];
		let smt = create_merkle_tree(inner_params.clone(), leaf_params.clone(), &leaves);

		let root = smt.root();

		let empty_hashes =
			gen_empty_hashes::<MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), leaf_params.borrow()).unwrap();
		let hash1 = hash_leaf::<MiMCSMTConfig, _>(leaf_params.borrow(), &leaves[0]).unwrap();
		let hash2 = hash_leaf::<MiMCSMTConfig, _>(leaf_params.borrow(), &leaves[1]).unwrap();
		let hash3 = hash_leaf::<MiMCSMTConfig, _>(leaf_params.borrow(), &leaves[2]).unwrap();

		let hash12 =
			hash_inner_node::<MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash1, &hash2).unwrap();
		let hash34 =
			hash_inner_node::<MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash3, &empty_hashes[0])
		let hash1234 =
			hash_inner_node::<MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash12, &hash34).unwrap();
		let calc_root =
			hash_inner_node::<MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params.borrow(), &hash1234, &empty_hashes[2])

		assert_eq!(root, calc_root);

	fn should_generate_and_validate_proof_mimc() {
		let rng = &mut test_rng();
		let params = MiMCParameters::<Bn254Fq>::new(
		let inner_params = Rc::new(params);
		let leaf_params = inner_params.clone();

		let leaves = vec![Bn254Fq::rand(rng), Bn254Fq::rand(rng), Bn254Fq::rand(rng)];
		let smt = create_merkle_tree::<_, MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params, leaf_params, &leaves);

		let proof = smt.generate_membership_proof::<{ MiMCSMTConfig::HEIGHT as usize }>(0);

		let res = proof.check_membership(&smt.root(), &leaves[0]).unwrap();

	fn should_find_the_index_mimc() {
		let rng = &mut test_rng();
		let params = MiMCParameters::<Bn254Fq>::new(
		let inner_params = Rc::new(params);
		let leaf_params = inner_params.clone();
		let index = 2;
		let leaves = vec![Bn254Fq::rand(rng), Bn254Fq::rand(rng), Bn254Fq::rand(rng)];
		let smt = create_merkle_tree::<_, MiMCSMTConfig>(inner_params, leaf_params, &leaves);

		let proof = smt.generate_membership_proof::<{ MiMCSMTConfig::HEIGHT as usize }>(index);

		let res: Fq = proof
			.get_index(&smt.root(), &leaves[index as usize])
		let desired_res = Fq::from(index);

		assert_eq!(res, desired_res)