ark-crypto-primitives 0.4.0

A library of useful cryptographic primitives

/// Defines a trait to chain two types of CRHs.
use crate::crh::TwoToOneCRHScheme;
use crate::{crh::CRHScheme, Error};
use ark_serialize::{CanonicalDeserialize, CanonicalSerialize};
use ark_std::borrow::Borrow;
use ark_std::hash::Hash;
use ark_std::vec::Vec;

mod tests;

#[cfg(feature = "r1cs")]
pub mod constraints;

/// Convert the hash digest in different layers by converting previous layer's output to
/// `TargetType`, which is a `Borrow` to next layer's input.
pub trait DigestConverter<From, To: ?Sized> {
    type TargetType: Borrow<To>;
    fn convert(item: From) -> Result<Self::TargetType, Error>;

/// A trivial converter where digest of previous layer's hash is the same as next layer's input.
pub struct IdentityDigestConverter<T> {
    _prev_layer_digest: T,

impl<T> DigestConverter<T, T> for IdentityDigestConverter<T> {
    type TargetType = T;
    fn convert(item: T) -> Result<T, Error> {

/// Convert previous layer's digest to bytes and use bytes as input for next layer's digest.
/// TODO: `ToBytes` trait will be deprecated in future versions.
pub struct ByteDigestConverter<T: CanonicalSerialize> {
    _prev_layer_digest: T,

impl<T: CanonicalSerialize> DigestConverter<T, [u8]> for ByteDigestConverter<T> {
    type TargetType = Vec<u8>;

    fn convert(item: T) -> Result<Self::TargetType, Error> {
        // TODO: In some tests, `serialize` is not consistent with constraints. Try fix those.

/// Merkle tree have three types of hashes.
/// * `LeafHash`: Convert leaf to leaf digest
/// * `TwoLeavesToOneHash`: Convert two leaf digests to one inner digest. This one can be a wrapped
/// version `TwoHashesToOneHash`, which first converts leaf digest to inner digest.
/// * `TwoHashesToOneHash`: Compress two inner digests to one inner digest
pub trait Config {
    type Leaf: ?Sized; // merkle tree does not store the leaf
                       // leaf layer
    type LeafDigest: Clone
        + Eq
        + core::fmt::Debug
        + Hash
        + Default
        + CanonicalSerialize
        + CanonicalDeserialize;
    // transition between leaf layer to inner layer
    type LeafInnerDigestConverter: DigestConverter<
        <Self::TwoToOneHash as TwoToOneCRHScheme>::Input,
    // inner layer
    type InnerDigest: Clone
        + Eq
        + core::fmt::Debug
        + Hash
        + Default
        + CanonicalSerialize
        + CanonicalDeserialize;

    // Tom's Note: in the future, if we want different hash function, we can simply add more
    // types of digest here and specify a digest converter. Same for constraints.

    /// leaf -> leaf digest
    /// If leaf hash digest and inner hash digest are different, we can create a new
    /// leaf hash which wraps the original leaf hash and convert its output to `Digest`.
    type LeafHash: CRHScheme<Input = Self::Leaf, Output = Self::LeafDigest>;
    /// 2 inner digest -> inner digest
    type TwoToOneHash: TwoToOneCRHScheme<Output = Self::InnerDigest>;

pub type TwoToOneParam<P> = <<P as Config>::TwoToOneHash as TwoToOneCRHScheme>::Parameters;
pub type LeafParam<P> = <<P as Config>::LeafHash as CRHScheme>::Parameters;

/// Stores the hashes of a particular path (in order) from root to leaf.
/// For example:
/// ```tree_diagram
///         [A]
///        /   \
///      [B]    C
///     / \   /  \
///    D [E] F    H
///   .. / \ ....
///    [I] J
/// ```
///  Suppose we want to prove I, then `leaf_sibling_hash` is J, `auth_path` is `[C,D]`
#[derive(Derivative, CanonicalSerialize, CanonicalDeserialize)]
    Clone(bound = "P: Config"),
    Debug(bound = "P: Config"),
    Default(bound = "P: Config")
pub struct Path<P: Config> {
    pub leaf_sibling_hash: P::LeafDigest,
    /// The sibling of path node ordered from higher layer to lower layer (does not include root node).
    pub auth_path: Vec<P::InnerDigest>,
    /// stores the leaf index of the node
    pub leaf_index: usize,

impl<P: Config> Path<P> {
    /// The position of on_path node in `leaf_and_sibling_hash` and `non_leaf_and_sibling_hash_path`.
    /// `position[i]` is 0 (false) iff `i`th on-path node from top to bottom is on the left.
    /// This function simply converts `self.leaf_index` to boolean array in big endian form.
    #[allow(unused)] // this function is actually used when r1cs feature is on
    fn position_list(&'_ self) -> impl '_ + Iterator<Item = bool> {
        (0..self.auth_path.len() + 1)
            .map(move |i| ((self.leaf_index >> i) & 1) != 0)

impl<P: Config> Path<P> {
    /// Verify that a leaf is at `self.index` of the merkle tree.
    /// * `leaf_size`: leaf size in number of bytes
    /// `verify` infers the tree height by setting `tree_height = self.auth_path.len() + 2`
    pub fn verify<L: Borrow<P::Leaf>>(
        leaf_hash_params: &LeafParam<P>,
        two_to_one_params: &TwoToOneParam<P>,
        root_hash: &P::InnerDigest,
        leaf: L,
    ) -> Result<bool, crate::Error> {
        // calculate leaf hash
        let claimed_leaf_hash = P::LeafHash::evaluate(&leaf_hash_params, leaf)?;
        // check hash along the path from bottom to root
        let (left_child, right_child) =
            select_left_right_child(self.leaf_index, &claimed_leaf_hash, &self.leaf_sibling_hash)?;

        // leaf layer to inner layer conversion
        let left_child = P::LeafInnerDigestConverter::convert(left_child)?;
        let right_child = P::LeafInnerDigestConverter::convert(right_child)?;

        let mut curr_path_node =
            P::TwoToOneHash::evaluate(&two_to_one_params, left_child, right_child)?;

        // we will use `index` variable to track the position of path
        let mut index = self.leaf_index;
        index >>= 1;

        // Check levels between leaf level and root
        for level in (0..self.auth_path.len()).rev() {
            // check if path node at this level is left or right
            let (left, right) =
                select_left_right_child(index, &curr_path_node, &self.auth_path[level])?;
            // update curr_path_node
            curr_path_node = P::TwoToOneHash::compress(&two_to_one_params, &left, &right)?;
            index >>= 1;

        // check if final hash is root
        if &curr_path_node != root_hash {
            return Ok(false);


/// `index` is the first `path.len()` bits of
/// the position of tree.
/// If the least significant bit of `index` is 0, then `sibling` will be left and `computed` will be right.
/// Otherwise, `sibling` will be right and `computed` will be left.
/// Returns: (left, right)
fn select_left_right_child<L: Clone>(
    index: usize,
    computed_hash: &L,
    sibling_hash: &L,
) -> Result<(L, L), crate::Error> {
    let is_left = index & 1 == 0;
    let mut left_child = computed_hash;
    let mut right_child = sibling_hash;
    if !is_left {
        core::mem::swap(&mut left_child, &mut right_child);
    Ok((left_child.clone(), right_child.clone()))

/// Defines a merkle tree data structure.
/// This merkle tree has runtime fixed height, and assumes number of leaves is 2^height.
/// TODO: add RFC-6962 compatible merkle tree in the future.
/// For this release, padding will not be supported because of security concerns: if the leaf hash and two to one hash uses same underlying
/// CRH, a malicious prover can prove a leaf while the actual node is an inner node. In the future, we can prefix leaf hashes in different layers to
/// solve the problem.
#[derivative(Clone(bound = "P: Config"))]
pub struct MerkleTree<P: Config> {
    /// stores the non-leaf nodes in level order. The first element is the root node.
    /// The ith nodes (starting at 1st) children are at indices `2*i`, `2*i+1`
    non_leaf_nodes: Vec<P::InnerDigest>,
    /// store the hash of leaf nodes from left to right
    leaf_nodes: Vec<P::LeafDigest>,
    /// Store the inner hash parameters
    two_to_one_hash_param: TwoToOneParam<P>,
    /// Store the leaf hash parameters
    leaf_hash_param: LeafParam<P>,
    /// Stores the height of the MerkleTree
    height: usize,

impl<P: Config> MerkleTree<P> {
    /// Create an empty merkle tree such that all leaves are zero-filled.
    /// Consider using a sparse merkle tree if you need the tree to be low memory
    pub fn blank(
        leaf_hash_param: &LeafParam<P>,
        two_to_one_hash_param: &TwoToOneParam<P>,
        height: usize,
    ) -> Result<Self, crate::Error> {
        // use empty leaf digest
        let leaves_digest = vec![P::LeafDigest::default(); 1 << (height - 1)];
        Self::new_with_leaf_digest(leaf_hash_param, two_to_one_hash_param, leaves_digest)

    /// Returns a new merkle tree. `leaves.len()` should be power of two.
    pub fn new<L: Borrow<P::Leaf>>(
        leaf_hash_param: &LeafParam<P>,
        two_to_one_hash_param: &TwoToOneParam<P>,
        leaves: impl IntoIterator<Item = L>,
    ) -> Result<Self, crate::Error> {
        let mut leaves_digests = Vec::new();

        // compute and store hash values for each leaf
        for leaf in leaves.into_iter() {
            leaves_digests.push(P::LeafHash::evaluate(leaf_hash_param, leaf)?)

        Self::new_with_leaf_digest(leaf_hash_param, two_to_one_hash_param, leaves_digests)

    pub fn new_with_leaf_digest(
        leaf_hash_param: &LeafParam<P>,
        two_to_one_hash_param: &TwoToOneParam<P>,
        leaves_digest: Vec<P::LeafDigest>,
    ) -> Result<Self, crate::Error> {
        let leaf_nodes_size = leaves_digest.len();
            leaf_nodes_size.is_power_of_two() && leaf_nodes_size > 1,
            "`leaves.len() should be power of two and greater than one"
        let non_leaf_nodes_size = leaf_nodes_size - 1;

        let tree_height = tree_height(leaf_nodes_size);

        let hash_of_empty: P::InnerDigest = P::InnerDigest::default();

        // initialize the merkle tree as array of nodes in level order
        let mut non_leaf_nodes: Vec<P::InnerDigest> = (0..non_leaf_nodes_size)
            .map(|_| hash_of_empty.clone())

        // Compute the starting indices for each non-leaf level of the tree
        let mut index = 0;
        let mut level_indices = Vec::with_capacity(tree_height - 1);
        for _ in 0..(tree_height - 1) {
            index = left_child(index);

        // compute the hash values for the non-leaf bottom layer
            let start_index = level_indices.pop().unwrap();
            let upper_bound = left_child(start_index);
            for current_index in start_index..upper_bound {
                // `left_child(current_index)` and `right_child(current_index) returns the position of
                // leaf in the whole tree (represented as a list in level order). We need to shift it
                // by `-upper_bound` to get the index in `leaf_nodes` list.
                let left_leaf_index = left_child(current_index) - upper_bound;
                let right_leaf_index = right_child(current_index) - upper_bound;
                // compute hash
                non_leaf_nodes[current_index] = P::TwoToOneHash::evaluate(

        // compute the hash values for nodes in every other layer in the tree
        for &start_index in &level_indices {
            // The layer beginning `start_index` ends at `upper_bound` (exclusive).
            let upper_bound = left_child(start_index);
            for current_index in start_index..upper_bound {
                let left_index = left_child(current_index);
                let right_index = right_child(current_index);
                non_leaf_nodes[current_index] = P::TwoToOneHash::compress(

        Ok(MerkleTree {
            leaf_nodes: leaves_digest,
            height: tree_height,
            leaf_hash_param: leaf_hash_param.clone(),
            two_to_one_hash_param: two_to_one_hash_param.clone(),

    /// Returns the root of the Merkle tree.
    pub fn root(&self) -> P::InnerDigest {

    /// Returns the height of the Merkle tree.
    pub fn height(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the authentication path from leaf at `index` to root.
    pub fn generate_proof(&self, index: usize) -> Result<Path<P>, crate::Error> {
        // gather basic tree information
        let tree_height = tree_height(self.leaf_nodes.len());

        // Get Leaf hash, and leaf sibling hash,
        let leaf_index_in_tree = convert_index_to_last_level(index, tree_height);
        let leaf_sibling_hash = if index & 1 == 0 {
            // leaf is left child
            self.leaf_nodes[index + 1].clone()
        } else {
            // leaf is right child
            self.leaf_nodes[index - 1].clone()

        // path.len() = `tree height - 2`, the two missing elements being the leaf sibling hash and the root
        let mut path = Vec::with_capacity(tree_height - 2);
        // Iterate from the bottom layer after the leaves, to the top, storing all sibling node's hash values.
        let mut current_node = parent(leaf_index_in_tree).unwrap();
        while !is_root(current_node) {
            let sibling_node = sibling(current_node).unwrap();
            current_node = parent(current_node).unwrap();

        debug_assert_eq!(path.len(), tree_height - 2);

        // we want to make path from root to bottom

        Ok(Path {
            leaf_index: index,
            auth_path: path,

    /// Given the index and new leaf, return the hash of leaf and an updated path in order from root to bottom non-leaf level.
    /// This does not mutate the underlying tree.
    fn updated_path<T: Borrow<P::Leaf>>(
        index: usize,
        new_leaf: T,
    ) -> Result<(P::LeafDigest, Vec<P::InnerDigest>), crate::Error> {
        // calculate the hash of leaf
        let new_leaf_hash: P::LeafDigest = P::LeafHash::evaluate(&self.leaf_hash_param, new_leaf)?;

        // calculate leaf sibling hash and locate its position (left or right)
        let (leaf_left, leaf_right) = if index & 1 == 0 {
            // leaf on left
            (&new_leaf_hash, &self.leaf_nodes[index + 1])
        } else {
            (&self.leaf_nodes[index - 1], &new_leaf_hash)

        // calculate the updated hash at bottom non-leaf-level
        let mut path_bottom_to_top = Vec::with_capacity(self.height - 1);

        // then calculate the updated hash from bottom to root
        let leaf_index_in_tree = convert_index_to_last_level(index, self.height);
        let mut prev_index = parent(leaf_index_in_tree).unwrap();
        while !is_root(prev_index) {
            let (left_child, right_child) = if is_left_child(prev_index) {
            } else {
            let evaluated =
                P::TwoToOneHash::compress(&self.two_to_one_hash_param, left_child, right_child)?;
            prev_index = parent(prev_index).unwrap();

        debug_assert_eq!(path_bottom_to_top.len(), self.height - 1);
        let path_top_to_bottom: Vec<_> = path_bottom_to_top.into_iter().rev().collect();
        Ok((new_leaf_hash, path_top_to_bottom))

    /// Update the leaf at `index` to updated leaf.
    /// ```tree_diagram
    ///         [A]
    ///        /   \
    ///      [B]    C
    ///     / \   /  \
    ///    D [E] F    H
    ///   .. / \ ....
    ///    [I] J
    /// ```
    /// update(3, {new leaf}) would swap the leaf value at `[I]` and cause a recomputation of `[A]`, `[B]`, and `[E]`.
    pub fn update(&mut self, index: usize, new_leaf: &P::Leaf) -> Result<(), crate::Error> {
        assert!(index < self.leaf_nodes.len(), "index out of range");
        let (updated_leaf_hash, mut updated_path) = self.updated_path(index, new_leaf)?;
        self.leaf_nodes[index] = updated_leaf_hash;
        let mut curr_index = convert_index_to_last_level(index, self.height);
        for _ in 0..self.height - 1 {
            curr_index = parent(curr_index).unwrap();
            self.non_leaf_nodes[curr_index] = updated_path.pop().unwrap();

    /// Update the leaf and check if the updated root is equal to `asserted_new_root`.
    /// Tree will not be modified if the check fails.
    pub fn check_update<T: Borrow<P::Leaf>>(
        &mut self,
        index: usize,
        new_leaf: &P::Leaf,
        asserted_new_root: &P::InnerDigest,
    ) -> Result<bool, crate::Error> {
        let new_leaf = new_leaf.borrow();
        assert!(index < self.leaf_nodes.len(), "index out of range");
        let (updated_leaf_hash, mut updated_path) = self.updated_path(index, new_leaf)?;
        if &updated_path[0] != asserted_new_root {
            return Ok(false);
        self.leaf_nodes[index] = updated_leaf_hash;
        let mut curr_index = convert_index_to_last_level(index, self.height);
        for _ in 0..self.height - 1 {
            curr_index = parent(curr_index).unwrap();
            self.non_leaf_nodes[curr_index] = updated_path.pop().unwrap();

/// Returns the height of the tree, given the number of leaves.
fn tree_height(num_leaves: usize) -> usize {
    if num_leaves == 1 {
        return 1;

    (ark_std::log2(num_leaves) as usize) + 1
/// Returns true iff the index represents the root.
fn is_root(index: usize) -> bool {
    index == 0

/// Returns the index of the left child, given an index.
fn left_child(index: usize) -> usize {
    2 * index + 1

/// Returns the index of the right child, given an index.
fn right_child(index: usize) -> usize {
    2 * index + 2

/// Returns the index of the sibling, given an index.
fn sibling(index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
    if index == 0 {
    } else if is_left_child(index) {
        Some(index + 1)
    } else {
        Some(index - 1)

/// Returns true iff the given index represents a left child.
fn is_left_child(index: usize) -> bool {
    index % 2 == 1

/// Returns the index of the parent, given an index.
fn parent(index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
    if index > 0 {
        Some((index - 1) >> 1)
    } else {

fn convert_index_to_last_level(index: usize, tree_height: usize) -> usize {
    index + (1 << (tree_height - 1)) - 1