pub trait CondSelectGadget<ConstraintF: Field>where
    Self: Sized + Clone,
{ fn conditionally_select(
        cond: &Boolean<ConstraintF>,
        true_value: &Self,
        false_value: &Self
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>; fn conditionally_select_power_of_two_vector(
        position: &[Boolean<ConstraintF>],
        values: &[Self]
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... } }
Expand description

Generates constraints for selecting between one of two values.

Required Methods§

If cond == &Boolean::TRUE, then this returns true_value; else, returns false_value.


Self::conditionally_select(cond, true_value, false_value)? can be more succinctly written as, &false_value)?.

Provided Methods§

Returns an element of values whose index in represented by position. position is an array of boolean that represents an unsigned integer in big endian order.


To get the 6th element of values, convert unsigned integer 6 (0b110) to position = [True, True, False], and call conditionally_select_power_of_two_vector(position, values).
