ark-ed-on-mnt4-298 0.4.0

A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the MNT4-298 curve

This library implements a twisted Edwards curve whose base field is the scalar field of the curve MNT4-298. This allows defining cryptographic primitives that use elliptic curves over the scalar field of the latter curve.

Curve information:

  • Base field: q = 475922286169261325753349249653048451545124878552823515553267735739164647307408490559963137
  • Scalar field: r = 118980571542315331438337312413262112886281219744507561120271964887686106682370032123932631
  • Valuation(q - 1, 2) = 30
  • Valuation(r - 1, 2) = 1
  • Curve equation: ax2 + y2 =1 + dx2y2, where
  • a = -1
  • d = 4212 mod q