arith_wrappers 0.1.0

Rust's `std` offers the [`Wrapping`](std::num::Wrapping) type for "intentionally wrapping" arithmetic, but curiously does not provide analagous implementations for intentionally saturating, checked, overflowing or panicking arithmetic. This crate addresses these missing wrappers as well as re-exports `std`'s [`Wrapping`](std::num::Wrapping) type for completeness and consistency.


Rust's std offers the Wrapping type for "intentionally wrapping" arithmetic, but curiously does not provide analagous implementations for intentionally saturating, checked, overflowing or panicking arithmetic. This crate addresses these missing wrappers as well as re-exports std's Wrapping type for completeness and consistency.

Without these wrappers, performing correct arithmetic is verbose, error-prone and pedantic, leading to ignoring the problems altogether or hard-to-maintain implementations.

This crate is at a very early stage of implementation and should be considered a PoC.


Licensed under either:

  • MIT license (see LICENSE-MIT file)
  • Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE-APACHE file) at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.