argmin_core 0.2.4

Mathematical optimization in pure Rust (core functionality)
// Copyright 2018 Stefan Kroboth
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

//! # Macros

/// Creates an `ArgminKV` at compile time in order to avoid pushing to the `kv` vector.
macro_rules! make_kv {
    ($($k:expr =>  $v:expr;)*) => {
        ArgminKV { kv: vec![ $(($k, format!("{:?}", $v))),* ] }

/// Release an `T` from an `Option<T>` if it is not `None`. If it is `None`, return an
/// `ArgminError` with a message that needs to be provided.
macro_rules! check_param {
    ($param:expr, $msg:expr, $error:ident) => {
        match $param {
            None => {
                return Err(ArgminError::$error {
                    text: $msg.to_string(),
            Some(ref x) => x.clone(),
    ($param:expr, $msg:expr) => {
        check_param!($param, $msg, NotInitialized);

/// Implements a simple send and a simple sync test for a given type.
macro_rules! send_sync_test {
    ($n:ident, $t:ty) => {
        paste::item! {
            fn [<test_send_ $n>]() {
                fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}

        paste::item! {
            fn [<test_sync_ $n>]() {
                fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}

/// Reuse a list of trait bounds by giving it a name,
/// e.g. trait_bound!(CopyAndDefault; Copy, Default);
macro_rules! trait_bound {
    ($name:ident ; $head:path $(, $tail:path)*) => {
        pub trait $name : $head $(+ $tail)* {}
        impl<T> $name for T where T: $head $(+ $tail)* {}