ardaku 0.0.1

WASM Environment / Unikernel OS
ardaku-0.0.1 is not a library.
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Ardaku is a general-purpose unikernel operating system running Wasmer to execute WebAssembly applications.

Getting Started

To boot up Ardaku, you will need a startup application. The file example.wat is provided in the root folder. To compile it, you will need to install wabt. Once you do, run:

wat2wasm example.wat

This will create an example.wasm file. You can now run it locally with:

cargo run --release example.wasm


  • The operating system should be able to run as an application within another operating system (avoiding the need for VMs)
  • Operating systems should be designed with a security-first mindset, making all programs sandboxed by default (making WebAssembly a good target)
  • Programs compiled for the operating system should be able to be re-distributed without having to match CPU architecture, while also running at native speeds (which Wasmer can handle pretty well)
  • Syscalls should be simple, high level mathematical functions that make it difficult to make programming errors, while also being powerful and fast
  • Adding support for new platforms should be as easy as implementing a trait of all the syscalls.